Haven't heard from Tommen in a while...
Probably playing with Ser Pounce.
Or Margaery. Just sayin, whilst everyone else has been busy with this trial business...
This is the more important one
Haven't heard from Tommen in a while...
Or Margaery. Just sayin, whilst everyone else has been busy with this trial business...
Ahhhhhh..............Im gonna miss Oberyn ;__; I know he has an older brother who supposedly had gout on his foot so he couldn't come to King's Landing...... so so so Im hoping the gout thing was just an excuse cuz Doran really hates the Lannisters even more so than Oberyn. And that Doran turned out to look just like Pedro Pascal. And DEADLIER.
.... hey, a girl can dream. right? :3
Showaddy, hahah, that's a good point! Can't wait until she's all like OSHIT
Pedro REALLY hit it out of the park with his portrayal of Oberyn. I'd totally love to see more of him. We can only dream of the above.
Also, having been a fan of Sean Bean even before his portrayal of Ned in Game of Thrones...I was totally expecting him to die. C'mon, he's Sean fuckin' Bean...he dies in every show, and he's an expert at it. Look at his portrayal ofdeath. Brilliantly done. The only show I don't see him die in is Ronin.Boromir's
I heard Oberyn's sister was a very beautiful princess. To be honest, I would pay good money to see spin-off of GoT of the time under the Mad King Targaryen, up to the point of the rebellion led by Stark and Baratheon.
Would LOVE to see more of the Targaryens and Ned, Robert and Tywin when they were allies, fighting against a common foe. Would LOVE to see Kingslayer, doing his ironic namesake thing.
... and the best bit, since we all already know what happens in Westeros in the current time line, i think this imaginary spin-off series would be more uplifting in theme and tone
Alas. Just a fantasy ;__;
Not ashamed to admit that I've had Rains of Castamere memorized for a while now, and will sometimes sing it loudly while hiking.
Pedro REALLY hit it out of the park with his portrayal of Oberyn. I'd totally love to see more of him. We can only dream of the above.
Surely that's the perfect contingency plan if the show catches up to the books. I would love to see it too.
Did anybody else find the scene with the song burping woman in the beginning laughable? Not only did I find that poorly acted, which is not that big of an issue, but it reminded me that there seem to be like only 3 songs on the whole continent of Westeros... It even came off to me as the guy thinking like "oh it's not the rains of castamere...what was the second song called again?"
She's been a ticking timebomb to get a comeuppance for 2 seasons running now.The Lioness doesn't concern herself with the opinions of a Sun pierced by a spear....
Am I bad for joining team baelish? Because I kinda feel like backing a winner, now that danny has driven home the point that she just doesn't have what it takes. Even if he's scummy.
I think he's 25 actually.
That's why I want to start the official inauguration of Team White Walkers. Fuck it, nothing left rooting for in Westeros; burn this bitch to the ground.
only 2 episodes left. I'm going to die without game of thrones. WTH do I watch all summer?!
I wanna see her
moment when she remembers Dorne have her daughter.
Wow...just wow...
I expected Oberyn to lose just based on the overall tone that this show operates in, but what got to me was how it all played out. The repeated demands for the mountain to confess what he did, because he thought he had the upper hand...only to get his confession on exact opposite terms. The brutal strike to the face, the teeth clattering on the ground, the taunting confession, the eye gouging, the screaming, the helplessness as his head is crushed....his lover's anguished scream right after...
It's's not so much the gore itself that affected me, but moreso...the finality once it started. To go from cocky grandstanding, to being audibly taunted by your sister's killer describing how he ended her last moments, WHILE he is doing it to you. And other element for me was, it wasn't by a weapon, or fire, or such, but simply helpless in the grip of a man's pure brutal strength. Strength displayed not by lifting or throwing, as often shown, but by cranial pulverization...It was so primal :-(
This show...sometimes it just makes me want to pour a bowl of Froot loops and watch an episode of Ducktales or something afterwards.
Not a complaint, but just to shake off the dread and doom.
only 2 episodes left. I'm going to die without game of thrones. WTH do I watch all summer?!
