Oh damn, thankful that I missed those spoilers. Tomb Raider is one of the games I am most excited about.
Xenoblade is absolutely fantastic. It's not as story-focused as Episode 3 (what is?), but eventually goes off into crazy territory as well. The music is out of this world.
Also, because it doesn't get enough praise, episode 3 was such a satisfying conclusion to the Xenosaga series. It was a whole game of pay-off. T-Elos, Rubedo, the Uzukis, Abel!...
You're right Gambit, Episode 3 is VERY story heavy. I was crazy about the Episode III soundtrack and I could not help but listen to at least one track from Xenoblade (called Field of the Machinae) and it was *stunning*.
Oh man, am I dreaming?? It has been so long since I read another post about how satisfying Xenosaga III's conclusion is. Agreed man, major pay off. Ending was unforgettable for those who cared about the game's universe. I was *especially* a fan of the Rubedo-Negredo-Albedo plot. What an ending to it!
Is that Sherlock Holmes as your avatar? I'm such a fan of the character (books, games, hell, even the movies with Robert Downey Jr.) - need to get into the show someday!
SOTC is one of the best games ever man. So good.
And Downpour was surprisingly good. Was expecting it to be total shit, but the side-quests really made that game.
Can't wait to play both man! I'm so going through all the sidequests in downpour! Too bad the Silent Hill games don't sell much :'(
Yeah I have, the game had some potential but also a lot of frustrating things about it, all the way from just poor design (creatures look more like dead space than silent hill. :/) to technical problems like locking up your console, frame rate problems and lying about when it's saving. Seriously when going into a new area it will say "saving game" when it's actually loading a new area and only doing that, they apparently forgot to put in different text... But it's a decent game, certainly much better than homecoming.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Wooden, I actually enjoyed Homecoming very much (lowered standards maybe

?) so I certainly look forward to this one. Downpour seems to nail the environments a lot better than Homecoming did.
Did you play Shattered Memories btw? I really enjoyed that one as well, even though I prefer the original SH formula.
You will feel right at home but as if you left it years ago and that someone forgot to close the windows meanwhile.
Hype hype hype. The next Nintendo Console game that I'll be playing