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GAF Games o' the Year Voting Thread 2008


AniHawk, why do you update the results during the voting process? It probably skews voting, making people rank certain games higher just to see it win a close battle. I think it would make more sense to only reveal the GAF consensus when the polls close.
1. Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
2. Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway
3. Tales of Vesperia
4. Pure
5. Tiger Woods 09 (PS3/360)
6. Rock Band 2
7. Lost Odyssey
8. Fallout 3
9. Star Wars: Force Unleashed (PS3/360)
10. Motorstorm: Pacific Rift


1: Fallout 3
2: Left 4 Dead
3: Metal Gear Solid 4
4: Dead Space
5: Valkyrie Chronicles
6: The World Ends With You
7: LittleBigPlanet
8: Soul Calibur IV
9: Geometry Wars 2
10: Super Smash Bros. Brawl.


Corporate Apologist
Did not get to play many new games this year, but here we go:

1) Mario Kart Wii
2) Proffesor Layton
3) Mother 3
4) Kirby Super Star Ultra
5) Dragon Quest IV
6) Apollo Justice
7) Mega Man 9
8) Super Smash Brothers Brawl
9) Metal Slug 7
10) Lets Tap Missed a rule. Make it Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, forgot it came out this year.


Gigglepoo said:
AniHawk, why do you update the results during the voting process? It probably skews voting, making people rank certain games higher just to see it win a close battle. I think it would make more sense to only reveal the GAF consensus when the polls close.
I agree in theory, but in practice if he didn't do it someone else would.


I have yet to play Fallout 3, MGS4 and Mirror's Edge :(

1. Braid
2. Left 4 Dead
3. Super Smash Bros Brawl
4. Little Big Planet
5. Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
6. Dead Space
7. Grand Theft Auto IV
8. Gears of War 2
9. Rock Band 2
10. Professor Layton and the Curious Village


I don't think I've played 10 current games this year, and most of my game time this year has been spent on older games (i.e. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn and Paper Mario 64). Oh, well.

1. Professor Layton and the Curious Village
2. Wii Fit
3. Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen
4. Mario Kart Wii
5. Super Smash Bros. Brawl


I'm bored at work today so I checked out the numbers a bit - pretty interesting stuff. I used the numbers Anihawk posted up to post 1450. I know these aren't final, but I may not be bored tomorrow. ;) I took all the games that scored at least 100 points from GAF users, which ended up being the top 73. Interesting numbers. Year of the PS3 am confirmed? :D

[b]system	count	count %	points	points %[/b]
MULTI	20	27%	13677	29%
PS3	12	16%	13121	28%
XBOX	12	16%	10120	21%
WII	8	11%	4035	9%
DS	10	14%	3249	7%
PS2	4	5%	1482	3%
PC	5	7%	1122	2%
PSP	2	3%	517	1%
totals	73		47323

Gigglepoo said:
AniHawk, why do you update the results during the voting process? It probably skews voting, making people rank certain games higher just to see it win a close battle. I think it would make more sense to only reveal the GAF consensus when the polls close.
I agree, but it's fun to watch along anyway. I die a little inside every time Braid gets closer to overtaking Valkyria Chronicles (not really). :(

Arch said:
I have yet to play Fallout 3, MGS4 and Mirror's Edge :(

1. Braid
Damn you sir.

Arch said:
5. Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
I can't stay mad at you. :hugs:


Rez>You said:
I can't explain why, but there's a part of me that really, really wanted Burnout Paradise to be the GAF GOTY.

That would have been special.

That was never going to happen. Every BP thread gets shit on by a thousand people complaining about retry even though they stopped playing the game in February. It's a great way to turn off potential purchasers of the game before even trying it.

I am bitterly disappointed it didn't land in the top 10 though. Like Haunted said earlier, this is the first GAF GotY that I've been unhappy with.


  1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
  2. LittleBigPlanet
  3. No More Heroes
  4. Persona 3: FES
  5. Yakuza 2
  6. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
  7. Mirrors Edge
  8. Dead Space
  9. God of War: Chains of Olympus
  10. Devil May Cry 4

I wish I could have played Gears 2 and The World Ends With You before voting, as I own both of them, but just haven't got around to playing them yet.
1. Grand Theft Auto 4
2. Metal Gear Solid 4
3. Left 4 Dead
4. Fable 2
5. Burnout Paradise
6. Gears of War 2
7. Fallout 3
8. Geometry Wars 2
9. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Mar_ said:
I am bitterly disappointed it didn't land in the top 10 though. Like Haunted said earlier, this is the first GAF GotY that I've been unhappy with.
I would love to see a list of how the top 20 or so do when ranked by number of people who didn't vote for them.


I'm from Norway.

