I'm just gladwe're finally going to get to see the Sand Snakes, if the preview for the next episode is any indication. They're all meant to be as deadly as Oberyn, and I've been waiting for them to show up and do something from the start of the season.
Great episode as always, that entire Valyria sequence was stunning, loved Tyrion and Jorah flinging the history back and forth.
Mad Queen Dany emerges once again. Shame the preview for this episode spoiled Barristan's fate, I regret watching that one.
I'm also loving how every scene is being given time to breathe. Pacing complainers are nuts.
Spoiler tag all preview discussion, regardless of how 'non-spoilery' it seems. It was a great preview though,surprising how Arya has barely been in this season. Sansa has been in every episode, with substantial scenes too.
YOU DUMB MORON. You killed one of your own advisors and turned the freed slaves against you to make a point of fair trials then arbitrarily murder a slaver. Now everybody hates you.
At least Stannis is doing something.
Valyria lost to a volcano it seems.
I'm beginning to realise just how much time the show spends on people travelling. Instead of doing something to further the plot Tyrion & Jorah are going on a super long journey where each time there'll be a scene that teaches some lesson or moral but has no real purpose.
Did you miss the massive character and possibly plot altering event Jorah had one his arm?I'm beginning to realise just how much time the show spends on people travelling. Instead of doing something to further the plot Tyrion & Jorah are going on a super long journey where each time there'll be a scene that teaches some lesson or moral but has no real purpose.
Really enjoyed this episode. Fantastic.
I usually avoid these threads as they are filled with jaded, hate filled individuals who are unable to enjoy anything.
Did you miss the massive character and possibly plot altering event Jorah had one his arm?
Amazing episode. Every segment was interesting. The North is the best part of Season 5. Also, I hope Stannis fucks up the Boltons and they both burn screaming.
Jorah now has to live with the potential implication of infecting the entire city of Meereen.
Exactly. Jorah just dying is the least tragic outcome of all this.Jorah now has to live with the potential implication of infecting the entire city of Meereen.
Why did he go through Valeria? I didnt understand the necessity for that.
Why did he go through Valeria? I didnt understand the necessity for that.
Why did he go through Valeria? I didnt understand the necessity for that.
Kinda (Valyria in black, Meereen at the top of Slaver's Bay, Volantis the big city on the other side)Presumably it's the quickest way to Meereen by boat?
Presumably this too.Avoiding pirates.
Avoiding pirates.
I'm just glad we're finally going to get to see the Sand Snakes, if the preview for the next episode is any indication. I've been waiting for them to show up and do something from the start of the season.
Did you miss the massive character and possibly plot altering event Jorah had one his arm?
I dunno, I can't see the future.And how long will they drag that out?
Poor Jorah. Friendzoned and now stonezoned..
Waiting for what. How do you know about the sand snakes and that they're cool other than the one scene we got with them wanting to avenge Oberyn?
Roose is godtier, seriously. The first head of a house that really gives me the feeling he can handle things by himself and not in need of an army of advisers, Tywin got close but still made the mistake of not keeping his children in check.
Fuck Roose Bolton, the North remembers. I hope he burns like Mance.
Michael McElhatton should do voice acting in games. Please.
im now thinking a dany + stannis team is the one to win the throne. Stannis will take the north but the white walker need to be killed by fire and dragons stone. So he will need Danny's help. Jorah will be cured by a maester when stannis sees him.
Such a Bolton heavy episode.
Roose on the loose.
At least Stannis is doing something.
Nah I like Roose, definitely one of the better villains on the show and has been that way since the Red Wedding.Fuck Roose Bolton, the North remembers. I hope he burns like Mance.
He donated his fleet to help recruit white walkers because he's above petty squabbles, actually researching how to kill white walkers (i.e. the real threat of the show) unlike everyone else, and is now mobilizing his army to take back the North. #OnetruekingCorrecting grammar (fewer) isn't something.I hope that House Bolton crushes his army
He wasn't correcting Sam, he was correcting some random angry Crow ranting about allying with the wildlings. He was like "We'll have less enemies!" And Stannis was all "ugh, fewer"I missed Stannis correcting Sam. What was it regarding ?
He didnt correct Sam. He corrected one of the Brothers when he said there'd be less enemies instead of fewer enemies.I missed Stannis correcting Sam. What was it regarding ?
Okay serious question now... how on earth is it possible King's Landing doesn't know Sansa is in winterfell, and there with Littlefinger?
I mean even common people know she's in the castle at this point. Just seems to stretch credulity based on what the show has established with spies... once-queen had her own network, and she has a well know desire to find Tyrion and Sansa.
That information would be very valuable.
He wasn't correcting Sam, he was correcting some random angry Crow ranting about allying with the wildlings. He was like "We'll have less enemies!" And Stannis was all "ugh, fewer"
He didnt correct Sam. He corrected one of the Brothers when he said there'd be less enemies instead of fewer enemies.
#StanForStannisStannis is after my heart.
The One True King.
I'm more interested in seeing what Melissandre will do. Davos will likely have to watch Stannis daughter die in some cruel way. Melissandre seems more suited to the Boltons so I won't be surprised if she turns on Stannis somehow.If Stannis attacks the Boltons we will finally see Davos Seaworth in action. In before he gets hit by something and is unconscious the whole fight, again lol.