Jorah knows nothing.
Contracting a deadly STD is a terrible way to get out of the friend zone.
A show starts
Best episode of the season so far for me. I love that the north was the main focus.First time I felt an episode to be lackluster so far but tyrion and Fedora redeemed it
Littlefinger with thatlight speed SUV from 24. How the fuck did he get to King's Landing so fast?
Best episode of the season so far for me. I love that the north was the main focus.
Really nice job by a first time GOT director too. One of the more visually stunning episodes in a while.
Agreed, this is probably my favorite of the season as well. Visually, it was a beauty and the pacing was just right.
Littlefinger with thatlight speed SUV from 24. How the fuck did he get to King's Landing so fast?
Littlefinger with thatlight speed SUV from 24. How the fuck did he get to King's Landing so fast?
Littlefinger with thatlight speed SUV from 24. How the fuck did he get to King's Landing so fast?
Littlefinger with thatlight speed SUV from 24. How the fuck did he get to King's Landing so fast?
Anyone notice when Aemon was talking to Sam about Dany being the last Targaryen when he dies? Then the camera slowly pans to Jon right after. Something is def going on in agreement with the theories being thrown around last week.
So if true, are Jon and Dany cousins? I'm fuzzy on my family trees.When that happened I was thinking the same exact thing, but then again the idea is fresh in my head because of the theories.
So if true, are Jon and Dany cousins? I'm fuzzy on my family trees.
Littlefinger with thatlight speed SUV from 24. How the fuck did he get to King's Landing so fast?
missandei says that pass 3 days after the attack in Mereem
is enough to travel the distance from winterfall to king's landings
If Rhaegar is Jon's dad, Dany would be his aunt.
I hate this theory so much, but it looks like it may be true considering how hard they were pushing it.
Didn't it take Robert and crew over a month to make that trip in season 1?
This show has no hodorA Show has no honor.
I thought Dany's dad was the Mad King? Wouldn't that make them brother and sister then?
That whole theory makes sense given Jon looks nothing like Ned, and Ned was known to be a very honorable man. My guess is he went to kill all the Targs and found Jon as a baby and claimed it was his bastard kid.
I can already picture hoodie yelling "hodor" :/This show has no hodor![]()
Reading up on it a bit, Westeros only seems to be about the size of the United Kingdom. That does not include anything north of the Wall. So getting from Winterfell to Kings Landing is somewhere between 200 and 300 miles from what I have read. On horseback, you could probably do that in a couple of weeks if you were not in some giant caravan.
That plus the lack of well defined passage of time in the series does not really make it seem so strange. We have witnessed scenes where a raven crosses the continent virtually between scenes. Plus I am not sure that every scene is in chronological order. Things happening in the north could be followed by a scene that takes place two weeks earlier or later in the South.
Didn't it take Robert and crew over a month to make that trip in season 1?
Wait, so Rhaegar impregnated Ned's sister? That's the rumor?Yeah, but that is Aerys who was the Mad King not Rhaegar. Rhaegar, Viserys, and Daenerys are Aerys' children.
Didn't it take Robert and crew over a month to make that trip in season 1?
It did.
In the very first episode of the show they say how long they were on the road (king's landing to winterfell) but I can't remember how long that was. haha
Reading up on it a bit, Westeros only seems to be about the size of the United Kingdom. That does not include anything north of the Wall. So getting from Winterfell to Kings Landing is somewhere between 200 and 300 miles from what I have read. On horseback, you could probably do that in a couple of weeks if you were not in some giant caravan.
That plus the lack of well defined passage of time in the series does not really make it seem so strange. We have witnessed scenes where a raven crosses the continent virtually between scenes. Plus I am not sure that every scene is in chronological order. Things happening in the north could be followed by a scene that takes place two weeks earlier or later in the South.
Lord Commander Mormont was killed by renegade crows, not wildlings.What could possibly go wrong? These people already turned on and killed one lord commander and Jon knows this.
That was for the royals, being pampered every step of the way. A small group traveling hastily would cover the distance in easily less than half the time.
Sansa is supposed to have smartened up to the world a bit under. " training " from Littlefinger yet she openly dissaproves of what Ramsay is doing with Theon, then calls everyone strange, has a smirk on her face toward her future husband at the mention of a possible heir replacing him and then just waltzes right into a dangerous and dark area of Winterfell just because she was told to. I mean ... Fuck
What could possibly go wrong? These people already turned on and killed one lord commander and Jon knows this.
Anyone notice when Aemon was talking to Sam about Dany being the last Targaryen when he dies? Then the camera slowly pans to Jon right after. Something is def going on in agreement with the theories being thrown around last week.
Anyone notice when Aemon was talking to Sam about Dany being the last Targaryen when he dies? Then the camera slowly pans to Jon right after. Something is def going on in agreement with the theories being thrown around last week.
I have three theory's on Jon's mother and father.
1. He is the son of the Mad King and Eddards sister, I cannot recall her name. Jon's dark hair makes that unlikely to me, but who knows. If that was the case, Eddard would of course taken responsibility for the child and claimed him as his own to spare him from Robert.
2. He is the son of Robert and Eddards sister. The dark hair makes sense here. And again because of politics it would make sense for Ned to claim him as his own, and get him out of the capital away from the Lannisters to protect him. I think this is a bit contradicted in episode 2 I believe, where Robert and Ned are talking about their conquests, and it is obvious that Robert does not know about Jon being his son, which would make no sense in this scenario.
3. Jon is the son of Ned's brother, the one who was lost behind the wall in Season 1 and some other character. This is not nearly as romantic, but it again makes sense because Ned's brother is sworn to abstain from sex, and Ned would keep his secret and raise the child.
Anyway those are my theories. I do not think Ned is the father of Jon because it goes against everything we know about him. I think theory 2 is the most plausible.
Sorry about not looking up the names of characters but I did not want to hit accidental spoilers.
Wait, so Rhaegar impregnated Ned's sister? That's the rumor?
Reading up on it a bit, Westeros only seems to be about the size of the United Kingdom. That does not include anything north of the Wall. So getting from Winterfell to Kings Landing is somewhere between 200 and 300 miles from what I have read. On horseback, you could probably do that in a couple of weeks if you were not in some giant caravan.
Lord Commander Mormont was killed by renegade crows, not wildlings.
Jorah looks screwed but who knows, maybe there are people in Meereen who can stop its spread.