No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
GDC is so exhausting, but still pretty good.
We’ve been taking driverless taxis the last two days, and those things are fuckin wild. They’re WAY better drivers than any humans I’ve ever seen. And if they malfunction and crash? Well, Silicon Valley payout baybeeeeee!!!
But for real. If this is a glimpse into the future, I’m all about it. Cause these cars are like magic to me.
We’ve been taking driverless taxis the last two days, and those things are fuckin wild. They’re WAY better drivers than any humans I’ve ever seen. And if they malfunction and crash? Well, Silicon Valley payout baybeeeeee!!!
But for real. If this is a glimpse into the future, I’m all about it. Cause these cars are like magic to me.