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Former Sega Producer Details How Yuji Naka Canceled A Promising Dreamcast Game

DC had a strong arcade heritage of course, but let's not act like those were the ONLY type of games on the system. Hell, its most prolific games, the majority anyway, were console-orientated releases. Sonic Adventure, Jet Set Radio, Skies of Arcadia, D2, Shenmue, Grandia II etc...these were games that got the most coverage and most attention for the platform, and were all home-exclusive titles big on content.

Games like Soul Calibur and DOA2 were also very popular at the time, of course, but those were not the majority in terms of individual games which garnered the most attention of the platform. Even so, those games were also packed with a ton of extra home-focused content. As for DC/NAOMI synergy, IMO that was a great strategy by Sega and something they should've done for the Saturn. Maybe they should've made the STV home for games like VF2 and Indy 500 to get near-perfect visual parity with Saturn home ports, and could've spent the time it took getting Model 2 conversions to run on Saturn, on bonus content for the Saturn ports instead if using STV. Then a year or so later do an upgraded port for the Model 2 board with improved visuals.

Model 2 should've been reserved for arcade-exclusive games and visually improved ports of STV/Saturn games coming a year or so after the initial releases, IMHO.

Okay but there's also the reality of what marketing budgets were partitioned to those games, and the fact that some like Project Justice never got American ports anyway. Also the quality of extra content would obviously vary from game to game; not every Capcom home port got the level of extras SFA 3 did, for example.

So again, you can't really say that arcade-style games as a whole declined off a cliff from end of 5th-gen heading into 6th-gen, because there were still a lot of games with arcade-style design sensibilities (if the person's concept of those go beyond "lives systems and quarter-munchers", the latter of which was overblown and often the result of the operators configuring the machines' credits system through DIP switches) that did very well in 6th-gen. VF4 and VF4 EVO, MSR, Tekken 4, Tekken 5, the Burnout series, NFS Hot Pursuit 2, Twisted Metal Black, the MK games (the fighting ones, anyway), Maximo, the Beatmania and Dance Dance Revolution titles, Guitar Hero, even IP like Devil May Cry and Viewtiful Joe.

These were all either arcade games with home ports, or games with design sensibilities born out of arcade game lineages (and with some tuning, could've worked very well as arcade releases....in fact some of them DID get arcade releases just further proving the point) that did very well for themselves and their publishers that generation. So the notion arcade-style games "died out" just was never once true. Certain genres tied strongly to arcades DID drop off, mainly shmups and light gun rail shooters, but that wasn't the entirety of arcade games in terms of genres at home to that space. One thing all of the examples I listed though, is that they had a lot of content structured for the home market (including in some cases stronger emphasis on story), and had releases on healthy console platforms.

Which is probably the bigger proof as to why those Capcom games on DC you mention didn't do super-great: Sega's brand name at the time just wasn't very good anymore due to their mistakes with 32X and Saturn (and Mega CD, tho less so in that one's case). They lacked the brand power and marketing muscle to push Dreamcast as big as it deserved to, and while they had a lot of great games in that time period, they never really had the "one" game that was so ahead of what Sony and Nintendo were offering that it shifted all eyes onto Sega. Shenmue was meant to be that game but, it didn't resonate the way they probably hoped in the West, and I don't remember it doing too much for Dreamcast in Japan either though by then it was probably too late due to PS2's release.

Capcom porting CPS2 and CPS3 arcade games to Dreamcast wasn't going to give the system the public profile it needed to bolster the install base, regardless of how good the ports were or what extra content came about. I guess we can also apply this to my other examples, in that the games I mentioned benefited a lot from being on a platform like PS2 and Sony's strong goodwill among the industry at that time period, combined with their 1P output and marketing prowess/muscle giving the install base to let a lot of those PS2 arcade ports and arcade-style games to proliferate and find their audiences, something Sega was never really in a position to do with Dreamcast unless they had a bigger breakout of install base uptick in the late '98 - '00 period, particularly before PS2's American launch.

