What the fuck...that was tasteless but hate speech? I don't see it.
Well have you noticed?
It was all for Netanyahu!!!
"I am Charlie Coulibaly" = "I side with Charlie... and with the guy who killed 4 Jews"
The intention is pretty clear. Again, arresting him is still a mistake.
Well four Jews were killed in a terrorist attack...
The guy is known for his antisemitic speeches, so it's very provocative at such a tense time.
It is messed up. Now I've read the rest of the thread it seems it was for supporting terrorists, not hate speech. It seems like what happens in the UK occasionally, someone gets prosecuted just to make an example of them. I'm sure he wasn't the only person in France to make screwed up comments like that on social media.
He didn't make a death threat. He didn't threaten terrorism. He made a dumb comment.
'Glorifying terrorism' is a troubling charge. That sort of law could easily be abused.
There's some degree of irony in honoring the deaths of cartoonists who died for free speech by arresting people for making dumb jokes on Facebook.
Exactly. This is really dumb and playing right into the other side who thinks Charlie's satire and mockery of Islam's religious symbols is hate speech.
Still, this arrest is a marvelous example of western exceptionalism.
It's a clear appeal to his fans (a lot of which are truly fanatics in every sense of the word) that the path he indicates is 1. Protect freedom of expression and 2. Kill Jews. It's anything but a dumb comment. Totally planned. Bastard must be thrilled by the turn of events.
I'm having trouble understanding how "Today I feel like Charlie Coulibaly" is the same as telling his fans to kill Jews. He himself said it was about how he felt he was being treated as a terrorist, right?
Not that his explanation couldn't have been disingenuous, but I have trouble equating his comment with a call to kill Jews.
I'm having trouble understanding how "Today I feel like Charlie Coulibaly" is the same as telling his fans to kill Jews. He himself said it was about how he felt he was being treated as a terrorist, right?
Not that his explanation couldn't have been disingenuous, but I have trouble equating his comment with a call to kill Jews.
Well, are you familiar with the guy? Because he's a master in double speak. And it's of course not a plain clear-cut call to kill. But there is zero doubt that in this context (don't forget the subtext: his 'thesis' is that Jews are respondible for slavery and all black people's suffering) he's saying he's feeling like a man whose mission is to kill Jews.
but what about free speech?
One woman he spoke to expressed fears Jews were being persecuted
She told him 'the situation is going back to the days of the 1930s'
Willcox replied: 'Many critics though of Israel's policy would suggest that the Palestinians suffer hugely at Jewish hands as well'
Comments sparked anger and calls for him to resign
Willcox has apologised for offence caused by 'poorly phrased question'
In France that would be Justice. Hence prosecutions against Charlie Hebdo (they won it eventually) and Dieudonne (we don't know yet).Again I ask who defines the rules for free speech?
Resign or apologise. Not be imprisoned, fined or murdered.Here you go folks ... some more free speech hypocrisies :
Israel to demand apology for ‘anti-Semitic’ Netanyahu cartoon
BBC reporter faces calls to resign
Again I ask who defines the rules for free speech? Why are these folks being asked to resign or apologize?
"Muslims are all terrorists and shouldn't be allowed to live in France" = Hate Speech.
"Mohammad " = Not hate speech.
"I feel I am Charlie Coulibaly. = ???
Free speech until someone says something we don't like. How ironic.
Can't say I'm surprised by this as it has always been this way.
Here you go folks ... some more free speech hypocrisies :
Israel to demand apology for ‘anti-Semitic’ Netanyahu cartoon
BBC reporter faces calls to resign
Again I ask who defines the rules for free speech? Why are these folks being asked to resign or apologize?
It's not some local tailor that decides this, but it's the country's judiciary that has the authority on such matters.
I can't believe some people here are not able to understand this simple thing.
It's the court that decides this. If you feel local police/government did something unfair to you or your family, you can always fight it in the court.
It's not some local tailor that decides this, but it's the country's judiciary that has the authority on such matters.
I can't believe some people here are not able to understand this simple thing.
It's the court that decides this. If you feel local police/government did something unfair to you or your family, you can always fight it in the court.
As far as I know, no one has ever been condemned for just being a racist in these hate speech countries, so you hate speech haters should really know what you're talking about. Racist people who support or even try to get people to become violent or otherwise become against a particular group of people.. Now THOSE have been condemned. Racist people who shout nigger or terrorist when seeing a black person or a muslim are not criminals by hate speech standards. You can have the opinion that black people are inferior, so long as you don't publicly make it known that you think they should all be killed or deported or beaten up or their lives made harder in some way.Law isn't the cure for human stupidity
Racism, antisemitism or holocaust denial are bad but they're still opinions, whether you want it or not. Nobody should risk prison for that. It's simply unworthy of a real democracy.
There's some degree of irony in honoring the deaths of cartoonists who died for free speech by arresting people for making dumb jokes on Facebook.
Well I guess he didn't pay his buck o' five, or whatever that is in Euros.
What the hell is glorifying terrorism?He was arrested for glorifying terrorism.
Not for hate.
Hate speech is not Free Speech.
Dieudonné is a hater and inspired a new version of the Sieg Heil salute. The guy is a hater
Prosecutors launched Monday an inquiry on potential charges of glorifying terrorism against Dieudonne M'bala M'bala, who has already faced accusations of anti-Semitism and has mocked the killing of U.S. reporter James Foley by Islamic State militants.
are pretty big red flags when trying to defend he was just making a joke via free speech.
It's because of all the noise that was being made about free speech in favor of Charlie Hebdo. I'm sure most people here realize that European free speech allows for many restrictions.France is not the USA. No idea why people are bringing up the free speech debate under the guise of American Constitutional Law.. France sure as heck has hate speech laws.
I don't agree with them personally. But it's strange holding another country to another's Constitution.