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Gaf Needs to Attract to The Remaining 40% of Gamers...Women.



We have a solid ratio of visitors, all things considered.

These ratios make sense.

If you check out the best selling console/Steam genres in the table someone posted in this thread about what percentage of players in each genre are female, these % are representative.

There is also a similar ratio between gamedev workers and it's above what Sony (previous gens), Nintendo (during WiiU and rearly Switch before Switch's AC and Pokemon), Xbox (previous gens) said they had and what someone researched a few years ago about Steam's website.

The 40-50% female players ratio we heard since many years ago came from mobile, because mobile gaming has a way higher userbase than console and PC and because the top mobile game genres match the ones that in the game genre preference by gender table appear as the ones with a higher percent of female players.
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Gold Member
Wow, this is the most girls I have ever seen on a forum. By a lot. Usually, it's like 2 girls and 2000 sad guys.

Yeah, true. I was a member of another forum for many years, and they had about 2% women. 21% is quite respectable.

"... approximately 41 per cent of PlayStation 5 and PS4 owners are women. Compare this to just 18 per cent on PS1, and clearly the demographic for consoles is growing."

[In response to the GAF ratio:]
But visitors doesnt nessasarily mean contributors doest? Im no mod so i really dont know. Not saying we needs to know whos who making thread or anyo e needs to announce tbeir gender. But it obvious gaming is not a one gender discussion anymore.

But recognize that your statement applies to the statistic you quoted, too, both here and in the OP, as justification for the thread.
Just as "21% of GAF users are female" does not mean "21% of the contributions are from women," likewise, "41% of PS4/5 owners are women" doesn't mean that women account for 41% of the participation on PS4 -- the amount of time played, the level of engagement, the numbers of games purchased, etc.. I'm sure that men account for a much larger percentage of those factors than women do. I'd also suspect that some percentage of those female owners of a PS4/5 are mothers who bought the console for their kids.

Videogames (in the sense of "core" gaming) is mostly a male hobby. Of course there is overlap and many exceptions (particularly with certain genres, mentioned earlier), but overall, it is a hobby with a lot of competitive, aggressive elements -- not always, but commonly -- and that is more of a male thing. It also tends to prioritize things, systems, and mechanics, rather than one-on-one relationships; again, more of a man thing.

I'm glad we have 20% women, and I welcome more of them. I don't see any benefit in trying to recruit them, though. If they're interested, they'll show up. No need for some artificial attempt at "equality." Leave people free to congregate where they will.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster

Lets see how civil we can be...​

This needed its own thread.

In 2021, women accounted for 45 percent of gamers in the United States, up from 41 percent of U.S. gamers identifying as women during the previous year.

UPDATE: For those who say the sourcs above only account for women on smartphones. Almost half of playstation gamer are women


Alot of the discussions we have on here about the pandering, the diversity, how characters are too sexy, how characters are too woke in gaming... All go out the window when we include women who simply dont care. Im not saying all of us on here are that way and im also not saying we shouldnt call out obvious marketing forced agendas

But we tend to self evangelize.

UPDATE: Based on the comment we still think:
  1. Women gamers arent real
  2. Women who react to games dont play games
  3. Women only play mobile games
  4. Women are causal gamers
  5. Women are not core gamers
  6. Women think Gaffers are incels. He said it, not me.

Edit: TITLE: Gaf Needs to Appeal* to The Remaining 40% of Gamers...Women.

Interesting stats, but I must admit to being a bit dubious about the significance of console ownership as that needs to factor in single mom's buying consoles for their kids. Why not base it on account ownership, which could then be broken down by platform, and degree of activity within that cohort. i.e. how many self-identifying female account holders are within the top 10th percentile for activity on say, PS4.

People who play games are not a homogenous bloc, even when divided by an immutable characteristic like sex. Circumstantial concerns like time to play (freedom from other responsibilities) are obviously more impactful than anything else, and then things like socio-political outlook are again going to heavily bias selection of titles based on content. A conservative/religious woman is going to have very different tastes to a progressive (trans-)woman in terms of what constitutes an aspirational lead figure.


Gold Member
Interesting stats, but I must admit to being a bit dubious about the significance of console ownership as that needs to factor in single mom's buying consoles for their kids. Why not base it on account ownership, which could then be broken down by platform, and degree of activity within that cohort. i.e. how many self-identifying female account holders are within the top 10th percentile for activity on say, PS4.

People who play games are not a homogenous bloc, even when divided by an immutable characteristic like sex. Circumstantial concerns like time to play (freedom from other responsibilities) are obviously more impactful than anything else, and then things like socio-political outlook are again going to heavily bias selection of titles based on content. A conservative/religious woman is going to have very different tastes to a progressive (trans-)woman in terms of what constitutes an aspirational lead figure.
When it comes to any survey that gets people to claim they are a sports fan, gamer, movie watcher etc.... Unless there are hard defined measurements someone has to achieve to classified as one, any survey is pointless.

If I play games 2 hrs per week, I might say I'm a gamer. Someone else who says they play 2 hrs a week may say they really arent. Someone who goes to the theratre here and there day one may say they arent really a movie fan at all. But someone who doesnt go to the theatre but watches movies on NF here and there may say they are a big movie fan.
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This thread did make me curious as to why one of my friends doesn’t go on gaming forums when I know she goes on Reddit. She said that she had tried them before, but she would go into a thread all hyped about a game only to leave disappointed when it seemed to be nothing but console warring.