Am I bad for joining team baelish? Because I kinda feel like backing a winner, now that danny has driven home the point that she just doesn't have what it takes. Even as scummy as he is.
Both you heathens will be burning at the stake for defying the one true king of westeros Stannis of house Baratheon. Kneel. Before its too late.I think its just a matter of time before dear Lord Petyr gets his delicious comeuppance.
But until then! Welcome to the WINNING side!
Now now, there is no need for wanton cruelty...Under the Dome.
Not in my opinion. It's been that way for now, but I don't see how he can continue and they keep mysteriously having the Rains of Castamere play in the show only to be interrupted or forgotten.
I've been saying all season that Tywin's time is coming to an end so at this point, I just hope it happens already so I don't feel like I was reading into nothing. The Lannisters have to crumble at some point and losing Tywin would send all these characters into different scenarios that needs to happen. Cersei's downfall would be inevitable!
It better fucking happen. At least I know it's inevitable, but I want it soon.
Speaking about Stannis, my biggest fear in the series is the fate of Ser Davos Seaworth, the greatest onion knight. Why can't he just abandon his loyalty and set sails with his pirate buddies- Let them ride off into the sunset before any more horrible things happen.
Then they go around and somehow rescue Tyrion and Jaime, where Jaime tells Davos how to get some cool golden fingers. Then they high five.
Now now, there is no need for wanton cruelty...
Davos cant abandon Stannis! He's practically the voice of Stannis' soul.
If he had one to begin with.
I kid, I kid. But seriously, Davos' very purpose is driven by his gratitude for Stannis' interference and mercy on his past, piratey deeds. He's really a good guy, stuck enamoured by an unbending stick-in-the-mud of a leader.
The worst thing I can imagine happening to Tywin is for Jamie to die. Goodbye family name.
Davos cant abandon Stannis! He's practically the voice of Stannis' soul.
If he had one to begin with.
I kid, I kid. But seriously, Davos' very purpose is driven by his gratitude for Stannis' interference and mercy on his past, piratey deeds. He's really a good guy, stuck enamoured by an unbending stick-in-the-mud of a leader.
Stannis proves more than anyone why a King needs a hand. This dude is so full of his own shit, he showed up to the bank and thought writing down his name was enough to secure him a loan. What do you mean I don't have good credit? I'm Stannis Baratheon, King of the Andals, the First Men, the Seven Kingdoms, Blah, blah, blah.
So, you're king of all that right now?
Well ah, not exactly.
So what are you a king of?
Four thousands dudes on a rock. But I promise I'll make them all bend the knee if you give me a loan.
How about, NO!
Then he stands there like a mute idiot. This was his face after they told his broke ass to beat it:
Without Davos being there, this so called wimp ass loser "king" was about to make a heel turn, and walk out like a kid who was told he wasn't getting any presents for Christmas. Poor Davos having to speak up for this brooding hack. We need you in Mereen Davos. Leave the people burner to his red witch and come advise our inexperienced young queen. Bring that pirate buddy of yours too, I'm sure there's enough honeys here to satisfy his desires. Your talents are wasted on that bum.
I'm really beginning to root for the Boltons. Roose is just such a charismatic appearance and he gets the world he's living in. Acknowledging Ramsay is something Ned should have done with Jon and Roose just really appreciates what he has been given.
Gendry is still the rightful heir to the thrown correct or not because he is a bastard?
Did anyone notice this?
Reek: "Will we go home now?"
Ramsay: "I believe we will. To our new home."
But wasn't Winterfell burnt down? What's the point of having it built up again if Bolton has his own place to chill already?
Why must all my favorite characters keep dying while Sansa continues to breathe?! >:O FUCK!
[edit]Do you guys think they will ever release a box set with all the Daenerys scenes cut out? I would pay upwards of 500 dollars.
[edit]Do you guys think they will ever release a box set with all the Daenerys scenes cut out? I would pay upwards of 500 dollars.
I like dany at first and now I can barely make it through her scenes
She's making Stannis scenes seem spontaneous and eventful by this point.
That moment you realize Khaleesi would be dead without Jorah.
She's making Stannis scenes seem spontaneous and eventful by this point.