Hey missile, it´s amazing how far you´ve gone from those pics months ago. I´ve enjoyed a lot watching your renders get better and more detailed with every small iteration, even if I couldn´t understand half your posts most times lol Astounding work mate! ...
Thx, Sir!

Hope it's a lil pleasing to watch. Indeed, these old shoots had
only local diffuse reflection. And with all the speculars implemented even a
simple plane can looks stunning. xD
Tried some other metals as well;
platinum, copper, gold, iron
Like I said, I'm not so much convinced of the copper and the color-less
reflection at grazing for all the metals, but that's at least what today's
standard (F0 data + Schlick) considers as quite good, yet I think I can
do better. Will see. Anyhow, I think the metals can be anticipated and the
colored highlights are also quite cool as well.
This special color shift I'm talking about (if you watch the highlights at
grazing) my seem a bit exaggerated to realize, for, the range in which it
happens (about 85-98 degrees) may seem small and not worth to consider (which
is what Schlick's approximation does) and which has some truth to it. But two
cool things await when simulating these effects. Not only does the object gets
colored slightly different when seen at grazing, but what makes it stood out
is if you make the highlights sparkle/scatter/bloom etc. esp. when seen at
grazing, because the color of the already colored highlight will change rapidly
within that region for some metals and as such the sparkles will change color
quickly as well for small changes in viewing position producing this kind of
special color shimmering (unique to metals) of the highlights at grazing. And
since the sparkles, bloom etc. takes up some many pixels on the screen, it
will have some noticeable impact. That's at least what I'm after, but abusing
it in one way or another.

Like I've said, I'm not after any realism. Sounds
odd, heh?