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Forspoken gameplay overview trailer (10 minutes)


Gold Member
It looks graphically stunning at times but some of the clips showed a bit of a downgrade. I agree with some other posters that it might be swapping between graphical modes, so hopefully that is the case.

Looks like it could be a fun game if done right and doesn't over extend itself.
I have a hunch this is going to end with her waking up in her NYC apartment after you beat whatever great evil. It's gonna act like it was all a dream.
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Graphics looking a bit rough in places. Everything else about the game looks generic as hell. The main protagonist is a random girl you'd find in a crowd, maybe that's the intention, but doesn't motivate me to play it.


No Thank You Reaction GIF

Mr Hyde

Looks very good. Gameplay looks fun and hectic as does the traversal. Might be day 1 or close, pending on the performance. Looked a little iffy in the trailer but it's still time until release. YouTube video does no favor to the games visuals either.


Traversal looks funish, I guess. I love aesthetic gear customization in just about any game. The combat also looks like it has potential with all she can do, but all the enemies seem kind of braindead, like they're there just to rack up a body count for the player than be actual challenges. Points of interest though? A bunch of random chests around the map on random rock outcroppings for no good reason? This looks like a collectathon, chase the dot AC style game.

I think this will live or die for me by boss/enemy variety and story (also, I hope to god that was just a bad example of dialogue, because that will kill it for me). I'm interested, but extremely cautious.

It's wants to be fun but there is something blocking it. From the video the traversal seams good but not fluid enough, there some interruptions for not apparent reason. The spells looks awesome but you just spam different spells with little though process except that it's out of cooldown then use it.
I thought there would be spells interaction, like if you use water then fire you get vaporization, or ice magic and you get Frozen environment etc but no just Spam the spell that came out of cooldown. Zero innovation or passion,
And what is that city? A city with mages that had normal medieval buildings that has nothing magical on them.... 3 npc here and there. Assassin's Creed cities were full of people 10 years ago.
Yeah this is all spot on. I like the ideas, but it doesn't like like it's quite there.
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Can we please just a have a fucking video game in 2022 when the protagonist sounds like they are in anyway genuinely invested in, or affected by, the events happening around them? Instead of all this bullshit ‘I’m too kool to treat any of this like it matters, jerks’ attitude. It’s a mark of the inability to write a convincing story or convincing characters.

Also, that many map markers and HUD shit after Elden Ring looks so damn out of date.
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Can we please just a have a fucking video game in 2022 when the protagonist sounds like they are in anyway genuinely invested in, or affected by, the events happening around them? Instead of all this bullshit ‘I’m too kool to treat any of this like it matters, jerks’ attitude. It’s a mark of the inability to write a convincing story or convincing characters.

Also, that many map markers and HUD shit after Elden Ring looks so damn out of date.

Not every game needs to be elden ring


Imagine using Elden Ring as an example of good quest design.
I said I'd take Elden Ring style over Ubisoft. Not that that's my ideal example or that other games should emulate. No need to go on the offensive. I'm just underwhelmed by what the trailer showed.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Whilst I’m not 100% sold, I don’t get the beef with the main character. Has anybody actually ever played a Japanese RPG, where female characters talk like they are constantly having an orgasm? And you call this one out for being annoying? 😂
Mmmh which JRPGs are those? Asking for a friend. :)

Jokes side, maybe those kind of JRPGs girls aren't as annoying because they kinda fit the anime setting. Forspoken on the other hand is a fantasy game, so for me having the MC making quips about dragons or killing zombies is far more jarring than an anime girl behaving in anime ways in an anime game.

I dunno, maybe if the game was set on modern day New York it wouldn't feel as bad as it does. Really wish they didn't made this game be an isekai.


The lack of any indoor shadows, or maybe proper ambient occlusion.

Repeated animations, I saw part where some gators where getting hit and they had the same "hurt" animation trigger at the same time. When are we going to get dynamic AI driven physics.

Winter John

Looks mediocre as fuck. There's literally not a single new idea, innovation or anything unique about it. I'm guessing it's got Ubi towers, collectibles, upgrades and all the other useless, time wasting shit that's plagued AAA games for the last 15 years.


This reminds me of the old days of PS2 with all those random and forgotten Sony published exclusives like " Primal " etc.

I miss having so many ecclectic and fairly high budget games.


Gold Member
Traversal and combat look fun but it's ruined by the voice overs and player character. $19.99 and I'll bite. A character creator and the ability to mute the player character's quips would have worked wonders.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
It's wants to be fun but there is something blocking it. From the video the traversal seams good but not fluid enough, there some interruptions for not apparent reason. The spells looks awesome but you just spam different spells with little though process except that it's out of cooldown then use it.
I thought there would be spells interaction, like if you use water then fire you get vaporization, or ice magic and you get Frozen environment etc but no just Spam the spell that came out of cooldown. Zero innovation or passion,
And what is that city? A city with mages that had normal medieval buildings that has nothing magical on them.... 3 npc here and there. Assassin's Creed cities were full of people 10 years ago.


I was expecting some sort of the on-the-fly alchemy combining elements for different effects, etc.... but seems we're back to "press a button and something awesome happens" school of design.

Fuck this creatively broken industry.
I'm really skeptical about this game turning out any good. The graphics may be good and the gameplay may turn out fun but that can't make up for the multiple delays and the dissonant writing of the game.
Why would a delay put you off the game? Once you have it who cares - dialogue I can get I guess
I’m torn on this, I could really like it - but the world seems so empty, which may be fine. I dunno I couldn’t get into the new horizon cus I felt like I had played a game like it millions of times, wonder if this’ll be better


Oh god, the voice acting is atrocious, cliché, and incredibly annoying. Shit li-syncing too.

That trailer wasn't a joke.

I don't care how good the graphics or gameplay might turn out. I don't want a smashed monitor. And as someone else has said, the world looks really empty anyway.
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I don't care what anyone says, I want to play this. It looks like it could be fun. Traversal is top notch, some of the best I've seen in a game, the spells are again some of the best I've seen. Story so far doesn't tell me much, but there's a mystery obviously that I'm curious to learn about. Glad I have a different outlook on games from some or else I would never discover things lol.


the open world traversal look good

the combat presented better than before

overall they show better gameplay video than before


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Definitely the best showcase up until now but not sold on it yet. It looks a bit unpolished and messy like FFXV before it. Hopefully with the extra time they can smooth things out.
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