Arya's only as dangerous as the agenda that the Faceless One's have. We still don't know what their deal is and, hell, why was someone as competently badass as Jaquen locked up like some sort of dog if he's some sort of stealhy magical assassin?
There are a lot of agendas that need to be sorted, like what the deal is with the weird maester and zombie-mountain, what's melisandre's real objective, and how is Bran's yoda training going to tie into all of this. I assume that we'll start getting some answers soon enough (i know the bran stuff is not in this season) but man this season does have the feeling of treading water more so that the last few.
But the north is also where she has the most allies and is very, very far from King's Landing. the Boltons don't seem long for the north and any enemies or interested parties trying to get to her would have a tough time doing so. So while, yes, shit seems real fucked for her in the immediate future she's also in the best position to eventually come out of this whole ordeal with her head still on her shoulders and the ability to avenge her family with the power of the north behind her.
Am I the only one excited about Adebisi joining the cast?
Though this show might be too family friendly for him.
This is one of the main problems with how they insist on always killing off major characters. It's like the show is always "rebooting" in a sense. It can't be easy constantly finding new formulas and new characters to focus on for a show,you gotta give them credit for that at least. Though yeah, this season has been lackluster for me so far.Everything falls apart after tywin's death .. most of the story lines are boring
Listening to Cast of Kings. I knew Joanna Robinson would have a problem with the scene; she's spoken out against the usage of rape on the show in the past, as is generally protective over her favorite characters, but holy shit. She's fighting back tears while Dave walks on eggshells trying to unpack it fully. Pretty tense listen.
And she has no personal connection with those 'allies' that we have seen yet, none of them protecting her back and she has no family or resources to call upon. Really, she is in a weak position. Sure something will be engineered to get her out of it, but she had much better, more stable prospects in the Vale building her guile and forces. The Boltons are fucked in the long run anyway. Hated by everyone pretty much and bigger forces are coming. Given how treacherous they are I can't see any of the big powers trusting them aside from the doomed lanisters...
This is one of the main problems with how they insist on always killing off major characters. It's like the show is always "rebooting" in a sense. It can't be easy constantly finding new formulas and new characters to focus on for a show,you gotta give them credit for that at least. Though yeah, this season has been lackluster for me so far.
Everything falls apart after tywin's death .. most of the story lines are boring
This is one of the main problems with how they insist on always killing off major characters. It's like the show is always "rebooting" in a sense. It can't be easy constantly finding new formulas and new characters to focus on for a show,you gotta give them credit for that at least. Though yeah, this season has been lackluster for me so far.
This is one of the main problems with how they insist on always killing off major characters. It's like the show is always "rebooting" in a sense. It can't be easy constantly finding new formulas and new characters to focus on for a show,you gotta give them credit for that at least. Though yeah, this season has been lackluster for me so far.
Before GoT there was OZ![]()
The only thing missing was his hat.
We need more of the Boltons. Ramsay is my favorite right now, can't wait to see him wreck Stannis. He ran through those soft iron born chumps with a smile on his face.
This is one of the main problems with how they insist on always killing off major characters. It's like the show is always "rebooting" in a sense. It can't be easy constantly finding new formulas and new characters to focus on for a show,you gotta give them credit for that at least. Though yeah, this season has been lackluster for me so far.
I think it's an unfair brush to paint the show with when they've gone out of their way in the past to have major female characters avoid that fate even when it strained the credibility of the storytelling and fell into cliche. Jaime saving Brienne with his made up story stands out in that regard. Like her allegedly super rich father wouldn't have paid the same ransom whether she had been raped or not. And then the conveniently timed rescues of Sansa and Meera.
Cersei and Jaime wasn't handled well since it came across to most people as rape but it apparently wasn't supposed to be, and Cersei didn't seem to think it was. That was kind of a mess. But the two noble women having to have sex with their husbands on the night of their weddings is not something the show should be beaten up over. The whole world is built around arranged marriages of that nature. Cersei was forced to have sex with a husband who didn't love her and called her his dead lover's name, and she retaliated by giving him three incest bastards instead of any real heirs.
