Hey you're that guy! Great job. Sounds all sorts of horrible though!Hurting pretty bad today. Did my first Ultra distance race over the weekend for the Toughest Mudder Midwest. It's an obstacle course race where you have 8hours to complete as many laps as possible of a 5-mile course with 16 obstacles. It started at 12am just to make it a little more difficult. Seeing a thousand headlights and blinking strobes running through the woods was a pretty cool experience.
My goal was 6 laps for a total of 30 miles but up feeling pretty good and I hit 7 laps for a grand total of 38miles in 7 hours and 47 minutes. The extra 3 miles was due to failing 3 obstacles and having to run penalty loops. Having a time limit and laps really helps push you. You kind of end up focusing on the lap itself and not the big picture. I am still trying to figure out if I want to sign up for a 50k in December but I feel like this race did check the box for completing an Ultra Marathon.
Showing signs of overtraining, mood swings, hard to find sleep, elevated resting hbr. Energy has been a little low, the heat isn't helping. Legs feel solid though, haven't felt shins or knees or ITBs or anything. I proactively massage with some cream after most runs, dunno whether it's helping but it feels good so why not.
Wanted to put more volume in this week, but cutting quality sessions till I feel better. This was my last week in this training block, was going to take it easy for most of next week and finish with a semi TT on Sunday. I'll see how I feel by then, if I'm rested enough I'll do it, if not I'll just do another easy long run.
Starting to seriously back-load pace specific work towards the end and into the tapper. I don't think that's too much of a problem. If I'm well rested by then, marathon pace should feel pretty comfortable. If not, well, guess I'll have to readjust what my marathon pace should be! And that's OK too.
How's training going for all you Fall marathoners?
I think the old run follows my actual path a bit better, you can see where I've moved out of the way of someone or just drifted to one side of the pavement or another. The new 5k is probably giving a better estimate of the actual road distance I'm covering.
I guess that's what I want at the end of the day so I'll just have to accept the challenge of my unfairly gained PRs!
Showing signs of overtraining, mood swings, hard to find sleep, elevated resting hbr. Energy has been a little low, the heat isn't helping.
How's training going for all you Fall marathoners?
The fitness I've gained/lost(?) during my taper/race should hopefully carry me through, well at least according to Stravistix and Strava fitness/freshness meters it shoulddddd- but I don't really know exactly how much stock I can put into those even though I do use them!
A really fast marathoner (sub-2:30s) I was talking to before my last told me to expect good 5k/10k times 2-3 weeks after the marathon given all the training and conditioning. He probably thought I had more of a structured approach to the race, but he wasn't wrong - 5k PB after a fast 10k on a tough course and a course record on a tough 5k when taking it easy as I had a 20-miler in the afternoon. Just a shame I got carried away and didn't give myself much rest after that and burned out![]()
A few months ago I started cardio training, and my coach gave this routine: 5m warmup, and then 10 intervals of 30s sprint/1m recovery jog (and 3-5m cooldown at the end). This is the beginner version, the moderate increases it to 15 intervals when you are good enough to do 100% sprints and 50% jogs (without walking of course).
I decided to increase it to 12 just to ease it in, since I never felt fully at 100%-50% performance but still didn't feel TOO exhausted after 10 intervals. So far so good.
In the past weeks I neglected it somewhat, been very busy, but I restarted it recently and I want to keep at it buuuut, problem: ankle pain getting worse. I've felt occasional pain and soreness in my left ankle (usually after sitting/lying down for a while and then getting up, it's usually better after I move a little) but it was never a big deal, only lately my Achilles tendon has been hurting too, which never happened before and is scary as fuck. I should note, I also do martial arts (my cardio goal is to increase stamina and performance in this training) and did NOT stop/neglect this training, all the time I had went to this and not the cardio training.
I know at least three people practicing the same art who tore their Achilles and were out for months. One of them had been ignoring pain in his Achilles for months so that was kind of on him, but another had no prior sign too.
I wonder if it's safe to even keep running...I'm probably overreacting, but I'm scared. Seeing my physio on Friday so hopefully I'll be able to get some advice. I hope putting some sort of ankle support will help.
Showing signs of overtraining, mood swings, hard to find sleep, elevated resting hbr. Energy has been a little low, the heat isn't helping. Legs feel solid though, haven't felt shins or knees or ITBs or anything. I proactively massage with some cream after most runs, dunno whether it's helping but it feels good so why not.
How's training going for all you Fall marathoners?
