Vyse The Legend
Theon is going to snap one day and kill Ramsay and save Sansa. At least that's what I hope to see happen.
If I've learned anything from this show, it's that you never get the result you expected or wanted.
Theon is going to snap one day and kill Ramsay and save Sansa. At least that's what I hope to see happen.
It's got lost in all the controversy, but I thought Tyrion telling Jorah about his dad was really sad.
Yeah, but they didn't kill Bronn and Jaime and 50 of the palace guards so they can't be any good.
how did you get her being tame or timid from this episode? Did you miss the scene where she put Miranda in her place? yeah, she was nervous about losing her virginity -- as she was after marrying Tyrion. I feel like putting up with this bullshit is a display of her strength. seducing ramsey was always part of the plan, as discussed with littlefinger
Third, there are a million different ways they could have taken Sansa's storyline, instead we are told the same tired abuse story for her time and again for nothing other than pure shock value. Except at this point it isn't shocking anymore, it's just angering and tiresome.
Every significant stride the character makes is met with two steps backwards. I feel like the show is running in circles and I'm sick of it.
Speaking of which, I randomly remembered Roberts bastard has been AWOL for like two seasons now.
I like to think he's still out there someone in the sea, rowing to this very day.
We don't know what happens a nanosecond beyond this scene so everything else is conjecture.
People in this thread predicted this very thing. Honestly, what did you think was going to happen on their wedding night? One could argue poor writing would have been to make the sexually inept virgin magically control the sadistic psycopath with her feminine wiles just because conventional story telling dictates someone who's oppressed and/or made to suffer should automatically have some redemptive or heroic moment. Again I ask, What did you expect to happen?
And in context with Littlefinger's maneuvering this episode, I say it's quite effective writing. He sent her to live with monsters as part of his grand scheme to become Warden of The North, after she saved him no less.
At this stage, I expect something, anything, resembling an attempt from Sansa to display some type of an attempt at intelligence.
Yeah, as I said at the time -- it never even occurred to me that Jorah did not know, given how freely information travels in this world.
Also why is nobody talking about how there are giant pillars of heads in the basement of the church/cult thing.
I wonder how many "gods" (or just old wizzards) are in the world.
I think saying "Sure, whatever" to the murderous psychopath who could flay you in the streets and get away with it is a pretty intelligent thing to do.
I love how people always complain about the sex and rape in this show but never the violence, the child killing, people being beheaded, or the RED FUCKING WEDDING!
i still think this must be where the faces of the faceless men come from
This part is really confusing because when Arya met Jaqen he was doing everything for the 'red god' which i believe is the lord of light. Since then though, they've indicated that the faceless men worship 'death' as the only many-faced god (like syrio, and arya)
Oh yea, those bodies are most likely being prepped for being used as faces.
As for the gods part, yea the Lord of Light is the red god. The old gods, well we met one of them I think when Brann found the cave with the crows.
Death/Many faces god is clearly real as we see people change faces instantly.
All this culminates in the fact there are many forces of higher power playing their own game and spreading their own influence.
i still think this must be where the faces of the faceless men come from
This part is really confusing because when Arya met Jaqen he was doing everything for the 'red god' which i believe is the lord of light. Since then though, they've indicated that the faceless men worship 'death' as the only many-faced god (like syrio, and arya)
Ramsey is a psycho, but I don't even think he is stupid enough to believe he could get away with this.
Anything he does to Sansa will have to be done in private. He harms her in public and that would be all the North needed to revolt and have them out of that castle and strung up on a line.
Then again, this episode we did just watch the King of the Seven Realms sit quietly as his own queen was arrested. So who knows how far the writers are willing to stretch believability...
Then again, this episode we did just watch the King of the Seven Realms sit quietly as his own queen was arrested. So who knows how far the writers are willing to stretch believability...
Arya saved Jaqen and two others from being burned, that's why he said she stole 3 deaths from the red god.
andI have to say for me this was an amazing episode. It was intense almost the entire time. Just wow at everything here.