1. Little Big Planet
2. Zack & Wiki
3. Metal Gear Solid 4
4. Valkyria Chronicles
5. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
6. Wipeout HD
7. Pixeljunk Monsters
8. Prince of Persia
9. Grand Theft Auto 4
10. Mirror's Edge


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
2008 was an excellent year in gaming for me, from beginning till the end, sadly it was probably the busiest year I had also, but still I got plenty of gaming in!

My Top Ten of 2008:

1) Gears of War 2
2) Ninja Gaiden II
3) Saints Row 2
4) Mirror's Edge
5) Castle Crashers
6) Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
7) Grand Theft Auto IV
8) Braid
9) Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
10) REZ HD

Wish I could add Left 4 Dead in there though, excellent game as well... also Ninja Gaiden DS, and the little I played and liked from Dead Space...


1. Burnout Paradise
2. Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer
3. Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts
4. Braid
5. Lost Winds
6. Fable II
7. Valkyria Chronicles
8. Metal Gear Solid 4
9. Wipeout HD
10. Space Invaders Extreme


Mar_ said:
That was never going to happen. Every BP thread gets shit on by a thousand people complaining about retry even though they stopped playing the game in February. It's a great way to turn off potential purchasers of the game before even trying it.

I am bitterly disappointed it didn't land in the top 10 though. Like Haunted said earlier, this is the first GAF GotY that I've been unhappy with.

Spot on. I dodged the game for ages based on not liking the demo much, and listening to the whiners. I picked it up mid-year on a whim (and at a reduced price), and now I just can't get enough of the thing.

It's my GotY, without question.


Dead Space
Fallout 3
Prince of Persia
Fable II
GH World Tour
RB 2
Brothers in Arms

Still searching for motivation to crack open Gears 2, Banjo, L4D, TR Underworld, Prof. Layton, Midnight Club, Mirrors’ Edge, COD WaW.


Only seven relevant games for me so far this year, but there are still a few unplayed or almost unplayed games like LBP, Resistance 2, Motorstorm 2, Pure or CoD: WaW.

1. Gears of War 2
2. Metal Gear Solid 4
3. Wipeout HD
4. Braid
5. Soul Bubbles
6. Rez HD
7. Grand Theft Auto 4


1. Professor Layton and the Curious Village
2. Smash Bros. Brawl
3. Braid
4. Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
5. No More Heroes
6. Left 4 Dead
7. Gears of War 2


Gigglepoo said:
AniHawk, why do you update the results during the voting process? It probably skews voting, making people rank certain games higher just to see it win a close battle. I think it would make more sense to only reveal the GAF consensus when the polls close.

I only started updating the thread when there were about 300 posts in. By then, it was kinda too late to alter the results in a big way. The actual rankings might shift around, but the games that would win genre awards still will win genre awards.

5.5 hours left.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
1. Fallout 3
2. Left 4 Dead
3. Tales of Vesperia
4. Gears of War 2
5. Prince of Persia
6. Dead Space
7. Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2
8. The World Ends With You
9. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
10. Devil May Cry 4
1. Left 4 Dead
2. N+
3. Geometry Wars 2
4. World of Goo
5. Burnout Paradise
6. Audiosurf
7. Gears of War 2
8. Peggle Nights
9. Braid
10. Bionic Commando: Rearmed

Yeah, I didn't play new retail games this year. Only two of these games are physical copies. I recently bought PoP and Fallout 3, but have barely played either.


bafflewaffle said:
$1$rhythmic: 10 gokus of gold's
$2$faye bull choo
$3$bangai-o spritzerz
$4$pegL knightz
$5$prince Ahmadinejad of Iran
$6$pattle pawn
$7$deth spays
$8$cassholevainiums - shania, not the fighter one
$9$uhweigh shove a done gin
$10$sole baubblez

1. Rhythm Tengoku Gold
2. Fable II
3. Bangaio Spirirts
4. Peggle Nights
5. Prince of Persia
6. Patapon
7. Dead Space
8. Castlevania: OoE
9. Away Shuffle Dungeon
10. Soul Bubbles


1-Metal Gear Solid 4
3-Fallout 3
4-Grand Theft Auto 4
5-Burnout Paradise
6-Pixeljunk Eden
7-Wipeout HD
8-Lumines Superova


AniHawk said:
1. Rhythm Tengoku Gold
2. Fable II
3. Bangaio Spirirts
4. Peggle Nights
5. Prince of Persia
6. Patapon
7. Dead Space
8. Castlevania: OoE
9. Dunno
10. Soul Bubbles

Away: Shuffle Dungeon. I'm sad that I knew that.


1. Metal Gear Solid 4
2. Grand Theft Auto IV
3. LittleBigPlanet
4. Fallout 3
5. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
6. Burnout Paradise
7. Dead Space
8. Resistance 2
9. Gears of War 2
10. Rock Band 2

Damn, I just realized that so many great games came out this year.