I wouldn't say "bad hardware decisions" as in the hardware design itself; while it was cumbersome, parallel processing wasn't new to Sega's teams by that point, and it's not like the Saturn had critical unfinished hardware flaws (something the Jaguar suffered from) or didn't providing any documentation (they gave full documentation of all hardware from Day 1).

It's just that Sega didn't build a good enough SDK environment, particularly one that leveraged C language, and they did miss some features in hardware despite having the raw power to do them in software (MPEG decoding for example). Truth is they already had a vastly superior port of VF1 for Saturn even by the time of the surprise May launch, because VF Remix was shown behind closed doors at that E3. They simply decided to push out the buggy VF1 instead, saving VF Remix for the September Saturnday launch I guess (Pandemonium Games has a great VF Remix doc on his channel talking about this, worth a watch!).

Yeah; I think it was a matter of pride in those days but with certain Japanese publishers in general, teams weren't keen on sharing tech among each other. Sega were one of the worst at this, resulting in the Sonic Extreme cancellation among other things. SoJ seemed really petty over MegaDrive/Genesis and they wanted their "home-grown" IP to be pushed in those territories instead.
Seems to me that this was still going on until at least 2015 with games being made by Sega studios not being sold in all regions. Seems they finally stopped doing that a few years ago.

SF Kosmo

Okay but there's also the reality of what marketing budgets were partitioned to those games, and the fact that some like Project Justice never got American ports anyway.
Project Justice has an American release, I have it.
Also the quality of extra content would obviously vary from game to game; not every Capcom home port got the level of extras SFA 3 did, for example.
Yeah but I am mentioning games that were both critically acclaimed and had a lot of extra shit.

I'm not saying that there wasn't still a market for those types of games -- hell there still is to an extent -- but that market doesn't sustain the quantity of titles it did. Fighters in particular shrunk a lot over the course of those years until it was just a handful of big franchises, and shmups just fell off a cliff for a while. That's part of why those games sell for crazy amounts now because no one bought them.
It doesn't matter if EC didn't sell like gangbusters; point is it was a great MK alternative and had a dedicated, growing fanbase. EC on Sega CD was just as much hamstrung by Sega CD's limited install base as it was still being a relatively new IP at the time, but it made drastic improvements on the Genesis/MegaDrive version in pretty much every single way.
It does matter. It didn't sell a million copies on the MD , the likes of Sonic and Thunderhawk sold better on the Mega CD than EC even with its limited base. Then some people think a Saturn EC was going to be a blockbuster and overtake Tekken or VF, even one massive seller like MK and SF were having a hard time matching up to Tekken and VF
He had a bit of a reputation for not playing well with Sega's western teams. I can't call him a one hit wonder, because Sonic and Phantasy Star alone put him at two, but I do think he was played up as more of an auteur than he ever was. Hirokazu Yasuhara was probably the central visionary of Sonic's development, and Naka was the tech guy who made that vision possible.
Naka was a dick, but most prob this game wasn't coming up to scratch and if you listen to one of the artists (Ben Fischer) on the game
The game was very short and not fun to play


lucked out
You don't luck out coding the dungeons of PS1 on Master System, or the physics of Sonic on a 16 bits console, or the 3D engine of Nights and Burning Rangers on Saturn, or the online engine of PSO, a game that ran on a 33k modem with true hit detection.

Guy gets a ton of crap because it became an international sport to shit on him decades ago, at the same it became a sport to shit on Sonic. It was never justified, and he was always under huge pressure to release Sonic games quickly.

SF Kosmo

Naka was a dick, but most prob this game wasn't coming up to scratch and if you listen to one of the artists (Ben Fischer) on the game
The game was very short and not fun to play
Except it didn't sound like Naka wanted to cancel the game, he wanted to release it, fire the people that made it, and take their tech.

Rail shooters are by definition short. Like even the insanely long ones like Panzer Dragoon Orta and Sin and Punishment 2 are like 4 hours long (and still got complaints in every review for being too short) and most are like 90 minutes.
Except it didn't sound like Naka wanted to cancel the game, he wanted to release it, fire the people that made it, and take their tech.

