Fortnite Season 9 has arrived, and with it, the end of Tilted Towers and Retail Row. RR has been replaced with Mega Mall, and TT with Neo Tilted. The central area of the map is now connected by a metro system of sorts, called Slipstreams.

Notably, the pump shotgun has been vaulted, replaced by the Combat Shotgun.

9.00 Patch Notes:
- Added Combat Shotgun
- Semi-Automatic
- Holds 10 Shells.
- Fires 9 pellets per shot for 73 / 77 / 81 base damage.
- Tight spread and fast fire rate.
- Headshot multiplier of 1.70x.
- Reloads 2 shells at a time.
- Available in Rare, Epic, and Legendary variants.
- Available from Floor, Chests, Supply Drops, and Vending Machines
- Adjusted Tactical Shotgun damage
- Base damage increased from 66/70/74 to 71/75/79
- Reduced Drum Gun availability from 16.732% to 7.155%
- Reduced Boom Bow availability from 1.292% to .755%
- Unvaulted Grenades
- Vaulted Clingers
- Vaulted Buried Treasure
- Vaulted Pump Shotgun
- Vaulted Poison Dart Trap
- Vaulted Scoped Revolver
- Vaulted Suppressed Assault Rifle
- Vaulted Thermal Assault Rifle
- Vaulted Balloons
Bug Fixes & Improvements
- Turbo building after gliding now works correctly.
- The stink bomb damage audio and effects were not playing if you damaged yourself.
- Fixed the Shadow bomb occasionally not making the player invisible on the Xbox One the first time it's used.
- Misplacement of Launch Pads in mid-air has been resolved.
- Pirate Cannon camera issues due to network latency have been resolved.
- The Reboot Card deposit sound effects no longer play in replay mode while the Van is on Cooldown.
- The Reboot Van card sound effects will no longer be heard when a squadmate disconnects.
Bug Fixes & Improvements
- Slipstreams
- These tunnels of wind passively carry players down the stream.
- Players can move faster and change direction when actively trying to move down the Stream.
- Use directional input to gain extra velocity. Experiment with bobbing up and down for higher speeds.
- Players are launched when exiting the tube based on their movement speed and exit angle.
- Projectiles and Vehicles can also enter the Slipstream.
- Air Vents
- The powerful gusts of air from these environmental items can launch players short distances and grant immunity to fall damage.
- Fortbytes
- Fortbytes are a series of 100 collectible computer chips available to Battle Pass owners. As you collect Fortbytes, you’ll decrypt a mysterious image. Collect them all to unlock rewards and uncover the secrets of Season 9.
- On the first day of Season 9, there are 18 Fortbytes available to find. At least 1 new Fortbyte will be unlocked each day. Check the Challenges Tab for detailed information on which Fortbytes are currently available and when the others unlock.
- Fortbytes cannot be collected after Season 9 ends.
- Disconnected players will stay in the world for 60 seconds. They still take damage and count for elimination points.
- Resolved an issue with the UI showing health gains incorrectly if the player canceled the consumable close to completion time.
- PS4 controller lighting not always matching your pin color when in Squads.
- Players not able to use Hold to Swap if they previously picked an item up normally
- Adjusted turbo building to be more forgiving under poor network conditions
- Fixed cases of jittery movement under certain conditions.