And has had a miracle recovery, he's all clear.
Yeah, I was just reading that.
Apparently he has since indicated that he might be healthy enough to return the show
And has had a miracle recovery, he's all clear.
I love the change in Stannis' character. He went from angry, cold and desperate to calm calculating...and dare i say - warm at times?
Nah brehh, end of the season. Then it's deal. You swear on it to the old Gods and the new. And to the the one that allows smoke coming out of vagines and the one whose name is death.Now that I think about it the odds don't seem to be in my favor with the producers' insistence on keeping her around and appear in every episode so far as well as the emphasis on her being the last Stark alive (which obviously isn't the case, but only Brienne knows about Arya and everyone thinks Bran and Rickon are dead).
But...what the hell let's play >
I need a new avatar anyway.
Though, can we set the timeline to the end of the Stannis/Bolton conflict (which might as well drag until the end of the season, lol)?
Why does the baby even matter if Roose has already officially named Ramsay a Bolton? Since he's now officially recognized by his family, his status as a bastard is no longer relevant and his age would give him precedence over his younger (possible) brother. Is the implication that Roose could unname him?
Ramsay is worried that he is only officially his named son until a more fitting (non bastard) son comes along, he says this in the next scene "I'm your son, until a better alternative comes along".
If that were to happen I can see Ramsay plotting to have the baby killed. Talisa style.
and Roose. Ramsay be ruthless.
Episode wasn't too great, imo, but i did enjoy a couple of scenes, like Sansa's/Bolton's.
Jorah going zombie seems a lame twist, but we'll see how it turns out.
GreyWorm's scene made my eyes roll inside my skull, felt like a scene written by a 13 years old.
Daenerys' wedding doesn't make any sense to me, seems like a complete waste, politically speaking, did she forget her long game?
Also, wanted to point out, that i'm also a supporter of Stannis, dude is showing range this season.
If that were to happen I can see Ramsay plotting to have the baby killed. Talisa style.
Michael McElhatton should do voice acting in games. Please.
It sounds like our forum has a nice little divide between Team Stannis and Team Bolton.
Why does the baby even matter if Roose has already officially named Ramsay a Bolton? Since he's now officially recognized by his family, his status as a bastard is no longer relevant and his age would give him precedence over his younger (possible) brother. Is the implication that Roose could unname him?
Not sure if I'm forgetting something important, but why haven't we heard from Brann at all this season? He's still at that old tree beyond the wall, correct?
dat Greyworm's cringeworthy quote. And to think it was Barristan that had to die instead of him.![]()
Jorah's final stand will be as a petrified statue in Danny's bed chamber watching in silent anguish for eternity while Mr High Born and Dorito Najares pound his dragon queen till she squirts fire.
Greyworm's entire arc is adventures of the man with no penis.GreyWorm's scene made my eyes roll inside my skull, felt like a scene written by a 13 years old.
He gathered/hired as many Maester's from Westeros as he could, and one of them saved her.
She's definitely a little too skinny for my taste but that scene was pretty damn hot.
Is anyone even at Winterfell? I thought it was ruins with homeless maybe.
Is anyone even at Winterfell? I thought it was ruins with homeless maybe.
Is anyone even at Winterfell? I thought it was ruins with homeless maybe.
Thought he went out in a realistic way and got to show off his skill even as an old man. This is GoT, very few characters get heroic, honorable deaths and I thought his was one of the few that could be considered such. Grayworm's not the best character but he's good when he's fighting instead of talking.damn, during my rewatch just passed the episode where Selmy pledges himself to Dany. Makes me so pissed how they offed him in a street skirmish where he wasnt even protecting her
It would probably help if I actually gave a shit about greyworm
Would be surprised. Episodes 7-8-9 usually deliver the goods in every season. Does feel like most of the season has been about establishing where everyone is and what they're moving towards, compared to last season which had a lot of payoffs early on, but it's been necessary and this latest episode really set the table for some big things to go down in the next few episodes.I'm a little worried this season is going to end with Tyrion reaching Dany and Stannis assaulting Winterfell.
I don't really like how they're things that have been in motion since the start of the season but are taking so long to actually happen, makes it so predictable. Hopefully the late season twists really deliver.
They're trying really hard to get us to like Stannis now...
Yes that is where the Boltons and Sansa are. I can see where the confusion comes from, in the eps where little Finger and Sansa see Moat Calin, it only takes them a further 5 minutes in the show to turn up at Winterfell.
A problem this series is the world seems smaller, it takes characters no time to travel anywhere.
that is where the boltons, sansa, brienne, etc are at
Remember the scene with Roose Bolton and Little Finger where Roose gives him Cersei's letter? People were rebuilding it in the background.
Stannis downfall will be when the Red Woman tries to burn his daughter alive when the crazy mother goes behind his back and tries to make it happen. He either goes nuts and get killed or kills the red woman and loses the edge he has with her on his side. I can't see him being around much longer.
Really? Did she comment on it? I remember the snow castle bit clearly, but nothing about her actually going back.
No, but I thought her Aunt had a tomb of her own or something.Um, did the miss her chat with Littlefinger in the tomb full of Starks?
why do people think that the Red woman will harm Stannis' daughter?
If she was going to, she already had plenty of chances in the past.
Because she has his Boratheon blood. Like Gendry did. I think eventually she will tell him he needs to make a bigger sacrifice to the Lord of Light.
In other news, Dany's storyline has been so disappointing.