Rail shooters are by definition short. Like even the insanely long ones like Panzer Dragoon Orta and Sin and Punishment 2 are like 4 hours long (and still got complaints in every review for being too short) and most are like 90 minutes.
How could Naka fire people, SEGA didnt employee? Given it wasn't a In House title.. The game didnt look that great and I bet it was dropped more for Quality control reasons.

SF Kosmo

How could Naka fire people, SEGA didnt employee? Given it wasn't a In House title.. The game didnt look that great and I bet it was dropped more for Quality control reasons.
Naka couldn't fire people, but he was influential and he was telling one of the execs with him to fire them. Sega was essentially bankrolling the studio at that point.
Naka couldn't fire people, but he was influential and he was telling one of the execs with him to fire them. Sega was essentially bankrolling the studio at that point.
I thought most of the programming was outsourced to a 3rs party to handle the game. Yeah fire the producers Ect but I always thought most of the game development was handled by a 3rd party studio or should that read 1.5 if we taking DC days. I could well be wrong mind, but only remember SEGA American having what was left of STI and Visual Concepts as USA In House development outfits in 1998.

I wasn't impressed with the look of the game and didn't think much of playing it either, but sure that was unfished code

SF Kosmo

I thought most of the programming was outsourced to a 3rs party to handle the game. Yeah fire the producers Ect but I always thought most of the game development was handled by a 3rd party studio or should that read 1.5 if we taking DC days. I could well be wrong mind, but only remember SEGA American having what was left of STI and Visual Concepts as USA In House development outfits in 1998.

I wasn't impressed with the look of the game and didn't think much of playing it either, but sure that was unfished code
Like I said it was a third party, but they were wholly dependent on Sega for their cashflow.

SF Kosmo

That's a bit of a cop out and like blaming Nintendo for killing DMA.
In this case the mere conversation was enough to send a lot of their talent looking for new jobs. According to this story all their leads got spooked and found new jobs and the company realized restaffing would mean missing the launch window by several months.
That's a bit of a cop out and like blaming Nintendo for killing DMA. I didn't think the game was that special, far more imoesssed with Incoming on the DC myself
I didn't mind Incoming but I had played quite a bit of it on PC by the time it came out on DC, and I don't think it was an especially big hit on PC.

Speaking of Star Fox, though, I always felt like the Andrommeda-developed Red Dog was underrated on DC.
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In this case the mere conversation was enough to send a lot of their talent looking for new jobs. According to this story all their leads got spooked and found new jobs and the company realized restaffing would mean missing the launch window by several months.

I didn't mind Incoming but I had played quite a bit of it on PC by the time it came out on DC, and I don't think it was an especially big hit on PC.

Speaking of Star Fox, though, I always felt like the Andrommeda-developed Red Dog was underrated on DC.
Sadly that's what happens to small 3re parties. SEGA really should have come in to help Lobotomy.
I loved Incoming and felt it looked amazing on the DC. I totally agree with you on Ref Dog. I just feel that game badly needed CG FMV mission introduction sections and also needed to have supported Online multi player
So shit on Naka when its already a low point for him and he's trying his best to humble himself now? He was young and perhaps stupid during those times but nobody is in that past anymore so why bitch about it now? He's gone back to programming roots by relearning it and making Shot2048 which I respect him for. I'm disappointed by how many in this thread are shitting on him just because of his blunders

SF Kosmo

So shit on Naka when its already a low point for him and he's trying his best to humble himself now? He was young and perhaps stupid during those times but nobody is in that past anymore so why bitch about it now?
He had been at Sega for 15 years at the time this story takes place.
Project Justice has an American release, I have it.

Sorry I was thinking of Project Justice 2, the Dreamcast sequel :/

Yeah but I am mentioning games that were both critically acclaimed and had a lot of extra shit.

