The weird thing is Oberyon winning and Tyrion going free seems like the most obvious outcome which makes me scared because we all know how GRRM works.
Seriously, it kinda feels too good to be true.
The weird thing is Oberyon winning and Tyrion going free seems like the most obvious outcome which makes me scared because we all know how GRRM works.
The weird thing is Oberyon winning and Tyrion going free seems like the most obvious outcome which makes me scared because we all know how GRRM works.
Ugh. Almost time. Elreally looking forward to this and scared at the same time.
there is a GoT Crusader Kings mod which is supposed to be pretty good. I've stayed away since it is based on the books though
I've been playing quite a lot of it, and there are historical starts that are hundreds of years before the events of the series, so you can avoid spoilers that way. Just as an example, I'm currently doing a playthrough as Aegon the Conquerer, who was the first Targaryen king and the one who united the Seven Kingdoms. Because your actions can change the events of the normal timeline, you can avoid spoilers.
I have played as King Robb in the Clash of Kings / season 2 historical start and was able to completely change the events of the series. Unless you start in the A Feast For Crows or A Storm of Swords arcs, you should be able to avoid spoilers. That being said, I do not know if specific plot points will trigger if you do this. I would recommend playing something towards the beginning of the timeline, like I did with Aegon, just to be safe. It's a good way to learn the map and the major houses, and depending on where you start from, the specific events that happened before the show (such as Robert's Rebellion).
Wait wait wait wait...are you telling me I can play as King Stannis and win the Battle of Blackwater?
Only in your...
King Stannis has taught us to take no value in useless things like the imagination.
I didn't take you for a supporter of usurpers, Vashetti.
Sorry man.
My allegiance is to Lady Stark.
I loved Lady Catelyn just like you and Littlefinger, which is why I honor the truth her husband, the great and honorable Lord Eddard Stark, died for.
Referring to Lady Sansa.
And Stannis would treat her honestly and faiy, as long as she bent the knee.
Wait wait wait wait...are you telling me I can play as King Stannis and win the Battle of Blackwater?
PVRing the episode tonight.......I guess I should go on Twitter/Facebook blackout until I get home and watch......
Wait wait wait wait...are you telling me I can play as King Stannis and win the Battle of Blackwater?
Started the Stannis campaign, the first choice it gives you is to either side with Renly and support his claim, or to tell him to get lost.
Stannis can't have the throne because that essentially means Melisandre has the throne.
You can play as Stannis and WIN the throne. You can establish a Baratheon dynasty to last until the end of time.
King Renly! I must play this game
I'm pretty sure he kicks the bucket regardless of what you do if you start from the ACOK mark. You would have to start from when Robert is king and work your way up the ladder.
My computer crashed, but I got Stannis on the Iron Throne. The Tyrells and the Second Sons joined my cause and we absolutely destroyed the Lannisters. I was handing out justice on Cersei when my computer died.
Can you refuse a house's oath of fealty and crush them anyway?
Me too.Can't believe there are only three more episodes left! Super excited about tonight!
I'm thinking Oberyn is going to win since they've made a big deal about having him constantly announce that he has this mission of revenge he's looking to carry out. Then again, I totally thought Rob and Co. were safe when they were talking about battle strategies, making you think they wouldn't waste time having them set up a battle that was never going to happen. Next thing you know, the Red Wedding. So who knows.. imagine if Oberyn loses and Tyrion is quickly beheaded and the episode ends, Ned Stark style.
I've been playing quite a lot of it, and there are historical starts that are hundreds of years before the events of the series, so you can avoid spoilers that way. Just as an example, I'm currently doing a playthrough as Aegon the Conquerer, who was the first Targaryen king and the one who united the Seven Kingdoms. Because your actions can change the events of the normal timeline, you can avoid spoilers.
I have played as King Robb in the Clash of Kings / season 2 historical start and was able to completely change the events of the series. Unless you start in the A Feast For Crows or A Storm of Swords arcs, you should be able to avoid spoilers. That being said, I do not know if specific plot points will trigger if you do this. I would recommend playing something towards the beginning of the timeline, like I did with Aegon, just to be safe. It's a good way to learn the map and the major houses, and depending on where you start from, the specific events that happened before the show (such as Robert's Rebellion).
I want to play this. I see a game called Europa Universalis IV on steam's homepage. Which one is better?
I can't remember but did Robb know about Theon taking over Winterfell and thinking that Bran and Rickon were dead when he died? or did that all happen after the whole red wedding?
Well, if you want to play the Game of Thrones mod you're gonna have to get Crusader Kings 2. But besides that, Crusader Kings is more about your dynasty, taking place during the medival era, wheras Europa Universalis is more about nation states during the age of discovery.
Can't believe there are only three more episodes left! Super excited about tonight!
Thank you. I've been checking around, CK2 was just $9.99 a couple weeks back. Europa is $9.99 right now. Might just get both.
Does that include todays?
Does that include todays?
Damn cable provider screwing me over on tonight's episode---probably won't be able to watch this until early tomorrow morning, and that's only if they are on the ball with getting it up on OnDemand!