I personally signed up here because I like games and wanted a place to chat about them. Why assume we have to make places appealing for one sex or another? This is a gaming forum, if you like games and forums then you will join regardless of sex.
OP understands some dude here needs to get laid.
Lol that ain't happening via video game forums.

I just think that OP doesn't understand that sure a lot of females like video games but just don't like them enough to rant and rave about them on forums.

They've more than likely got some social stuff to attend to or an onlyfans to maintain. Fuck knows what they are interested In I just know that a forum like this isn't on their minds :D
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Lets see how civil we can be...​

This needed its own thread.

In 2021, women accounted for 45 percent of gamers in the United States, up from 41 percent of U.S. gamers identifying as women during the previous year.

UPDATE: For those who say the sourcs above only account for women on smartphones. Almost half of playstation gamer are women


Alot of the discussions we have on here about the pandering, the diversity, how characters are too sexy, how characters are too woke in gaming... All go out the window when we include women who simply dont care. Im not saying all of us on here are that way and im also not saying we shouldnt call out obvious marketing forced agendas

But we tend to self evangelize.

UPDATE: Based on the comment we still think:
  1. Women gamers arent real
  2. Women who react to games dont play games
  3. Women only play mobile games
  4. Women are causal gamers
  5. Women are not core gamers
  6. Women think Gaffers are incels. He said it, not me.

Edit: TITLE: Gaf Needs to Appeal* to The Remaining 40% of Gamers...Women.



First of all.... don't EVER believe demographics from a company. I'm not saying they're lying necessarily.. but it's just stupid to take the information at face value.

Second - do an experiment. Pick any game where you can join a random party. Then count how many men, women and muted mics you get. Then why don't you even pretend every muted mic is a female.

Women are NOT half of PlayStation gamers. I'm sorry. It's just not possible.


The games women play are phone games like Angry Birds and Candy Crush. We take out phone games from the equation and whst % of women play console games?10%?20%?

Disagree, I have many female friends on PSN that play Destiny, Fortnite and many other games.

Many seem to get into it through boyfriends and like the social aspect.... I think the virus has made it even more attractive to women in general.

Will only grow IMO

I don't know the % though, just anecdotal.
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That's up to the game devs, I can only say that many female gamers love sexualized girl chars in games. If you look at cosplay communities, perhaps 1% of all cosplays are ugly female chars while the other 99% are cosplays from attractive female chars. Sony allowing project eve to showcase at their event is a great start for really attracting female gamers. Girls especially those in Asia always do whatever they can to look attractive, none of them like those awful designs like returnal.



Nobody has to cater to anyone, women do what they want. Who fucking cares if some genres don't have a lot of them? It's like who fucking cares that men don't read some types of novels? Same shit.

My recommendation to gaf and the game indsutry on that? Just be yourself.

Trying so hard to cater to a mostly uninterested demographic is what's creepy as fuck. Do you really have to be so fucking insecure about your hobby/industry?!


If you include the amount of "men" in the female percentage who kick and scream every time there's a rumor a playstation exclusive might go to pc those numbers would balance out.


The games women play are phone games like Angry Birds and Candy Crush. We take out phone games from the equation and whst % of women play console games?10%?20%?
Wow what a shitty comment. My wife plays games with me, she got the platinum in God of War before me on PS4 and played through all of the Dark Souls games and Bloodborne with me and more as well. Don't make such a broad generalization about a group of people, makes you look like an ass.
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Nah, GAF just is the way it is. If women want to join then cool, if not then that's ok too. There's some women who post already and I haven't seen anyone being hostile or unwelcoming to them.
Just anecdotally, a lot of women I know that play games seem less invested in console warring or graphics bitching which, let's be honest, is like 80% of what happens on the gaming side of Gaf

It's ok for certain communities to naturally be more appealing to men or women. This notion that, on average, men and women are 100% identical aside from obvious physical differences has always been stupid.
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Why? Why does everything need to appeal to everyone? I hate this idea that there can’t be places that are mostly men. Nobody cares when something is mostly women. It’s fine if there is a natural separation sometimes.
OP does GAF need to do this from a business perspective (in which case I would ask if you have a financial stake in the forum)?

Or would you just prefer to participate in a forum with more women (in which case I would invite you to find a new forum or build your own)?

Why would the average user of GAF care about this at all? Lots of people come here, and they have a variety of reasons for doing so. Where is this "need" coming from?

And yes, most of these questions are rhetorical, the kind of person that would even make such a thread is probably not interested in engaging with these types of questions, but I'd love to be proven wrong.
I know using google is extremely challenging so I went ahead and did it for you.

Ill intentionally indulge the trolling, makes my teeth white.

You clowned yourself here to prove a point that isnt valid.

I found said community prior but refrained the post as to limit the chances of someone moving the goal post and name call a male knitter or question one sexuality.

Also the difference here is a knitting forum community would welcome men.

Also, there are more women playing video games than there are men knitting. This still proves my point that game discussions is not one gender sided.
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