She's beautiful, but I actually prefer her with the red hair instead of whatever gothic shit she's got going on now.Sophie's beauty can carry the world though...
She's beautiful, but I actually prefer her with the red hair instead of whatever gothic shit she's got going on now.Sophie's beauty can carry the world though...
Based Jon Snow.
Holy crap, I can't believe it's already over.I need more!
These episodes always leave me wanting more.
I think I just prefer her.She's beautiful, but I actually prefer her with the red hair instead of whatever gothic shit she's got going on now.
Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until episode 4 airs. Fuuuuucckkk
Dany continued to get more boring too
Trying to watch this via hbo go for the first time, the quality is fucking horrible. Anyway to force it to hd?
I agree, the Snow scenes were actually the best of the night. I also enjoyed the intro with little Cersei and the witch.Kit Harrington has been steadily stepping his game up for a while now. Great stuff between him and Mance especially. Snow's the Stark son we can all be proud of. It'll be up to him to use his First Man blood to rally the Wildling horde behind our King.
kinda so-so premiere tbh
so who was that girl together with young cersei? ned's sister?
Can't wait. Hopefully it doesn't take too long...yes, but once tyrion and varys arrive it should finally get interesting
yes, but once tyrion and varys arrive it should finally get interesting
Man.. i'm worried. I'm actually starting to buy into Varys now. And anytime a side character get's too lovable/altruistic they spell their own doom.
Trying to watch this via hbo go for the first time, the quality is fucking horrible. Anyway to force it to hd?
The Sansa scenes were really awful. Turner nor little finger can't carry a scene at all...
Barring the fact that it took about 11-13 minutes for the episode to show up, HBO Go worked perfectly (and in HD), so that was nice. I expected a stuttering mess.
My friend had someone text him and ask what happened. He sent this back: "The guy- What's his name? John White? He got killed by the short guy. Tyrone."
I guess the plus side is now that you've got that set up and that's out of the way, you'll have the benefit of the episodes going up immediately on Now compared to Go.It was flawless for me. Girlfriend fired it up at 21:01 and it was streaming HD without a hitch. It was a pain getting my Now sub going though. Had to install iTunes, verify my payment info again, answer like 20 questions and prompts. I was like, damn HBO, do you want my money or not?
Lancel apologizing to Cersei for leading her astray made me lol.Robyn Arryn getting beat down in sword fighting practice was the funniest moment of the week.
Apt101 Cersei's a weird character for me. One moment she'll do or say something that will make me sympathize (or at least understand her), and then she'll usually do something extraordinarily ****** that makes me hate her again.
- emilia clarke continues to be a bad actress
Totally forgot that little shit was the one who killed much hate for that dweeb.
Yeah but also she's the worst piece of shit in the show that isn't named Frey or Bolton.Yea, I mean, she's an awful person. But now I understand why she's so awful. Her father propped her up, and now she's fighting against inevitability.
Totally forgot that little shit was the one who killed much hate for that dweeb.
Totally forgot that little shit was the one who killed much hate for that dweeb.
It should be based on your internet speed so.... wait for it to buffer or I get faster internet.
I love this show but damn this is slow.
Another filler episode, better not be another filler season.
Winter has been coming for 5 seasons now
Dragons has been coming for 5 seasons now, just fucking unleach them already
Where the fuck are the whitewalkers, and the skeleton dragon ball people.
I guess it's true....Daenerys won't be nude anymore...*sob*