1. Metal Gear Solid 4
2. Grand Theft Auto 4
3. Gears of War 2
4. Fallout 3
5. LittleBigPlanet
6. Super Smash Bros Brawl
7. Motorstorm PR
8. Dead Space
9. Lost Odyssey
10 Yakuza 2
1- Metal Gear Solid 4
2- Dead Space
3- Resistance 2
4- Little Big Planet
5- Hot Shot Golf 5
6- Pixeljunk Monster
7- GTA 4
8- Yakuza 2
9- God of War Chain of Olympus
10- Fallout 3

edit: wait, HSG:OOB is this year? man, I'm gonna have to shift some of my rank. it's the defacto multiplayer games in my house whenever my friend come over. oh man, can't believe I have to drop Burnout from my top 10. sucks for Burnout and DMC4.

edit 2: damn, I also forgot pixeljunk and god of war, too bad for motorstorm2 and wipeout hd too then


Lost all credibility.
jaydogg691 said:
Damn, I just realized that so many great games came out this year.
Most definitely. And according to this thread at least, if you didn't have a PS3 you were missing out.


1. Metal Gear Solid 4
2. Valkyria Chronicles
3. LittleBigPlanet
4. God of War Chains of Olympus
5. WipEout HD
7. Devil May Cry 4

Unfortunately I still have Fallout 3, Saints Row 2, Siren Blood Curse, Tomb Raider Underworld and Dead Space in my backlog, so no ranking for them.
And I didn't even got Resistance 2 yet. :-(


Need some clarification on a couple things. What genre does PixelJunk Monsters fall into (strategy? Sim?) and what genre does PixelJunk Eden fall into (puzzle? platformer?)


AniHawk said:
Need some clarification on a couple things. What genre does PixelJunk Monsters fall into (strategy? Sim?) and what genre does PixelJunk Eden fall into (puzzle? platformer?)
PJM is clearly realtime strategy, Eden is (not so clearly, but still) a platformer.

Dave Long

1. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
3. No More Heroes
4. The Club
5. Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 Wii
6. Frontlines: Fuel of War
7. Valkyria Chronicles
8. The World Ends With You
9. Mega Man 9
10. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
AniHawk said:
Need some clarification on a couple things. What genre does PixelJunk Monsters fall into (strategy? Sim?) and what genre does PixelJunk Eden fall into (puzzle? platformer?)

Monsters is basically tower defense, so I would call it a strategy or RTS. Eden is a platformer, imho.


mik is unbeatable
1. LittleBigPlanet
2. Dead Space
3. Valkyria Chronicles
4. Far Cry 2
5. Mirror's Edge
6. Metal Gear Solid 4
7. Professor Layton and the Curious Village
8. Crisis Core: FFVII
9. Motorstorm Pacific Rift
10. Super Street Fighter II HD Remix


AniHawk said:
Thanks guys. I try to go off youtube videos and wikipedia, but sometimes that isn't clear enough.
Are you going to include the genre with every game in the final list? Will you also include the platform(s)? If so, I'd really like for you to seperate XBLA/PSN from retail, the development of those titles in the eyes of GAF will be interesting to look at compared to last year and over the coming years.


Durante said:
Are you going to include the genre with every game in the final list? Will you also include the platform(s)? If so, I'd really like for you to seperate XBLA/PSN from retail, the development of those titles in the eyes of GAF will be interesting to look at compared to last year and over the coming years.

I'm including the downloadable service games with the retail games. There's a good amount that made it to the top there. If someone else wants to make a post about the top WW/XBLA/PSN/Steam games, they can do so.


1. Left 4 Dead (PC)
2. WoW: WotLK
3. World of Goo (PC)
4. Guitar Hero: World Tour (Wii)
5. Audiosurf
6. Grand theft Auto 4 (PC)
7. God of War: Chains of Olympus
8. BBoy (PSP)
9. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
10. de Blob

*Honorable mention: Super Street Fighter II HD Remix
Only played it twice at a friends house but it got me considering
buying a 360 just to play it online.
AniHawk said:
Braid was in the top for the first time since the first day just moments ago. mik flipped it back to Valkyria again.
It's a sad world we live in where Braid and Valkyria cannot both be in the top 10.


An interesting statistic: this year, more than half of the points in the rankings are outside the top ten. Last year, it was less than 40%.


Batteries the CRISIS!
1. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
2. Gears of War 2
3. No More Heroes
4. Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People
5. de Blob
6. Soul Calibur 4
7. Grand Theft Auto 4
8. Mario Kart Wii
9. Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law
10. Nerf N-Strike
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