How does that invalidate someone's opinion? I watch Arrow but I don't pretend it's good show anymore, I watch it because I've got nothing else to watch and can mostly tolerate its garbage parts.
OP, you knew that a lot of people in this thread were going to completely dismiss you and probably not even read what you wrote.
But you are 100% percent correct and I hope that much gives you peace of mind.
GoT is a trashy, tawdry soap. It is a fun show (sometimes) but it is pure junk food.
yep good first season, massive downhill slope after that.
Yes, you are right. A gross and terrible series, but with all the -isms its no wonder people like it in this day and age when a man like Trump can become president.
I suggest everyone watch that MrBTongue video on his views of GOT
There is a difference between realizing a show has flaws, but enjoying it anyways, and watching a show that you believe is absolute trash.
Jesus Christ, what is with these dreadful "HAHAHA, NO" one-liners. I can't say I fully agree with the OP, but they brought up some legitimate points.
I'm going to lay out some arguments as to why I think Game of Thrones is really kind of awful, not just as an adaptation but as a piece of media in its own right. Oh, and no, I'm not a book purist. I understand that things have to be changed for the sake of adaptation. I just wish those changes weren't stupid.
...... I'm going to lay out some arguments as to why I think Game of Thrones is really kind of awful, not just as an adaptation but as a piece of media in its own right. Oh, and no, I'm not a book purist. I understand that things have to be changed for the sake of adaptation...
I suggest everyone watch that MrBTongue video on his views of GOT
Why is that ableist?Ableism. Jaime, Jaime, Jaime. He stops a sword with his golden hand! How wacky. And Hodor, because disability can't just be, it has to have a reason behind it. I know this is taken from the books, and if it's in the same context as in the show I will be upset. The beetles monologue, ugh.
What kind of dragons did they have in the middle ages?
OP posted clickbait thread.
Such a thread deserves the responses it is getting.
theyre not even the same medium, why should anyone care what happened in the books? From what ive seen it doesnt require much for people to let everyone know "but the books are better!"
She is twelve. Don't give me that "in Westeros that doesn't count!" shit, she's still fucking twelve years old.
Because it's like they're afraid to write a problematic disabled character meaning that Tyrion is whitewashed and thus all (especially the female characters) must warp to accommodate his perfection.
Welcome to TV adaptation?
Yet still the best show on tv.
Nothing more powerful than Jon Snow realizing he is about to die but won't go down with out a fight.
You'll never get this exact moment from a book
It gets worse.just so Tyrion could rule.They killed off Selmy
Funny how Mr. "penisGAF hates everything with a majority female audience" is being a dick in a thread about a feminist and valid interpretation of Game Of Thrones.OP posted clickbait thread.
Such a thread deserves the responses it is getting.
As a book reader I agree. Doesn't make it worse, just...different.why does this make it bad? because it's different to the book? i understand you are saying that it is different, i don't understand that the difference makes it bad.
I generally agree (but didn't read everything in detail cos I'm still avoiding season 6)
I watched season 1 and enjoyed it
I watched season 2 and enjoyed it
I read the books and enjoyed them (a lot at parts)
I watched season 3 and noticed a couple of problems
I watched season 4 and started worrying
I watched season 5
I did not watch season 6
It's still got amazing production values but it's got serious issues in the story telling department, but they're hard to explain.
I suggest everyone watch that MrBTongue video on his views of GOT
why does this make it bad? because it's different to the book? i understand you are saying that it is different, i don't understand that the difference makes it bad.
Robb deciding to say fuck it to his marriage vows and marrying Talisa because YOLO (as opposed to doing it for honour, which creates a parallel with Ned, hmm, it's almost like this is a THEME or something) which leads directly to the deaths of him, his wife, his unborn child and his mother. Nice one, Robb. I could go on.
I just finished season 1 last night...should I stop now? how quickly does the show decline? Is the scary stuff beyond the wall just a carrot that gets dangled with no further revelation? Will there be more dragons? Will there be more boobs?
Didn't this happen in the books as well? I've only watched the show so I don't know the details, but what are the differences between TRW in the book and in the show?