It's early December, so you still have three months. If you were starting from scratch (base building) it'd be short, but being in decent shape from a recent half I'd think that's plenty of times to prepare. What's your goal time? JD places your recent semi as equivalent to a 3h55 full.The fitness I've gained/lost(?) during my taper/race should hopefully carry me through, well at least according to Stravistix and Strava fitness/freshness meters it shoulddddd- but I don't really know exactly how much stock I can put into those even though I do use them!
The question marks mirror my doubts and uncertainties! How do I hold all these �s??Here, take these: ���� �� �� �� �� ��
That's a lot of racing. Are racing-racing or taking some of them as specific (not completely all-out) workouts?Got a race a week for the next 4 weeks and a week off before the marathon.
Yeah I'd be interested on TT'ing a 10K a bit after. I'll look around if I can find an actual race. There's the one on the December 31rst that I ran last year, but that's 3months, not 2-3 weeks, I might try to find another in October.A really fast marathoner (sub-2:30s) I was talking to before my last told me to expect good 5k/10k times 2-3 weeks after the marathon given all the training and conditioning.
Yeah, no workouts till I feel recovered, only low intensity jog-runs. To rebound on your "no difficulty whatsoever," yes, energy has been up and down, but easy runs have felt particularly effortless.Yup that's what happened to me as well when I was overtrained
Legs are always ok and when you start running you have no difficulty whatsoever, the "hard to sleep" phase is the worse, gotta slow down on your training![]()
The heat does make it tough. Would run early morning or late evening help a bit?Still stuck on a god damn treadmill as it's >30° every single day where I live, welp.
I also have to deal with 1h max running session which is ok for now but might be annoying in a few months as the race date approach (it's 29th October)
You seem to be producing pretty solid race times on relatively low mileage, that's impressive. Are you planning long runs closer to the race, or will it just be the 1hr cycling +1hr running sessions?Still on three training a week, trying to keep that 80/20 approach usually with a full 1h low pace training (~12km/h), a 50mn low-mid pace (~13km/h on average) and a 1h bicycle training (37-38km).
A few months ago I started cardio training, and my coach gave this routine: 5m warmup, and then 10 intervals of 30s sprint/1m recovery jog (and 3-5m cooldown at the end)
I wonder if it's safe to even keep running...I'm probably overreacting, but I'm scared. Seeing my physio on Friday so hopefully I'll be able to get some advice. I hope putting some sort of ankle support will help.
That's a lot of racing. Are racing-racing or taking some of them as specific (not completely all-out) workouts?
How's training going for all you Fall marathoners?
The heat does make it tough. Would run early morning or late evening help a bit?
You seem to be producing pretty solid race times on relatively low mileage, that's impressive. Are you planning long runs closer to the race, or will it just be the 1hr cycling +1hr running sessions?
It's early December, so you still have three months. If you were starting from scratch (base building) it'd be short, but being in decent shape from a recent half I'd think that's plenty of times to prepare. What's your goal time? JD places your recent semi as equivalent to a 3h55 full.
I have just over 5 weeks left until the Chicago Marathon, but boy am I making things hard on myself. A vacation and the Chicago Triathlon put me behind on my long runs. Longest I've done is 16 and I'm aiming for 18-19 this weekend, followed by a 22 just 3 weeks before the race.
This should be interesting...
I have just over 5 weeks left until the Chicago Marathon, but boy am I making things hard on myself. A vacation and the Chicago Triathlon put me behind on my long runs. Longest I've done is 16 and I'm aiming for 18-19 this weekend, followed by a 22 just 3 weeks before the race.
This should be interesting...
You'll be cutting it close but you'll do your last long run with enough time to do a proper taper, I think.
Oh snap, yah. You are cutting it pretty close to the vest, but here's to phoping that you'll be fine!
My pace is down by minutes but I think I have a handle on my injured foot so I'm going to see how a half marathon race goes this Sunday. If that works out, I'll press on for the October marathon... if not, I'll take a few weeks off and work on strength while finding another race in spring.
Your reactions have me even more concerned lol. Do you guys taper longer than 3 weeks? If so, does that ever feel like too long?
That's a lot of miles. I assume that's more than what you used to do, have you plateaued on aerobic adaptation or are you still seeing changes?I set a goal to run 300 miles a month for this entire year.
That sucks, coming back from injury is never fun. Best of luck!My pace is down by minutes but I think I have a handle on my injured foot so I'm going to see how a half marathon race goes this Sunday. If that works out, I'll press on for the October marathon... if not, I'll take a few weeks off and work on strength while finding another race in spring.
Not an expert, but 3 week taper sounds fine. I'd be more concerned over going into a marathon with a single long run over 20 miles. That's fine too, but a few more would have probably helped. And about cutting it close, I think it takes about 3 weeks to reap the benefits for your long run (citation needed).Your reactions have me even more concerned lol. Do you guys taper longer than 3 weeks? If so, does that ever feel like too long?
That older run looks to have a bit of GPS wobble or jitter, you see it more often on phones than watches, zig-zagging and scribbly-looking lines at worst or just weird unnatural wandering.
BTW, I'm heading down that way for a parkrun (preston park?) and the 10k in November.
I set a goal to run 300 miles a month for this entire year. This morning I dragged myself to a total right at 300 for August. I really don't think I have it in me to start another month tomorrow (and continue through December).
I'm not overtrained (I don't think), and I'm not injured. I'm just extremely bored of it, and mentally drained. The same routes, the same streets, day after day, week after week. And now it's back to being dark for most of the time I'm running in the morning. It's lonely and isolating. And I've got travel for work this month that's going to make it extra inconvenient.
Assuming I take 5 days off (which is about average for a month), and knowing that September only has 30 days, I have to average 12 miles a day, every day I run. And while I know I can do it, I am losing the desire.
But, it's a goal I set. And it's a goal I know I can accomplish, if I just stop bitching and get on with it. There are only four more months. It would be cool to end the year knowing I did it. But I am asking myself more and more these days, what's the point of this?
Your reactions have me even more concerned lol. Do you guys taper longer than 3 weeks? If so, does that ever feel like too long?
Nice work!Pushed out 20 miles today and it went surprisingly smooth. Kept a comfortable pace, which I thought would put me close to 9min/mi, but I averaged 8:35 which is a good sign for finishing the race in under 4.
Edit: My lower back is angry![]()
You really don't want a pocket, the phone will bounce around too much. Get either an arm band or a fannie pack.
If you're on a treadmill why not just get some wireless headphones and put the phone down?
All great suggestions, but any suggestions on shirts?
If you don't care too much about appearances, then think about a cycling jersey. They are very comfortable to run in, and usually have three pockets.
All great suggestions, but any suggestions on shirts?
So any advice on what to do with an on/off again "runners knee?"
I'm currently training for my first ever marathon - Chicago on 10/8. Following a 20 week training plan and it was going really great up until about week 11 or 12.
I ran a regularly scheduled 18 mile run on August 19th with no issues.
On August 22nd I ran a planned weekday run of 4 miles. Halfway through I developed some knee pain, but it wasnt bad and I finished up my run. Day after that I had extreme pain and couldn't even think of running. Took a week off, rested, iced, stretched, did some strengthening exercises and then ran again on August 29th. Did a 4 mile run and I didn't have any pain. Next day, August 30th I tried running again and couldnt even make it 1 mile. Pain cropped up so i just stopped.
I ran this past weekend, did 13 miles, and the first 6 miles were pain free, but the second half was more of a run/walk/run/walk due to pain..again.
I feel okay today and I was going to attempt a run, but man I just dont know.
I think some of it might be in my head, and I want to be able to run the marathon but it just sucks.
So any advice on what to do with an on/off again "runners knee?"
I'm currently training for my first ever marathon - Chicago on 10/8. Following a 20 week training plan and it was going really great up until about week 11 or 12.
I ran a regularly scheduled 18 mile run on August 19th with no issues.
On August 22nd I ran a planned weekday run of 4 miles. Halfway through I developed some knee pain, but it wasnt bad and I finished up my run. Day after that I had extreme pain and couldn't even think of running. Took a week off, rested, iced, stretched, did some strengthening exercises and then ran again on August 29th. Did a 4 mile run and I didn't have any pain. Next day, August 30th I tried running again and couldnt even make it 1 mile. Pain cropped up so i just stopped.
I ran this past weekend, did 13 miles, and the first 6 miles were pain free, but the second half was more of a run/walk/run/walk due to pain..again.
I feel okay today and I was going to attempt a run, but man I just dont know.
I think some of it might be in my head, and I want to be able to run the marathon but it just sucks.
Yeah that sucks. Had noticed something was up from your strava. Hope things turn out OK, but it's good that you're being careful with it.Wow, just came to post something similar.. the exact same kind of thing happened to me...