The Artisan
It's the highest rated souls game.
I love dark souls 2 but there are significant problems with it. People keep vaguely complaining about the controls but specifically it's the weird, restrictive 8 way directional movement that cause this. Seriously, try it for yourself the movement is digital and you can only move your character and attack in 8 directions. This isn't present in any other game. Combine that with the fact that enemies have that weird sort of lock on where even if their attacks miss they sort of 'warp' on target and hit you. It's kind of balls. Demons and dark 1 don't have these problems. I still think dark souls 2 is an awesome game but these complaints are legit and they are serious issues.It's the best Dark Souls, so maybe you don't like Dark Souls games. Bloodborne is pretty different.
How so? It's the most worthless, pedantic kind of nitpicking and it doesn't remotely impact the playing experience.This is a legitimate complaint though?
Meh. I thought DS2 controlled fine and I really don't know why everyone complaints. The controls are responsive and fluid and every movement I take is expected*. It's not as fast as Demon's Souls or Bloodborne, but Dark Souls was slower than Demon's Souls than Dark Souls II was to Dark Souls, so w/e.You can come at it from any angle; level design, enemy placement, bosses, yadda, yadda and all those criticisms have merit BUT all other criticisms of the game come FAR, FAR below the problem with the core basic engine, how you control the character, how you move and react in the world, the basic combat, movement etc. I am NOT talking about something that can be solved by pumping the agility stat - it is the engine itself that has the character moving in an awkward way that, to me, is inferior to the previous two games and makes the whole game a lesser experience regardless of everything else in the game, good or bad.
Pffft. Yeah no hyperbole there. It's ruined.When people defend DS2 by saying it's bigger, there's more weapons, more fashion souls - I don't care, it's a sequel - I'd expect those things. What I don't expect is for them to take the main thing about the game that makes it so amazing (the basic gameplay) and ruin it.
What on Earth are you talking about? Shitting on DS2 is one of the trendiest things on GAF along with shitting on Souls fans and worshipping Platinum games.Shhh..don't say anything bad about Souls or Bloodborne on GAF. I know from experience that it doesn't end well.
Never had a problem with enemy hordes in DS2 unless I rushed in blindly. Same as in all the other Souls games really.Thats actually a pretty good criticism since enemy hordes like that are quite common, least where I'm at.
Huh?• the gems are garbage especially in late game
Double-huh? Dual wielding was amazing. And bows are certainly not useless.•shit like duel wielding and bows that were hyped up to be actually be good were just if not more useless in ds2.
I love dark souls 2 but there are significant problems with it. People keep vaguely complaining about the controls but specifically it's the weird, restrictive 8 way directional movement that cause this. Seriously, try it for yourself the movement is digital and you can only move your character and attack in 8 directions. This isn't present in any other game. Combine that with the fact that enemies have that weird sort of lock on where even if their attacks miss they sort of 'warp' on target and hit you. It's kind of balls. Demons and dark 1 don't have these problems. I still think dark souls 2 is an awesome game but these complaints are legit and they are serious issues.
I love dark souls 2 but there are significant problems with it. People keep vaguely complaining about the controls but specifically it's the weird, restrictive 8 way directional movement that cause this. Seriously, try it for yourself the movement is digital and you can only move your character and attack in 8 directions. This isn't present in any other game. Combine that with the fact that enemies have that weird sort of lock on where even if their attacks miss they sort of 'warp' on target and hit you. It's kind of balls. Demons and dark 1 don't have these problems. I still think dark souls 2 is an awesome game but these complaints are legit and they are serious issues.
Yeah I have literally no idea what he's talking about. It's especially hilarious since when locked on, you have more freedom of movement than in DS1, since you can run backwards while still locked on. I actually hated that at first, but it was mostly because of old Demon's Souls PvP habits.This is completely false and takes about two seconds to debunk. Dark Souls 2 is more analog than the previous games and doesn't snap your dodging into backwards/forwards/left/right.
To properly answer OP's question:
It was rushed, Namco influenced the design, and Miyazaki was unavailable to help out which led to some poor decision making on the fundamental level.
That's actually a PC problem, if I remember correctly. The PS3/Xbox versions did not have this problem and I remember having to download a mod to fix it on PC.
This is completely false and takes about two seconds to debunk. Dark Souls 2 is more analog than the previous games and doesn't snap your dodging into backwards/forwards/left/right.
What? (I hope you're trolling m8) lets ignore the fact tons of bad sequels got better reviews and sells i.e. Halo 4, what makes ds2 a better game?DS2 is better than DS1, this is a proven fact from both reviews and sales.
I thought Shrine of Amana was the worst area in the game (though not quite as bad as Izalith) and that area is right after Drangleic.
The tracking. Those fucking giant dual wielding ax guys were the worst, moving like they were action figures on top of spinning record.
DS2 is better than DS1, this is a proven fact from both reviews and sales.