I'm not saying that there wasn't still a market for those types of games -- hell there still is to an extent -- but that market doesn't sustain the quantity of titles it did. Fighters in particular shrunk a lot over the course of those years until it was just a handful of big franchises, and shmups just fell off a cliff for a while. That's part of why those games sell for crazy amounts now because no one bought them.

I mean, downsizing has happened in all genres, not just fighters and shmups. Puzzle games, a good number of those IP went away after the '80s and '90s. 4x strategy games on PC, same thing. Roguelikes, mascot platforms (ESPECIALLY mascot platformers), run'n'gunners etc. It wasn't just a thing exclusive to fighters and shmups or even to arcade-centric genres (4x and point-and-click adventure games for example, were never arcade-friendly genres and have no roots in that industry except arguably Dragon's Lair but that one's a stretch).

And for IP in fighters in particular that went away after the '90s, new ones came to prominence in the '00s, some of them still in play to this day. Guilty Gear, Melty Blood, Blazblue, Rumble Fish, Persona 4 Arena, etc.
It does matter. It didn't sell a million copies on the MD , the likes of Sonic and Thunderhawk sold better on the Mega CD than EC even with its limited base. Then some people think a Saturn EC was going to be a blockbuster and overtake Tekken or VF, even one massive seller like MK and SF were having a hard time matching up to Tekken and VF

No, it does matter. It's not about if EC was a megahit IP, it's the fact that it filled a niche in Sega 1P library and that niche was left void when they went to Saturn because Sony moneyhatted UMK3 for timed exclusivity. During the year the Mortal Kombat film came out, btw, meaning it was a boost to PS1 having UMK3 for that exclusivity period.

EC sales would've still added to total software revenue sales, it likely had a quite smaller budget than games like Sonic 3 & Knuckles or Sonic CD, and it was a growing IP building up a fanbase. It didn't need to overtake VF or Tekken to justify its existence in the software library. I also think you're overstating VF's sales totals particularly in the West; it did very well in Japan on Saturn and in Asian arcades (particularly Japanese ones), but if we're just talking the console installments, globally VF wasn't doing massive numbers compared to games like Mortal Kombat, and I'm willing to bet arcade revenue for the top MK & SF games of that period weren't massively off from VF's especially when you consider globally. VF had a pretty weak presence outside of Japan until VF4 on PS2.

The dude’s name being Subotnick is almost as funny as NoA currently being under a guy actually named Bowser.

Wonder if they just legally change their names after getting hired because the coincidences are too strong in these instances :pie_thinking:


That's pretty interesting, just one thing tho; wasn't the Dural basically only about in line with or even a bit weaker than what they actually chose for Dreamcast in Katana? Seems to be the idea usually put around.

Maybe they were using a very high-powered specific Dural devkit or target profile before learning what the final specs would be. Kind of sucks to hear Orta was never actually planned for Dreamcast, but having key talent just leave the company like a rotating door. Kind of something Sega just let go on at the time.
Welllll, I know Japan team was saying that, but they had an agenda there, so hard to say. Also hard to say which OS was better at the time either, as that was argued as well. By all accounts Windows CE was the weakest of the bunch though. I'd imagine these days at least one of these devs are on Twitter by now and are probably not unwilling to explain the situation.
No, it does matter. It's not about if EC was a megahit IP, it's the fact that it filled a niche in Sega 1P library and that niche was left void when they went to Saturn because Sony moneyhatted UMK3 for timed exclusivity. During the year the Mortal Kombat film came out, btw, meaning it was a boost to PS1 having UMK3 for that exclusivity period.

EC sales would've still added to total software revenue sales, it likely had a quite smaller budget than games like Sonic 3 & Knuckles or Sonic CD, and it was a growing IP building up a fanbase. It didn't need to overtake VF or Tekken to justify its existence in the software library. I also think you're overstating VF's sales totals particularly in the West; it did very well in Japan on Saturn and in Asian arcades (particularly Japanese ones), but if we're just talking the console installments, globally VF wasn't doing massive numbers compared to games like Mortal Kombat, and I'm willing to bet arcade revenue for the top MK & SF games of that period weren't massively off from VF's especially when you consider globally. VF had a pretty weak presence outside of Japan until VF4 on PS2.

