Was a good race toward the end. The thing that ruined it for me was fucking Crofty and his shit.
I mean, it was clearly visible that Vet and Ric was on beast mode when Max triggered the stops and Ferrari went to cover him off with RAI.
Even Pat Symmonds, who's probably one of the better additions to the Sky team, backed that up by saying that Rai was doing 1:17s before pitting, Ferrari saw that Vettel could do more and released him. As soon as that happened, VET was doing 1:16s and 1:15s.
Then you still have Crofty saying "is Kimi demoralised?", "we haven't heard his radio", "was this right on the grounds of morality and sportsmanship?" Seriously, fuck fucking off Croft.
Deffo watching C4 next time round.