I wonder what the Boltons are planning for their strategy to defeat Stannis?
I wonder what the Boltons are planning for their strategy to defeat Stannis?
I wonder what the Boltons are planning for their strategy to defeat Stannis?
The Cersei, Olenna, Margaery scenes were quite good this week. Cersei still knows how to play the game and played it masterfully. Can't help feel though that she's due a comeuppance, it will be interesting to see if Tommen grows a pair at this point. He can't command they be released as 'The Faith' are not governed by sovereignty so war/battles will need to be had. I feel Olenna is going to have a big part these coming weeks.
I don't understand the bit where Melisandre said to Stannis he would have won the Blackwater battle if she'd been there !
How is that possible? Yeah she can have shadow babies and maybe heal wounds like Thoros does, but how can she really turn the tide of a battle apart from that? (also that baby shadow seemed a one-time deal, unless she gets pregnant again)
What show are you watching? Provide examples that she's being brainwashed, more so against her own will. She's there because she wants to be, no one is forcing her to stay, no one forced her to even go there. It's what she wants. Not a single person forced her to poison the little girl, but she did it.
Not to mention Arya has been getting progressively darker on her own, well before all of this.
Also, provide how evil these people are. Show examples because from the way I saw it yesterday was that they eased a girls suffering. Previously, spare 3 lives, take 3. It's just the way it is, maybe not for us, but for them. They don't see it as evil.
I don't understand the bit where Melisandre said to Stannis he would have won the Blackwater battle if she'd been there !
How is that possible? Yeah she can have shadow babies and maybe heal wounds like Thoros does, but how can she really turn the tide of a battle apart from that? (also that baby shadow seemed a one-time deal, unless she gets pregnant again)
Wildfire was key to that battle. I think she is suggesting she could have protected the fleet from it via the Lord of Light thing. I hope we see her unleash some proper raw power at some point. Hopefully on the Boltons.
Wildfire landmines under the snow? I hope it's not some sort of twist victory over Stannis. The sheer amount of "The good guys NEVER win" in this series feels very tiring.
I only ask because Papa Bolton asks Ramsay in the previous episode if he will help him defeat Stannis and Ramsay makes that shit eating grin and says yes.Cross their fingers for the snows to come sooner.
Are you kidding?
1) She has nowhere to go other than here. This was her last option. She wants to learn the skills to kill the people on her list. That's not in doubt. That's why she stays. But she has no other real options.
2) They constantly try to make her into 'No one'. This is repeated as a mantra ad naseum. Brainwashing tactics.
3) They force her to give up her identity and possessions if she wants to stay. This makes her cry (and she doesn't fully go through with it) but she's forced into giving up her stuff. Again, brainwashing. Denial of the self. Easier to impose their views on her. Makes her more reliant on them.
4) Jaquen plays the game of faces and whips her every time he thinks she lies or hears what he doesn't like. Classic brainwashing negative reinforcement tactics.
5) They have her work on dead bodies all of the time to make her more comfortable with death and less likely to see death as something bad. All the easier to make her a killer.
As for why I think they're bad? Jaqen killed 3 people at Arya's request without ever investigating if they were good or evil. They assist people's suicides (or outright kill them) in the house of black and white without asking questions - also fairly evil. They are murderers who aren't concerned with right and wrong, just death itself. On top of that they steal people's identities, deny the human individual self and can shape shift. They are almost classically, cartoon-character-esque evil assassins, and the only reason we don't see them as such is because they were introduced to us in a manner that saved one of our favourite characters. If a Faceless man was hired to kill Stannis in the next episode in front of Shireen people's opinions would change fairly sharpish.
And people gave Dexter a hard time..
Game of Thrones Season 5 ladies and gents:
And people gave Dexter a hard time..
Wow that first one is so bad. The person on the right has all the time in the world to shank his ass.
The Cersei, Olenna, Margaery scenes were quite good this week. Cersei still knows how to play the game and played it masterfully. Can't help feel though that she's due a comeuppance, it will be interesting to see if Tommen grows a pair at this point. He can't command they be released as 'The Faith' are not governed by sovereignty so war/battles will need to be had. I feel Olenna is going to have a big part these coming weeks.
The Cersei, Olenna, Margaery scenes were quite good this week. Cersei still knows how to play the game and played it masterfully. Can't help feel though that she's due a comeuppance, it will be interesting to see if Tommen grows a pair at this point. He can't command they be released as 'The Faith' are not governed by sovereignty so war/battles will need to be had. I feel Olenna is going to have a big part these coming weeks.
This season as a whole has not lived up to the others in quality.
Are you kidding?
1) She has nowhere to go other than here. This was her last option. She wants to learn the skills to kill the people on her list. That's not in doubt. That's why she stays. But she has no other real options.
2) They constantly try to make her into 'No one'. This is repeated as a mantra ad naseum. Brainwashing tactics.