It does matter and it wasn't like MK 3 sold millions on the PS, the move to full 3D fighters was happing and that's to overlook SEGA had far better ports of Street Fighter 2 games, KOF games, SS games, NightWarrior games Ect, not that helped. So this notion that an IP like EC was going to beat the likes of Street Fighter, never mind Tekken or VF seems very far fetched.


I bet he looks at the millions in his bank account and the fact that even people like you know who he is and say I'm quite happy thanks...
I don't know who he is, lol, i thought balan wonderland was "an rpg set in a Jakarta slum", i was just making an... Impressionist point
No, I don't know who he is, lol, i thought balan wonderland was "an rpg set in a Jakarta slum", i was just making an... Impressionist point
'He' Let me get this straight. You're going to stop someone in the street who you don't know what they look like and tell about their legacy you know nothing about ... Keep it coming


'He' Let me get this straight. You're going to stop someone in the street who you don't know what they look like and tell about their legacy you know nothing about ... Keep it coming
I don't know what you mean by "keep it coming" am i boning you or something?

A few hours ago when i said a throwaway post that a collection of pixels was going to take an inordinate amount of trouble trying to pick apart i was just air'ily communicating a fantasy of making an unknown wanker uncomfortable.

I would now like to modify my original sentiment and, rather than asking the guy (whose name I've now forgotten) about the OP of this thread, I'm going to wait for you to visit Japan and ask you how you feel after I've pooped in your... Miso soup.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I don't know what you mean by "keep it coming" am i boning you or something?

A few hours ago when i said a throwaway post that a collection of pixels was going to take an inordinate amount of trouble trying to pick apart i was just air'ily communicating a fantasy of making an unknown wanker uncomfortable.

I would now like to modify my original sentiment and, rather than asking the guy (whose name I've now forgotten) about the OP of this thread, I'm going to wait for you to visit Japan and ask you how you feel after I've pooped in your... Miso soup.
You're the wanker in this situation, claiming to know nothing about anything as some kind of argument or defense against anyone challenging your ignorant posts yet you continue spewing bullshit about the topic all the same and wonder why anyone challenged your know nothing stance, lol :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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I don't know what you mean by "keep it coming" am i boning you or something?

A few hours ago when i said a throwaway post that a collection of pixels was going to take an inordinate amount of trouble trying to pick apart i was just air'ily communicating a fantasy of making an unknown wanker uncomfortable.

I would now like to modify my original sentiment and, rather than asking the guy (whose name I've now forgotten) about the OP of this thread, I'm going to wait for you to visit Japan and ask you how you feel after I've pooped in your... Miso soup.
You're going to stop a guy whom you know nothing about, what they look like and then tell that person about a legacy you know nothing about
Funny how you do know Naka is not only a guy, but also lives in Japan

Keep it coming..


You're the wanker in this situation, claiming to know knowing nothing about anything as some kind of argument or defense gainst anyone challenging your ignorant posts yet you continue spewing bullshit about it all the same then wonder why anyone challenged your know-nothing stance, lol?
You're going to stop a guy whom you know nothing about, what they look like and then tell that person about a legacy you know nothing about
Funny how you do know Naka is not only a guy, but also lives in Japan

Keep it coming..
Here's the thing, warriors of the light, i dropped a meaningless post which was never intended to be carefully dissected, and you guys popped a blood vessel over it. I'm just goading your triggered self (selves now, apparently) because i can't believe you are still indignant these many hours later.

Seriously go feel high and mighty about something more meaningful. I can't actually remember what i said in my first post, i care this little.



Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Where did I dissect anything? I just wrote one comment and didn't even defend anyone or anything to be called a warrior of anything. You're in a public forum, you're being a spectacularly ignorant idiot, trying to hide it and deflect arguments in even more idiotic ways and you can't deal with it :messenger_sunglasses:
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Where did I dissect anything? I just wrote one comment and didn't even defend anyone or anything to be called a warrior of anything. You're in a public forum, you're being a spectacularly ignorant idiot and trying to hide it and deflect arguments in even more idiotic ways, deal with it :messenger_sunglasses:
Oh wow, tag'less post, verily thou art dick'less, to boot
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Did I break a rule in your headcanon or what, lmao. Get a grip, you're the only snowflake around at the moment, funny how you know I was referring to you yet pretend I was hiding it in any way at the same time, if only to avoid admitting you're full of shit by changing the subject. Keep digging :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Oo I know nothing about anything but I'll base my world view on gaf posts I both adopt and take to 11 and ask this guy I don't know how he feels about his legacy that I also don't know anything about but know he's a wanker, oo what do you mean I'm being an idiot with no sensible logic you sjw?!
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This story is confusing to me. Isn't Naka a coder? Why the heck is he acting like an upper management role?

This isn't even like him being possessive of his own game code like Sonic Xtreme; this story literally has him acting like an executive rather than a developer. I don't think this adds up. Heck, historically Naka has acted like the type that would threaten to bail Sega at the smallest slight, so this seems uncharacteristic of him. This would be a more believable story if his name was excluded from it.


Did I break a rule in your headcanon or what, lmao. Get a grip, you're the only snowflake around at the moment, funny how you know I was referring to you yet pretend I was hiding it in any way at the same time if only to avoid admitting you're full of shit by changing the subject. Keep digging.
My lord you guys really think you're smelling blood in the water, don't you? This is amazing, seeing two randoms gnashing their teeth at me... It's one of those third person experiences... Are you guys Balan wonderland warriors or something?

I don't have anything against you as a poster man but this is a train wreck, just keep in mind that you (and the other guy, if he joins back in) are basically losing your shit at a guy who doesn't even remember what he wrote, who he wrote it about, or the name of the guy this fellow screwed.

Basically I'm watching goldfish swim against my leg with great savagery..

And, you know, be stubborn, refuse to tag me in your posts, that's not at all what an 8 year old would do.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
You're the one losing your shit and your grip to reality now devolving to making silly accusations about my relationship to games and persons like, completely out of the blue with no sign from anything I've said so far indicating any of it, thinking it makes you look less like an idiot. Get a grip.

Oh no, I didn't tag you, that toally gives away my mental age, not yours by worrying so much about it, lol.
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MiYou're the one losing your shit and your grip to reality now devolving to making silly accusations about my relationship to games and persons like, completely out of the blue with no sign from anything I've said so far indicating any of it, thinking it makes you look less like an idiot. Get a grip.
Ending your post on a mic drop does not actually affect a mic drop.

This, however, doth.


Bryan Cranston Mic Drop GIF
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
This story is confusing to me. Isn't Naka a coder? Why the heck is he acting like an upper management role?

This isn't even like him being possessive of his own game code like Sonic Xtreme; this story literally has him acting like an executive rather than a developer. I don't think this adds up. Heck, historically Naka has acted like the type that would threaten to bail Sega at the smallest slight, so this seems uncharacteristic of him. This would be a more believable story if his name was excluded from it.
Idk what exact role all that is but it's not far fetched to think he had some big say in many ways at SEGA. Although I imagine if he said people are getting fired he'd just be relaying information/orders given by others.
After the release of Sonic & Knuckles, Naka was moved up to the role of producer at Sega Enterprises in Japan. During his tenure in that position, he oversaw games including Nights into Dreams and Burning Rangers for Sega Saturn; Sonic Adventure and Phantasy Star Online for Dreamcast; Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg for Nintendo GameCube; and the "EyeToy" game Sega Superstars for PlayStation 2.[citation needed] As of 2005, senior Sega figures including Toshihiro Nagoshi and Yu Suzuki were reporting to Naka; according to Takashi Yuda, he was involved in all Sega game development.[7]
The wording here is conflicting, what is quoted vs the sentiment against him/it. Also the propping up of a game that looked super amateur if not awful and, sure, if 100% overhauled may have become cool, or not 🤷‍♂️
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Idk what exact role all that is but it's not far fetched to think he had some big say in many ways at SEGA. Although I imagine if he said people are getting fired he'd just be relaying information/orders given by others. The wording here is conflicting, what is quoted vs the sentiment against him/it.
Thanks for that degree of clarification. Still confusing to me but considering how much other screwed up Sega stories are true, maybe Producer Naka would have done this.

