The Hobbit Extended Editions. First time watching BOTFA extended.
AUJ is easily the worst. It's oddly paced, it has weird colour grading and it just doesn't work. The EE adds some truly wretched scenes, like the fountain and the additional Goblin King bits. It's a minor rewrite away from greatness, but unfortunately every bit of it needs to be tightened up.
Given the gigantic amount of content its original version was meant to have, what we have here is probably an extended extended edition.
The CGI is still astonishing. It looked even better in HFR, as the CGI characters had more weight and subtler movement.
The Desolation of Smaug: always the best, massively improved by the EE. This is just as good as any LOTR, with two minor exceptions: the shitty love subplot and the EE bollocks scene. Everything else added by the EE is gold. Some scenes are massively altered, adding back whole characters and subplots. Laketown is such a wonderful setting! In the book, Bard was pulled straight out of Tolkien's ass two paragraphs before killing Smaug, but here he's a great character.
Battle of the Five Armies: literally unfinished when it launched and now
very extended. Peter Jackson and the other writers consider this to be the most interesting and even call it a psychological thriller

Thorin's transformation into Denethor is undeniably interesting and the character interactions are the best in the trilogy. Thorin's madness is resolved in a turd of a scene, though.
The battle was a major headache for PJ & friends, ate most of the 2013 additional shooting schedule and was unfinished for release. Now, without being bothered by an MPAA rating for the EE, they went FULL RETARD. I mean that in the best way. It's like PJ reverted back to his splatter days and also played a lot of Warhammer fantasy. This is gory, gorgeous videogame bullshit and it's really fun! The chariot chase is the best action scene in the whole trilogy. I love all the stupid cartoony action and Legolas acrobatics. It's very different from the theatrical battle.
I don't think there's a single bad addition to this movie.
After watching all 6 movies I figured out the problem with Alfrid. He's an extension of Extended Grima. Grima rejects Aragorn's kindness in TTT and then there's the whole Saruman business in ROTK, a short but well constructed scene which leads him towards redemption. Too bad Saruman pushes him over the edge.
Alfrid is literally the same character but a cunt instead of a creep. He even shows empathy and understanding. The problem: he's a constant tease! There must be ten fucking scenes in BOTFA alone where it feels like he's going to join the good guys any second now, only to carry on with lazy villainy. It's extremely annoying. His theatrical end (getting away with the coins) is more satisfying - who knows, maybe he'll turn out alright somewhere! His EE ending is absolutely hilarious though: the gold literally catapults him to his death.
For all their problems, these movies are the best fantasy movies and some of the best blockbusters since LOTR.