That's hilarious! re: the 'disgusting' rape...I wonder if she's ever watched any other episode of this show ever, like when the guy's head exploded from a rock falling on it or when the baby got turned to ice or when the guy was burned alive or when the kid got poisoned or when the pregnant woman gave birth to a murderous shadow creature or when the guy's penis got cut offEven Senator McCaskill thought the fight scene was stupid:
To me, it's almost like, the inciting incident of the first season is like spilling a cup of milk.
Okay they split the milk, and in trying to get that cup back into a jug, they spill the jug... then they spill the crate... this is a show, that keeps branching out, and unless it sticks a satisfying ending (not necessarily a "all the good guys win!"), that all this will just be for nothing.
Have we seen Theon's sister this season? I can't remember for the life of me if we have...
The issue is that the writers keep putting women in the situation where they either might be raped, or are raped, or there's a threat of rape. Whether it's plausible or expected at any point isn't the issue, it's the fact that the situations keep being set up that way.
It's hackneyed, and it really hurts the show a lot.
The issue is that the writers keep putting women in the situation where they either might be raped, or are raped, or there's a threat of rape. Whether it's plausible or expected at any point isn't the issue, it's the fact that the situations keep being set up that way.
It's hackneyed, and it really hurts the show a lot.
Pretty sure they already stated that scene was not meant to come across as rape.or next to a dead son's coffin?
If Theon ever kills Ramsay, I hope he does it with the horn Ramsay was trolling him with.
If Theon ever kills Ramsay, I hope he does it with the horn Ramsay was trolling him with.
So you want Game of Thrones without anyone ever being stuck in an arranged marriage, and where only men ever get captured by enemy forces or criminals.
like the bedroom after a wedding?
or next to a dead son's coffin?
those are situations to set up rape?
Pretty sure they already stated that scene was not meant to come across as rape.
And I want one where there isn't a need to turn it up to 11 like was done here.
What about when Slynt got his head chopped off a few episodes ago, why didn't that bother the masses? Because he was a piece of shit and deserved to die?
On screen beheading full of gore and blood is fine as long as it's to a character we hate, but off screen rape is taking it a notch too far.
Both are fucked, neither should be glorified, but it makes me wonder what type of people are those who are completely fine with that, but not with this. Mass slaughter, cool. Kill a puppy, burn them!
When violence happens to a character we sympathize with or identify with, it has a bigger impact. When it happens unjustly, even moreso. My issue is not that violence happens in Westeros (as it has from the very start of the first episode) it's when it's gratuitously amplified for seemingly little reason.
it's when it's gratuitously amplified for seemingly little reason.
What about when Slynt got his head chopped off a few episodes ago, why didn't that bother the masses? Because he was a piece of shit and deserved to die?
On screen beheading full of gore and blood is fine as long as it's to a character we hate, but off screen rape is taking it a notch too far.
Both are fucked, neither should be glorified, but it makes me wonder what type of people are those who are completely fine with that, but not with this. Mass slaughter, cool. Kill a puppy, burn them!
Not attacking you personally, just a generalization of the collective outrage from people over this scene compared to many others.
+1This is a good comparison of scenes to demonstrate why the scene with Sansa was bad and the scene with Slynt was good.
The scene with Slynt furthers Jon's character arc and shows how he's taking control now. He's the commander, and that's how the show is portraying that. That was good.
Sansa's scene was bad not because it was rape, but because it was a device used over and over again now on a character whose arc doesn't need and shouldn't have such a thing. None of the characters in that scene needed that scene to happen. We've seen Theon tortured to fucking hell, so if that scene was his turning point, I think it's needless. The turning point could happen at the threat of that, for instance. We already know Ramsay is a terrible terrible asshole. This scene does nothing to further his arc. The scene also sidesteps Sansa's arc, too. You see, no one is going anywhere because of that. It shouldn't have happened because it's bad writing. It's repeating shit that we've already seen.
The outrage is that instead of leaning on good writing, after that episode, people are very sure that the writers are just leaning on shock value. They think their writing is good because of shock value.
That's why I think we're seeing a different sort of outrage now for this than we have in the past when Ned died or when the red wedding happened, etc. That was against our favorite characters, but man oh man did that make for good TV and some interesting writing. Now? Not so much.
