There's no way Tyrion dies right?
Why? I thought that was a very moving scene. I was hoping they would embrace, but Ramsey kneeling instead drove the point home that there is still a barrier between father and son. I look forward to seeing their relationship blossom and hearing them eventually tell each other "I love you".
Yeah, I was crushed when Oberyn was killed and then the camera focused on Tyrion. :/God damn that was fucking brutal...
Seriously my heart dropped when I saw tyrion's face.
Honestly, it's part of what makes this series so interesting. The bad guys can win. No one is safe.
The bad guys always win.
Have the good guys won anything, ever.
Joffrey died pretty good remember![]()
The bad guys always win.
Have the good guys won anything, ever.
... because of a bad guy.
Just the last second "GOTCHYA" type of stuff. I don't read the books so I don't know if it just GRRM or jus the writers. Just bugs me, nothing against the quality of the show or anything.
Au contraire, I think Olenna's a good guy![]()
Pretty much... Too bad though since Oberyn was cool as hell and turned out to be one of the slickest fighters ever put on television.Not Tywin's place to say who can't fight, it's up the gods brah
The bad guys always win.
Have the good guys won anything, ever.
Daenerys hasn't been stopped by any major obstacles
Is the Mountain for sure dead? I would be really pissed if he somehow made it out alive. Even though he died in the worst way possible, Oberyn got part of his revenge.
He's not like his brother, that's for sure.
Yeah, I think he's dead, so it will end up in a draw of some sort? Maybe Tywin will carry out the deal that they had before;Jaime goes to Casterly Rock and Tyrion to the Night's Watch?
I just want the White Walkers to come kill everyone now. Dany shouldn't even bother with that stupid continent, and just chill out in Essos. Fuck the Lannisters, fuck the Freys, fuck the Boltons, fuck Littlefinger, fuck the Wall, fuck the Red Whore and her little bitch King, fuck that old fart kissing Lannister ass, fuck the Iron Throne. I hope the White Walkers come and kill every single last person in Westeros (except Dorne cause they're cool), and then they salt the place so nothing can ever grow on it ever. Sansa, Arya, and the Hound better get out while they can.
I didn't get the sense he died. Hopefully get to see the Hound go up against his much younger older brother.
Not sure how he survives getting stabbed in the gut like that. Pretty sure his last action in life was crushing Obyern's head into a bloody pulp.
The series is notorious for this though. I'm sure many more horrible things are on the horizon.I'd be completely ok with this. I'd especially like to see a White Walker tear Cersei in two(<3 you Lina Heedy)
I'm tired of the bad guys winning all the time....especially when they always kill the heroes in the most gruesome ways. It's starts to become mean spirited when you do it so much and the Oberyn head smash scene was just that, mean spirited.
Not sure how he survives getting stabbed in the gut like that. Pretty sure his last action in life was crushing Obyern's head into a bloody pulp.
The Mountain was stabbed right in the middle of his torso deep with a giant spear. I think it's safe to assume he........might..die.
The Mountain was stabbed right in the middle of his torso deep with a giant spear. I think it's safe to assume he........might..die.
lolThis series is notorious for this though. I'm sure many more horrible things are on the horizon.
That's why GRRM always wears that hat, to shield him from the never ending tears.
The Mountain was stabbed right in the middle of his torso deep with a giant spear. I think it's safe to assume he........might..die.
Ehhhh they can do whatever they want but at a certain point I just stop caring. Sons of Anarchy had the same effect on me.
As soon as oberyn began yelling, dread overcame me, no fuckin lie, there was a pit in my stomach. I FELT like tyrion, like my life was gonna be decided.
I imagine like Michelle Fairley, she has a no-nudity clause in her contract especially since it was drafted when she was like 14.
I can't handle it. I just can't handle it.
I want Tywin to get his. Even though he's one of the most statuesque characters, his treatment on his son and the games he's played to get things to this point fall on him. He deserves to die.