LyleLanley said:Man, this show is just constant punches to the gut.
There's nothing unbelievable about Tommen being a kid who is king in name only who's scared of going againsta very powerful and well armed religious armymommy.
I think saying "Sure, whatever" to the murderous psychopath who could flay you in the streets and get away with it is a pretty intelligent thing to do.
Bro, Littlefinger hung her out to dry and she is once again having to try to not stick a knife in her throat and deal with crazy people who want to use her for fun.
Who knows, maybe she's going to try to act crazy and make sure Ramsey doesn't get tired of her. Wouldn't it be crazy if she just brings the head of Miranda to him, like Joffery did?
Littlefinger didn't hung her off to dry, some of you in GAF need to take Politics 101 or Diplomacy 101, Little Finger played Cersei isn't his "fingers" literally. Now that he has Lannister support to be Warden of the North, he'll kill the Boltons, if they're still alive and take the North without much bloodshef. He's shrewd in his tactics.
Also poor Sansa getting raped, I'm aure Ramsey will be killed soon enough. Sansa getting deflowered by a lowly house, spells doom. I think Theon will regain his senses even for a bit and make amends to Sansa and fhe Starks. Somewhat of a good episode today.
Watching the encore -- still don't understand what the point of Olenna's carriage scene was
Damn the Sand Snakes fight vs Bronn and Jaime was slow and terrible, I was actually surprised that Bronn got hurt after all that lol.
I have to say, after the Sands Snakes being hyped for this season they have really fallen flat for me. From the way they were introduced and then not seen for episodes, to the way they somehow knew they exact moment Jaime and Bronn were entering the water gardens, to the slow and clunky fight, and to cap it off they all get captured and nothing comes of it. When Oberyn fought, he looked skilled as hell but the sand snakes looked pretty amateurish at best. The fights this season have all been pretty lame. Are they using a different choreographer than the person who did the Viper vs The Mountain last season or something?
I don't think he's stupid enough to do anything that will display his harm towards her in public. I hate him but he's smart. I said a few weeks back that he's going to treat her like garbage and it's happening. He thrives on torture, but last week, or the week prior his father even told him that you can't cross the line in public. It makes the whole situation for her much worse.
Also, you have to remember that Tommen is only 13, 14. He's just a child, yeah that part was ridiculous but it's 100% believable, because he's just a child who should be off playing with his cat instead of ruling.
Littlefinger didn't hung her off to dry, some of you in GAF need to take Politics 101 or Diplomacy 101, Little Finger played Cersei isn't his "fingers" literally. Now that he has Lannister support to be Warden of the North, he'll kill the Boltons, if they're still alive and take the North without much bloodshef. He's shrewd in his tactics.
Also poor Sansa getting raped, I'm aure Ramsey will be killed soon enough. Sansa getting deflowered by a lowly house, spells doom. I think Theon will regain his senses even for a bit and make amends to Sansa and fhe Starks. Somewhat of a good episode today.
That's not entirely true. There was the storyline where Daenerys sold her dragon to the Unsullied slave master for example. You could see where that was going almost from the very start, but it worked because the end was so satisfying. I'm hoping the Sansa and Theon story works out the same way.If I've learned anything from this show, it's that you never get the result you expected or wanted.
What world do you live in? People complained about all those thjngs
For me I get that Martin is a sadistic man who thinks humans are the real monsters. But at this point it's getting old. Tired of all the BS and ready to get down to some time honored good guy ass kicking. Seriously the greatest scene of this show right now would be Dany just I dunno laying on the back of Drogo or whatever the big dragons name is and just laying waste to have of Kings Landing and then going to Winterfell and laying waste to the Boltons. That kind of feel good payoff is sorely needed in this show.
Since the end of last season it's been nothing but shit throwing at the audience. Oberyn dying, the Hound dying at the hands of Brienne, LF who orchestrated the death of Ned playing games with Westeros for his own gains and his game playing ending up getting Sansa hurt yet again, Sir Barristan dying out of the blue, Dany losing control of her beloved dragons and city.
Really the only storyline that has any sort of feel of goodness to it is Arya's and ridiculously that story just had her tell a child to kill itself because it would just be better.
I mean fuck, we get it Martin. The world sucks. People suck. We are what we need to fear. Yeah yeah. It's old now. Let's get some good feels back again.
Atleast in Seasons 1-4 you had lots of good things happening in between all the bad shit. This season seems like non stop bad.
I didn't realize this at first but maybe another reason I loved this episode so much was because no Dany.
I didn't realize this at first but maybe another reason I loved this episode so much was because no Dany.
I thought the fight scene with Jaime and Bronn killing the guards on the beach was alright
It was the worst because they didn't include the grey worm and myssanri sub plot for 20 minutes.
That's not entirely true. There was the storyline where Daenerys sold her dragon to the Unsullied slave master for example. You could see where that was going almost from the very start, but it worked because the end was so satisfying. I'm hoping the Sansa and Theon story works out the same way.
I Couldn't agree more with every point.OK, well I'm not as 'hardcore' a fan as some people here probably are but these are my thoughts:
I 'don't' have a problem with the rape or it being shocking because: 1. I think rape should be shocking, and depicted as such. The disgust is warranted, and that's as it should be. They actually showed very little but still achieved maximum emotional impact, I think accentuated as it's a sympathetic character - I would have been less comfortable if they'd weakened it and I don't think it would have worked as well as... 2. While we all know Ramsay's a psychopath and a completely hateful person, Sansa didn't have a reason to detest him personally. She probably hated Theon more, so the weirdness with Reek was more distaste than personal hate for Ramsay, and I think her character is going to need that if she's going to get some sort of 'revenge' on Ramsay or side somehow with Theon. Also, there have been some criticisms of the character 'arc' - I don't think having a smooth trajectory from victim to 'heroine' is necessarily that good or interesting. Maybe it's the show's fault for insinuating that happening too early, but the 'always darkest before the dawn' route is perfectly viable IMO.
I also don't agree it's been a 'weak' season, like some do. I guess it's just opinion, but while it feels like it's been moving more slowly I'm OK with that. I like the Arya storyline and the Tyrion one, and obviously everything's going to pay off somewhere along the line. A slow build is fine with me.
But I agree the Dorne stuff looks cheap. They've been wandering around the same two sand dunes for two episodes and other than the (admittedly pretty) palace gardens we've seen pretty much nothing of Dorne and what it's like. The Sand Snakes beach gazebo introduction and their rubbish fighting 'skills' was all rather lame. I have a feeling they've had to move some budget around this season and the Dorne set lost out, as other parts look fantastic. It seems they have some big set pieces coming up too from the bits of the previews I've caught, so perhaps they've decided to blow the budget there. Probably fair enough, the Dorne story was never going to be a big deal anyway. I guess all the choreographers were busy working on the fighting pit scenes![]()
There are still four episodes so a lot can happen between now and the end of the season. Every person's choices will have consequences just got to sit back and watch what happens. It's best to not want something to happen. It will save you from disappointment and heartache. I learned my lesson after the red wedding.
They need to make greater use of Doctor Bashir, damn it.
There's nothing unbelievable about Tommen being a kid who is king in name only who's scared of going against a very powerful and well armed religious army.
True. It's one of the reasons I love this show though.That was an extremely minor plot point in the grand scheme of things; the slave master was an unimportant footnote, a veritable red shirt.
When dealing with the primary characters, it has never really gone the way I had hoped. For example, I thought Joffrey would get his from one of the Starks. Nope. Poisoned by a character that came much, much later for unrelated reasons. By the time Aryah is capable of killing anyone on her list, they'll all be long gone.