This is a good comparison of scenes to demonstrate why the scene with Sansa was bad and the scene with Slynt was good.
The scene with Slynt furthers Jon's character arc and shows how he's taking control now. He's the commander, and that's how the show is portraying that. That was good.
It's getting attention because game of thrones is now a pop culture phenomenon. People talk about this like they did Lost. Except the content is not exactly family friendly.
The outrage is that instead of leaning on good writing, after that episode, people are very sure that the writers are just leaning on shock value. They think their writing is good because of shock value.
The Ramsey-Sansa marriage being consumated was not shocking.
This is a good comparison of scenes to demonstrate why the scene with Sansa was bad and the scene with Slynt was good.
The scene with Slynt furthers Jon's character arc and shows how he's taking control now. He's the commander, and that's how the show is portraying that. That was good.
Sansa's scene was bad not because it was rape, but because it was a device used over and over again now on a character whose arc doesn't need and shouldn't have such a thing. None of the characters in that scene needed that scene to happen. We've seen Theon tortured to fucking hell, so if that scene was his turning point, I think it's needless. The turning point could happen at the threat of that, for instance. We already know Ramsay is a terrible terrible asshole. This scene does nothing to further his arc. The scene also sidesteps Sansa's arc, too. You see, no one is going anywhere because of that. It shouldn't have happened because it's bad writing. It's repeating shit that we've already seen.
The outrage is that instead of leaning on good writing, after that episode, people are very sure that the writers are just leaning on shock value. They think their writing is good because of shock value.
That's why I think we're seeing a different sort of outrage now for this than we have in the past when Ned died or when the red wedding happened, etc. That was against our favorite characters, but man oh man did that make for good TV and some interesting writing. Now? Not so much.
You're right. It isn't, because the same shit has been happening to Sansa since season one. And Ramsey's been doing the same shit since he's been introduced.
That's part of the problem.
Rape is still very much shocking to see, and rape of a character we've practically seen growing up is shocking, too. It's still shock value. It's just bad, because it's the same shit we've been seeing. No one's arc has changed in too long.
For me that scene was important toward Sansa because for to long she was following "orders". She didn't even took the chance that the granny told her to do (light a candle in X tower so you will ger some help). Sansa never dared to ask for help or flee. Maybe that final trial will wake her up.
I know it's harsh but that character didn't tried to do anything in contrary of her little sister. Unless, the writers want to keep her as boring and submittive character, she is really not interesting to follow. Yeah, from time to time she can talk back but that still not enough to survive Westeros.
What if it never does though?
What if that's her reality, to be a victim her whole life. It exists in the real world, I see no reason why it can't happen there. That doesn't make bad writing, it makes for unusual writing though but I think it's ridiculous for everyone to expect this show to give you what you'd expect when it's proven time and time again that it doesn't. For better or for worse.
What if it never does though?
What if that's her reality, to be a victim her whole life. It exists in the real world, I see no reason why it can't happen there. That doesn't make bad writing, it makes for unusual writing though but I think it's ridiculous for everyone to expect this show to give you what you'd expect when it's proven time and time again that it doesn't. For better or for worse.
If that's her arc, there's no need to push it the audience's face. All you have to do it let us know it's happening.
It sort of does, because watching a character with zero arc get the shit beat out of her time and time again is bad writing. Writing someone who's supposed to be a punching bad get beaten, kidnapped, and rape is not good TV because it's not interesting.
Why even write the character, then?
It sort of does, because watching a character with zero arc get the shit beat out of her time and time again is bad writing. Writing someone who's supposed to be a punching bad get beaten, kidnapped, and rape is not good TV because it's not interesting.
Why even write the character, then?
Let's do it with other characters. Just have people offhandedly talk about Ned getting beheaded, Oberyn Gallagher, or Theon tortured but never actually show any of that.
So I wonder what season we will get a Arya rape scene since I believe all the other major female characters who have survived since the first season have been raped now.
Let's do it with other characters. Just have people offhandedly talk about Ned getting beheaded, Oberyn Gallagher, or Theon tortured but never actually show any of that.