Former FBI Director Mueller appointed special counsel for Trump-Russia investigation

Not sure if we've hit the tipping point where the GOP bails on Trump yet, but I think we're starting to get close. Don't buy the hype that the GOP will do down on the ship with him. They'll bail, once the water's at their ankles. If it comes down to Trump or their jobs, they'll send Fanta flowers.

And I hear dripping.
Maybe. But there is already so much info with them being on the record being complicit. Bailing now may limit the damage, but it will not absolve them.

Funky Papa

all hail king of the mud

This is the look of my dog when I come home to find she reached over the kitchen's counter to grab the cracker jar.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
lmao, they tried to throw Rosenstein under the bus for Comey, then Trump took the credit in the Holt intverview, and now this.



Prediction about the pro-Trump spin:

They can't just say oh he's a liberal, because he was a Bush appointee. Guarantee we're going to see a lot of "the political establishment is trying to take Trump down because he's too much of an outsider" bullshit in the future.

Being a Bush appointee doesn't matter anymore, they'll just claim he was a member of the DEEP STATE™ all along. They literally just make shit up in their heads so they never have to question their worldview.


CNN reporting Rosenstein started planning on a special prosecutor almost immediately after Comey's firing.

LOL. Trump fucked up so bad with everything surrounding Comey's dismissal.


Curious how Trump & co. will spin this. This is a special counsel directly made for investigation into his team's ties to Russia. There's no other reason to fire other than not wanting to be investigated. It was also his department of justice that made the move. I guess he may go with "This is a democratic plot helped by the fake media to undermine and get in the way of us doing great things!".


Whoa, Rod Rosenstein did this? I've been assuming the past 20 minutes that the acting FBI Director did it. Oh man that's funny.


Maybe. But there is already so much info with them being on the record being complicit. Bailing now may limit the Falange, but it will not absolve them.

Absolve? Shieeeeeet, we might soon be talking about different terms than ones served in the Senate. We're taking a sharp turn out of moral complicity into legal complicity. And they will BAIL on that.

jmdajr said:
Hopefully Trump just quits.

"they won't let me do my job, so I'm resigning."

This is the likely scenario with him out of office. And, frankly, its not a small possibility either, because you don't need evidence, just a preponderance of pressure.

Cat Party

Curious how Trump & co. will spin this. This is a special counsel directly made for investigation into his team's ties to Russia. There's no other reason to fire other than not wanting to be investigated. It was also his department of justice that made the move. I guess he may go with "This is a democratic plot helped by the fake media to undermine and get in the way of us doing great things!".
They will say it's unnecessary and a distraction but that they aren't worried because they will be vindicated.
CNN reporting Rosenstein started planning on a special prosecutor almost immediately after Comey's firing.

LOL. Trump fucked up so bad with everything surrounding Comey's dismissal.

As is almost always the case, he won't go down for the crime. He'll go down for the cover-up.


What makes this even better is that it was all made possible by Sessions voluntarily recusing himself.

Like, these fuckers will go down in history as the most incompetent criminals of all time.
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