It does matter and it wasn't like MK 3 sold millions on the PS, the move to full 3D fighters was happing and that's to overlook SEGA had far better ports of Street Fighter 2 games, KOF games, SS games, NightWarrior games Ect, not that helped. So this notion that an IP like EC was going to beat the likes of Street Fighter, never mind Tekken or VF seems very far fetched.
I don't really have much to add on the theoretical potential of continuing EC, but I will say I did not like the developer's pitch for EC3's story mode at all. It's like if BlazBlue did it's story modes all wrong.
Here's the thing, warriors of the light, i dropped a meaningless post which was never intended to be carefully dissected, and you guys popped a blood vessel over it. I'm just goading your triggered self (selves now, apparently) because i can't believe you are still indignant these many hours later.

You have just been caught out, you know full well who Naka is and his legacy.
I don't really have much to add on the theoretical potential of continuing EC, but I will say I did not like the developer's pitch for EC3's story mode at all. It's like if BlazBlue did it's story modes all wrong.

I very much doubt EC was going to be able to take on the might of VF or Tekken. It couldn't even take on the might on MK or SF2 on the Mega Drive.
SEGA America would have been better off trying to make sequels to the likes of Joe Montana, Toe Jam and the like on the Saturn IMO


You have just been caught out, you know full well who Naka is and his legacy.
Here is what i know about the guy you have informed me is named naka:

A few months ago someone posted here about a guy, whose name i didn't note, retiring after his game flopped. I remarked in that thread that balan wonderland sounds like an rpg set in a Jakarta slum. People gave laugh emojis.

I had a switch then and i was looking for games in shops, eventually i saw that a game with a character in a top hat on the cover was the balan wonderland mentioned in the post. I didn't buy it.

Earlier today, apparently he trolled a white dude. I made a half assed post about asking him about it in person. Some fucktard decided my post needed to be hounded to the point of insanity until they were satisfied that they had sufficiently punished my thoughtless post.

That's all i know about this fucker.

Enough is enough, take your fucked up anger at a post i care nothing about and shove it up your mum's fecund sphincter. You've been found out as a whimpering idiot. I won't reply to any more attempts to "corner" me for a crime i patently didn't commit.
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Here is what i know about the guy you have informed me is named naka:

A few months ago someone posted here about a guy, whose name i didn't note, retiring after his game flopped. I remarked in that thread that balan wonderland sounds like an rpg set in a Jakarta slum. People gave laugh emojis.

I had a switch then and i was looking for games in shops, eventually i saw that a game with a character in a top hat on the cover was the balan wonderland mentioned in the post. I didn't buy it.

Earlier today, apparently he trolled a white dude. I made a half assed post about asking him about it in person. Some fucktard decided my post needed to be hounded to the point of insanity until they were satisfied that they had sufficiently punished my thoughtless post.

That's all i know about this fucker.

Enough is enough, take your fucked up anger at a post i care nothing about and shove it up your mum's fecund sphincter. You've been found out as a whimpering idiot. I won't reply to any more attempts to "corner" me for a crime i patently didn't commit.
Yes, Troll... Keep it coming


You're going to stop a guy whom you know nothing about, what they look like and then tell that person about a legacy you know nothing about
Funny how you do know Naka is not only a guy, but also lives in Japan

Keep it coming..

Why are you taking this so personal? Naka is a public figure, so opinions on him are to be expected. He also has not been successful in decades and the article adds details on why his career went sideways. The guy is apparently a dick and these type of details illuminate what happened, that's it. The man has not been successful in decades so it's not surprising.
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