Yeah I have literally no idea what he's talking about. It's especially hilarious since when locked on, you have more freedom of movement than in DS1, since you can run backwards while still locked on. I actually hated that at first, but it was mostly because of old Demon's Souls PvP habits.
* Except greatsword moveset, those do suck. They sucked in DS1 (only Demon's UGS ar real) too but at least didn't have this weird behaviour when locked-on. Don't know what they were thinking.
Man, these threads really are wearying.
Sure that is an improvement. But then they screw it up by having your character face away from your enemy after a roll, making the combat slower and severely limiting opportunities for counter attacks. Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne get it right. When you dash/roll you pivot around the enemy, allowing for more fluidity in the combat instead of having it feel like fighting is a game of red light green light.
Because of this id rather be restricted to 4way dodging while locked like DeS/DaS1 and retain the fluidity of combat.
Double-huh? Dual wielding was amazing. And bows are certainly not useless.
Critics or user-wise? For me, the the ramblings here on NeoGAF are a better indicator of a game's appeal than professional reviews. Dks 2 is a massively polarizing game here, and that's exactly my opinion on the game, as well.It's the highest rated souls game.
Lol yes. The Matthewmatosis video is literally "Let's nitpick about every fucking thing and some of those things are true for Dark Souls 1 but they're good in that game because reasons"
How so? It's the most worthless, pedantic kind of nitpicking and it doesn't remotely impact the playing experience.
It is absolutely not worse than Lords of the FallenDark Souls 2 is the worst in the genre.
I agree.BTW the Scholar of the first Sin edition manage to fix some of the isses the vanilla game had, still some few areas are a mess with those huge enemies aggro and the questionable enemy placements in some areas
Dark Souls 2 is the worst in the genre.
Sakauraba didn't do this song. The GOAT Souls composer Yuka Kitamura did.
I agree.
Iron Keep is a huge fucking headache in sotfs, what with alonne knight gank squads, multiple npc invasions.
Rest of sotfs is a big improvement but Iron Keep is just, what
Sure that is an improvement. But then they screw it up by having your character face away from your enemy after a roll, making the combat slower and severely limiting opportunities for counter attacks. Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne get it right. When you dash/roll you pivot around the enemy, allowing for more fluidity in the combat instead of having it feel like fighting is a game of red light green light.
This can't be stressed enough. The fluidity of the combat is severely limited in Dks 2 because of this. It's a stupid decision, and the fact that Dks 3 and BB changed it again tells me that FROM and Miyazaki think so, too. Thank God.Sure that is an improvement. But then they screw it up by having your character face away from your enemy after a roll, making the combat slower and severely limiting opportunities for counter attacks. Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne get it right. When you dash/roll you pivot around the enemy, allowing for more fluidity in the combat instead of having it feel like fighting is a game of red light green light.
Because of this id rather be restricted to 4way dodging while locked like DeS/DaS1 and retain the fluidity of combat.
Dark Souls 2 stresses the minutia of positioning a lot more than Demon's Souls and Dark Souls. They take away your invincibility frames, But give you extra control. And you need that control anyway, considering how some of the enemies attack.
By handing you favors like automatically facing your enemy after most movements, the two previous games actually limit themselves.
It doesn't take long to figure out how to snap around to an enemy, in Dark Souls 2. But it does take time to get used to working harder for your dodges and creating openings for attacks.
and if you are playing scholar of the first sin, you really need to get these little details figured out. Because enemies chase you twice as far. If you pull an enemy, you often have to commit and fight them.
Eh... for those who truly like to roleplay, of course it does impact the experience. One of my most hated element in a create-your-own-hero RPGs in fact is when they shove a certain background/characteristic into your character that conflicts with the "create any character you want!" feature.
The opening of Dark Souls 2 unfortunately did this: the CG movie seemed really leaning in the assumption that your character was a male... unlike say, Bloodborne, where there was no indication what your character's gender was supposed to so you can roleplay your character the way you want.
Great if it doesn't affect you! But don't assume what doesn't affect you also doesn't affect anyone else, so no, this particular criticism also has value in it, regardless of what your personal opinion about it. The same thing was also being done to Fallout 4 (although much more explicitly), and many people criticized Bethesda's decision to do it, and rightfully so.
nope. I actually noticed it myself on the xbox 360 version of the game and then again on ps4 with sotfs. Apparently it's not 'digital' movement but a weird deadzone issue. you're correct about the mod, which fixes it on the pc version. sadly this option isn't available on consoles. I'm guess ps3 version is plagued with the same issue. It's cool if people aren't noticing it, but it's definitely an issue with the game. It's easily demonstrable if you are looking for it. Go try it, on whatever version you have. I just tested it on ps4 against my pc copy of dark souls 1 and then bloodborne. It's super noticeable. Didn't even know there was a pc mod to fix it until now. I'm gonna try that right away!
The best Dark Souls player in the world, UrbanOrb, made a movie-length video about why Dark Souls 2 is bad, OP: