I'm in the same boat. Currently rocking a Sony X930E/XE9305 from 2017. It's still pretty great, but of course just 60hz with no VRR. And although it was a really good LCD seven years ago I know better image quality can be had these days.
LG seems like the obvious choice for getting great gaming IQ at good value, but how is the OS experience etc on those? The thing is that I really enjoy Android/Google TV. Pretty much every app I'd ever need is there, and in the rare case something isn't I can just cast. So that's a Sony advantage I think LG can't quite match? I know people will tell me to just get an external streaming box because smart TVs suck anyway, but I don't actually agree. Good smart TVs don't suck, and having everything in one place and controlled by the same remote is quite convenient. And because my entire setup except for my Switch is Sony (TV, receiver, console) stuff like HDMI-CEC works great, which I know isn't always the case if you mix different brands. Also, the movie viewing experience is typically better on the best Sonys. But they are also A LOT more expensive.