Can you give examples of this? Because I never felt this at all and I played completely blind for my first run.
It's been a while so I will try and give some examples. I kind of already explained the biggest offenders. The starting areas.
In ds1 and bloodborne you start the game with the tools and abilities to get through the entire game. The first areas teach you how to use these.
In ds 2 this isnt true. My first char started off as mage so I didn't notice it as much as I just shot everyone I needed to. But the other day I tried a new char as a cleric. You start with a mace you don't have the stats to use 1 handed to full effect, terrible adaptability and endurance and no shield. So your options for defence are block with two handed but still take most the damage or back pendel. You can try rolling but you have so few iframes its way harder than in previous games. You also get attacked my multiple enemies straight away and this trend continues through the fofg level. As soon as you clear enough of this area so you can fix your adaptability and get a Shield the game suddenly becomes easy meaning you didn't learn anything. You just pushed you way through the starting area using tactics you don't have to use after the first hour. A starting area is supposed to teach you the ropes on how to deal with the harder areas later. If anything ds2 just gets easier and easier.
There is a covenant in majula that doesn't tell you what it does. It's one of two covenants in the town and it makes the game harder without telling you that's what it does. At least as far as I can tell.
There are a lot of ambushes through out the game that you can't see coming even if your carefull. In ds1 and BB ambushes were saved for rare moments to catch people out who let their guard down. In ds2 they have become a standard encounter design and it becomes a constant anoyance rather than an oh shit moment.
Dying and your Max health lowering only punishes people who are struggling. It never bothered me as I found the game pretty easy for the most part but I have heard many people say how that mechanic is really off putting and I can see why. It's like the game is sying "you seem to be struggling, how about I make the game even harder MWUHAHAHAHA"
In the same ilk you start with 1 estus plus 1 very easy to find one. If you are struggling and use you limited life gems you are now stuck with hardly any healing, again punishing those further who are struggling.
A ton of seemingly light armoured enemies near the start seem to poise straight through your attacks adding to the earlier frustrations I mention.
Suicide zombies bumb rushing you out of the blue. The worst was in the place with the dragons in the sky. You turn a corner to attack a bomb zombie then 3 jump down from a cliff out of your sight and blow you off the cliff and wreck all your armour. You can't plan for it because you can't see it coming.
Enemies have tied agro stopping you from carefully clearing a room out.
That's actuly a big one. In ds1 and BB you can study a room, plan a way to take all the enemies out one by one and turn what at first seemed like impossible odds into your favour. In ds2 you pull one enemey and 3-4 come along with it turning it into yet another shitty group fight where you just bait out some attacks, hit and repeat. It's boring and anoying and removes any feeling of finding a way to turn the odds in your favour.
It's like going through a haunted house thet does a jump scare every 30 seconds. The first few are fun and then they just become irritating. I would walk around a corner and see yet another ambush and just roll my eyes.
But as I have said in the past, I don't think it's a bad game. I just think it removed all the things I love and expect from a souls game. It's like they saw the marketing about dark souls being super hard (which I don't agree it is) and decided that is what made DS so good and not everything else.
The simplest way to explain it is this.
In dark souls 1 and bloodborne, when I dies I almost always felt it was my fault. In dark souls 2 it often felt like I died due to bullshit.
However there are also a lot of people who think it's the best souls game and I actually think that's great. I wouldn't want them to change this game that those people love. I just feel it would have gone over way better if thay had not called it dark souls 2 as that name comes with its own expectations. Few tweaks to the story and name and left it as its own thing then maybe it would get its own sequel for the fans of what it does differently.