3) They force her to give up her identity and possessions if she wants to stay. This makes her cry (and she doesn't fully go through with it) but she's forced into giving up her stuff. Again, brainwashing. Denial of the self. Easier to impose their views on her. Makes her more reliant on them.
4) Jaquen plays the game of faces and whips her every time he thinks she lies or hears what he doesn't like. Classic brainwashing negative reinforcement tactics.
5) They have her work on dead bodies all of the time to make her more comfortable with death and less likely to see death as something bad. All the easier to make her a killer.
As for why I think they're bad? Jaqen killed 3 people at Arya's request without ever investigating if they were good or evil. They assist people's suicides (or outright kill them) in the house of black and white without asking questions - also fairly evil. They are murderers who aren't concerned with right and wrong, just death itself. On top of that they steal people's identities, deny the human individual self and can shape shift. They are almost classically, cartoon-character-esque evil assassins, and the only reason we don't see them as such is because they were introduced to us in a manner that saved one of our favourite characters. If a Faceless man was hired to kill Stannis in the next episode in front of Shireen people's opinions would change fairly sharpish.
What? No. She's playing this game so poorly. She thinks she's winning, but she has been having sex with her brother that produced three children and almost everyone knows about it. Way to give power to a bunch of religious fanatics, Cersei. She's going to put Olenna into a corner and then it's going to blow up in her face once Cersei's accused of incest.
Why is Cersei or KL not seeing any political repercussions for Cersei's actions? She got rid of the small council, unleashed the zealots, and now is destroying trade partners with business as usual. I thought running a kingdom would be much more difficult especially if you start doing your own thing.
she is trusting too much the fact that she was the one who gave the power to the High Sparrow... and she thinks they will never touch her because of that..
I still feel she has been acting incredibly stupid (not the actress, of course, but the character), she doesn't have any allies now and its pissing everybody off..
I think her end is near...
I think her end is near...
When I seen them take Queen Margery into's looking like Cersei may have seriously over played her hand!
God damn he's such a good actor
I'll be surprised if Cersei goes first before her children.
I doubt it, you could easily see that Bronn was refraining himself with that blow. Just bad choreography, which is not something we're used to in GoT.
she is trusting too much the fact that she was the one who gave the power to the High Sparrow... and she thinks they will never touch her because of that..
I still feel she has been acting incredibly stupid (not the actress, of course, but the character), she doesn't have any allies now and its pissing everybody off..
I think her end is near...
God damn he's such a good actor
It took the masterfulness of Tywin, Varys, Littlefinger and Tyrion to run the kingdom aptly with or without the king. Now Cersei is like fuck everything, and nothing matters. I just find it difficult to digest. KL should be in a rebellion by now. Hopefully it will be after they put Margery's head on a spike.I think we're seeing a very narrow view of KL through Cersei's tunnel vision. When we pan out, we're going to see how screwed Cersei is through her utter incompetence at ruling. She needs Tywin.
I forget the exact line the High Sparrow used last night when they called Margaery to testify/arrested her, but the same thing is going to happen to Cersei. This is how Tommen is going to die. She's so short-sighted.
Game of Thrones Season 5 ladies and gents:
And people gave Dexter a hard time..
Whatever about the rubbish Dorne story, it's more interesting that I don't share the same enthusiasm for the Arya storyline as other people do in this thread. The scenes themselves are good, but what is the point of all of this? Why are we following one little girl get trained? This has no bearing whatsoever on the politics of Westeros, and teaches us nothing about that land, or anything really other than Arya herself. It feels like if she wasn't a Stark there's no way we'd have this time devoted to her. In past seasons she was used as the 'war child' who showed how badly politics amd war had affected her family and the kingdom and torn them both apart. Now I'm not sure what the point of her is, but it makes for pretty dull viewing at the moment. Feels like the endgame is just that she's going to kill someone important. Well, hurray. We don't need all this to show that.
And the fact that they're still obsessively following the movements of all the Starks, even those like Arya who are 'out of the game' leads me to believe that the Starks will have some kind of comeback. If not, all this time spent on Arya and Sansa really will have felt like a massive waste of time.
And yeah I agree. Once Olenna spills the beans about Cersei's incest, the Faith people will execute Cersei and all her children as well.
My biggest worry is that Arya is going to kill Sansa because she slept with the enemy without knowing the circumstances :-(
I hope they hang her and kill Tommen, what a useless king. The Tyrells should rule until Stannis reaches King's Landing.
I'll be surprised if Cersei goes first before her children.
She's destined to bury all her children, so Tommen and Myrcella have to die first.
Game of Thrones Season 5 ladies and gents:
And people gave Dexter a hard time..
I wonder what the Faith are going to do once the King is dead and nobody is there to take it?
Just be like "NO KING, ONLY GOD(s)!"
Although it might not be too bad, with every poor person being somewhat equal they might last about two weeks into proper Winter before the entire kingdom falls into chaos with no proper rule.
Who is next in line to the throne if Tommen dies?
My god, I could write a paper just dissecting how fucking horrible that scene was.
Who is next in line to the throne if Tommen dies?