Maiden Voyage
Gold™ Member
Foy for SOTY
Foy for SOTY
Watched it last night <3
What a genuine dude. That El Toro front crook first try, didn't knew that! Wanted to post it but to lazy.
Doing the Lords work,
Maiden "Fangirl" Voyage ;3)
#Edit: still haven't found that east coast vid
My best bud in highschool
He got sponsored in the end but our fs ended and last time I met him he had like constant pain or something.
Last shot "Cheers"
He was skateboarding embodied. If he was born in the US.. Who knows.
Partying, sleepovers and just hitting the most scuffed sketchy spots around our respective area's.
What a time. Grew apart when my head went a certain way let's keep it at that lol
Really cool to see these clips, relatively recently uploaded. Good for him.
Remember watching this one on repeat as well with my than best friend.
that song tho
your friend is/was really fucking good man. Impressive!
Apparently, they upgraded the shit out of Universal Orlando. Holy crap.
Apparently, they upgraded the shit out of Universal Orlando. Holy crap.
I'm still processing Charlie's Angel.
"This explains why Aliens are into anal probing"This explains why Aliens are into anal probing.
They are just after our previous loosh juice and treat us like a Capri Sun to get at it.
You don't need to be gay to be into anal probing."This explains why Aliens are into anal probing"
Maybe they are just gay
I guessYou don't need to be gay to be into anal probing.
I guess
In Dutch culture, strandjutten has deep historical roots, as people along the coast would gather materials from shipwrecks or other sources brought in by the sea. Today, it’s a popular leisure activity and sometimes a community event, with an emphasis on finding unique objects and preserving coastal areas.
This explains why Aliens are into anal probing.
They are just after our previous loosh juice and treat us like a Capri Sun to get at it.
MissAilynn hope you're doing well. It's been a year and a half since she's been around.
I was watching a music video and I spotted a wooden sculpture that I recognized
My dad has the exact same bird sculpture. The funny thing is that he didn't bought it but found it on a beach when he was a teenager while "strandjutten".
My family comes from a Dutch island and strandjutten was basically a daily activity.
Something I wanted to share
NB# Numeric drops today while I'm at work. Apparently Tiago and Foy's enders are incredible. I'm planning on watching the second I get home.
Hopefully Mike Tyson bloodies that other guy tonight.
I hope so, Tyson hasn't been in the best of health thoughHopefully Mike Tyson bloodies that other guy tonight.
I'm actually a bit hopeful that it's going to happenHopefully Mike Tyson bloodies that other guy tonight.
Happy Friday people!
Gonna be a real boring one tonight. Driving, driving with a touch of driving. And by the time I'm back it won't even be worth drinking
Here is a another good Adult Swim sketch.
I think there is energy all around us that we cannot perceive day to day.Loosh isn't physical although it most definitely can be manifested/derived from external physical sources.
And If loosh derives from an energy/"state of being" that comes from one's lower vibrational state ie: negative states; Fear, Anxiety, Aggression, Depression, Suffering, Stress, etc, etc..
Then it would be preferable one's being (born) and or nursed/driven in a reality; an omnipresent controlled environment in which external forces can play a role to, let's say; stimulate/facilitate that lower vibrational state. And try their ass off to keep you in such.
And it most certainly seems "they" are doing a kick ass job at it seeing the state throughout the decade upon decade of said state of one's ob/subjective reality/environment/ on where this 'reality' takes place: Earth.
Isn't that something.
Does reading the "news" makes one a jolly person? I know, easy example. Try a thought experiment and try a week going without, it's nearly impossible for a myriad of (well intended) reasons. And don't think there's isn't a downside not to. It's nuanced.
Taking this concept of loosh, acknowledging or letting it be a concept rather than a belief in could in theory help one to be more self conscious in how they distribute their energy ie thoughts/emotion in said context where loosh as a concept one's, let's say, entertains
Loosh can also be gathered through relative enormous get together's through large groups of people via way of concerts, sports etc, that Half Time show is a big one. Using all that collective energy and channel that, mostly through a ritual which wouldn't look as such, for certain purposes. Although that are extreme examples which can deducted to well...
And on a more micro interpersonal level you have processed food, social media and a myriad of concepts that doesn't make most people happy and joyful; (in a ob/subjectively non-general (un)consciousness way) creating a lower vibrational state in the very least on subconscious levels.
Especially the youth.
There still much to say.
Or is there.
I'm, again, not sure if this is the venue to get into this stuff and maybe I don't want that in our thread, at least to some degree. I'm just saying.
Feel free.
Happy friday!!!!
Now I want a Capri Sun and sum probin'
You with mebadblue
Edited for tonal reasons.