When does the ot appear
Will online be unlocked instantly or will we have to go through the introduction stuff first?
The biggest question is......
Is bowling back.....the answer is yes!
Will online be unlocked instantly or will we have to go through the introduction stuff first?
Knocked out a quick Mario livery tonight. I made Mario the other day and the rest of the design just now. Up for share on the 08 WRX so far, will be on the Fairlady Z as well.
Knocked out a quick Mario livery tonight. I made Mario the other day and the rest of the design just now. Up for share on the 08 WRX so far, will be on the Fairlady Z as well.
The biggest question is......
Is bowling back.....the answer is yes!
Knocked out a quick Mario livery tonight. I made Mario the other day and the rest of the design just now. Up for share on the 08 WRX so far, will be on the Fairlady Z as well.
5 hours to go then!.
Who's going to be the first to get it up and running?, not me, I am at work till 6pm!!!
5 hours to go then!.
Who's going to be the first to get it up and running?, not me, I am at work till 6pm!!!
5 hours to go then!.
Who's going to be the first to get it up and running?, not me, I am at work till 6pm!!!
Beautiful! And here I thought I was doing well by making assorted NES sprites as decals. That background puts them to shame.
Can we see the top and front of the car too please?
Last question before launch. Will Forza 6 be like Horizon 2 and 5 and make all DLC cars free to add to the garage, no credits needed?
I can't wait... it's almost here...
Sure thing, the background hills are basically just a rectangle with two half circles and a light shadow. The clouds are the same layergroups that I used for the hills except white with a light blue shadow.
Quick question for which my google skillz are failing me. How many showcase events are there? I know there are 10 categories, but how many actual events?
That sounds really annoying. I'm a bad person for this but I chuckled at your last sentence though.Kind of glad it didn't unlock at midnight now, because I would be even more pissed off now.
So at 1am I get a call saying the fire alarm is going off at the store I work at. I'm first on the call list so I go to check it out. When I arrive the fire department is already there. I get in walk with them, no fire but a sprinkler system malfunction. So the fire depot leaves and I try to kill the alarm.....no dice.
I then call about 5 different companies to find who maintains this sprinkler system box that is malfunctioning. So basically I've been hitting the system reset button every 8 seconds for the past 4 HOURS so the alarm doesn't keep the people awake who live across from the building.
I've been waiting on the tech for hours and I need to take a shit :/
Can't you Just take a shit and stick it to the alarm button so that it's constantly pressed once it dries out? See? Problem resolved!Kind of glad it didn't unlock at midnight now, because I would be even more pissed off now.
So at 1am I get a call saying the fire alarm is going off at the store I work at. I'm first on the call list so I go to check it out. When I arrive the fire department is already there. I get in walk with them, no fire but a sprinkler system malfunction. So the fire depot leaves and I try to kill the alarm.....no dice.
I then call about 5 different companies to find who maintains this sprinkler system box that is malfunctioning. So basically I've been hitting the system reset button every 8 seconds for the past 4 HOURS so the alarm doesn't keep the people awake who live across from the building.
I've been waiting on the tech for hours and I need to take a shit :/
Can't you Just take a shit and stick it to the alarm button so that it's constantly pressed once it dries out? See? Problem resolved!
That sounds really annoying. I'm a bad person for this but I chuckled at your last sentence though.
Can't you Just take a shit and stick it to the alarm button so that it's constantly pressed once it dries out? See? Problem resolved!
Imagine him typing this out and having to pause to hit the button.
Doing this one handed.
Just a bit less than three hours de go...
Speak for yourself =(
Whhhyyyy must we in EU wait another week? Whhyyyy??? =(
Whhhyyyy must we in EU wait another week? Whhyyyy??? =(
Whhhyyyy must we in EU wait another week? Whhyyyy??? =(
You have 2 hours and 13 mins.The manager who was opening the building came in. I dumped the issues on her lap and gtfo. Might have hit 80mph on the highway home.
Just gotta get the Ultimate Edition, man.
NiiicceeeThe manager who was opening the building came in. I dumped the issues on her lap and gtfo. Might have hit 80mph on the highway home.
The manager who was opening the building came in. I dumped the issues on her lap and gtfo. Might have hit 80mph on the highway home.
The manager who was opening the building came in. I dumped the issues on her lap and gtfo. Might have hit 80mph on the highway home.
So I need to make sure it is still downloading on my xbox while I'm at work. Xbox is on at home, so how do I do this?