
I was surprised Thormund was able to beat that Marowak/Cubone cosplaying wildling to death w/o anyone stepping up to stop him.. you can tell that wildling isnt that liked by his people.
Good point. If they could get through or over the water at all, they'd probably already be on their way. Westeros would be fucked. My girl Danny might as well just stay in the nice warm desert with her new dwarven friend and be happy she isn't putting up with that shit.The Wall would be pointless if they could swim, they'd just be able to swim around it.
Good point. If they could get through or over the water at all, they'd probably already be on their way. Westeros would be fucked. My girl Danny might as well just stay in the nice warm desert with her new dwarven friend and be happy she isn't putting up with that shit.
Then of course when everyone's dead, send the dragons to take care of the ice and start moving your furniture into its new Westeros home.
*Stop autocorrecting Westeros! Thank you.*
Sure, if they were all at the forefront of the battle. But how many of them are there? There could be a lot more that we haven't seen. Not to mention the fact that they would have to tear through an army of undead to get to them since some would probably stay behind the front line and since one of the white walkers can raise the dead, then every man lost is now also a new enemy. Also, we haven't seen what the other 3 on horses could do.
Kev being Hand of the King is hilarious. Third straight Lannister to hold the post, not counting the One True Hand of the King, Ser Davos Seaworth. He's in an interesting position; if Cersei dies and Jaime doesn't make it back Casterly Rock is his, and he can use the Puppet King Tommen as he sees fit with no interference. Not a bad come up for a guy who's spent all his life as the inferior son.
And Pycelle is a dead man if Queen C makes it out.
Everyone in the boat was shook. Brilliant piece of writing to make everyone forget about rowing. It makes it that much more threatening. Absolutely chilling...The look on his face, to me it felt like in his mind he was thinking this was pointless, we stand no chance no matter the size of our army. Shook beyond belief.
That has nothing with what i'm saying though.
I'm saying WHEN they engage in (1 on 1) combat, the potential for a cool fight is diminished, because as soon as they are hit they dissipate, or, in case you ain't got the right tool, everything else shatters to pieces.
I'm talking about potential for cool choreographies, not about how the lore renders them more or less dangerous in general.
How have I never seen that before
Ramsey needs to go to Valhalla next week just like all the Wildlings last episode. I live, I die, I live again.I think Ramsay and his blitzkrieg will die :<
Either way, one of us will be pleased next episode
Everyone in the boat was shook. Brilliant piece of writing to make everyone forget about rowing. It makes it that much more threatening. Absolutely chilling...
I keep going back and forth thinking that this is the best episode of the whole series. I believe this is one of the best episodes of television I've ever seen. There's no they can possibly top this in the next two episodes.
Ramsey needs to go to Valhalla next week just like all the Wildlings last episode. I live, I die, I live again.
You burn them with DRAGON'S FIRE.
That means Dany will someday go to the North and that's how she will rule Westeros. She will marry Jon, and then the long lost Targaryen bloodline will rise again~
.... on that note, why doesnt she go and find more dragon eggs. i mean she had three as a gift originally, so... maybe there's still more eggs out there, even if they are SUPER RARE or something.
If anything, I figure the dragon that's on the loose is going to show up over Castle Black and help take out the White Walkers, whether it's because Jon Snow is a Targaryen or the dragon goes there anyway and Bran manages to take it over to help in the fight (next season I guess).
I think Jon is definitely a major part of the end game and I guess it wouldn't be too shocking if Dany ends up at the wall at some point, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. She's got her own problems to deal with and Stannis hasn't really had a chance to rule yet. I figure we get one more king after the Lannisters are overthrown and then that person deals with their own fights until Dany comes or else Dany never comes because this story likes to mess with people's expectations and the usual story tropes and it's really Jon that leads the Targaryen line as he presumably has blood of two historic families that are descendents of the First Men.
I just don't see Dany helping out anytime soon unless everyone works together to get the old mines in Valyria working (Jorah?) and distributing Valyrian Steel and Dragon Glass to Westeros to defend against the White Walkers. I'm just upset Bran's storyline isn't progressing this season but I guess he really is part of the end game as well. The supernatural/religion aspects of the show interest me just as much the political intrigue.
I still expect Stannis to be THE ONE TRUE KING for a little bit just to see if he can be just or if the religious fanaticism he's used to help his cause so far comes back to bite him in the ass as they persecute people. I still feel like his story is one of the old medieval kings being puppets to religious leaders like archbishops, etc.
Maybe already answered but why didn't thst religious cult throw little finger in the dungeon? They obviously don't give a fuck who you are (cercei is in there) and they have dirt on him
Well from his point of view its the women he lost his virginity too.. plus Ive never really had anything against her house or her character. She definitely has personally interests but still shes not evil, and even though Cersei is evil Tommem would never think that, the fact the everything against Cersei cant be proven anyway.. just becasue some cousin says soo... :/ This whole 7th heaven religious story arc is just soo stupid to me, this shit wouldn't go down if Tywin, Robert or Joffrey(lol) hell even if Jamie was their.. I know I guess Cersei put things in to motion but its just silly to me..Tommem is showing that he isnt a allowing this the happen... Jamie needs to get back and fuck shit up.
Man. Roose. What a voice on that man
Was totally expecting the Night King dude to freeze the water and start walking across it.
Man. Roose. What a voice on that man
My favourite voice now that Tywin is no more. He's soft spoken, yet highly commanding. The voice of a man you don't want to cross.har har har
I can't imagine the White Walkers have the ability to freeze water. Otherwise they could just use it walk right around the Wall straight towards Kings Landing or anywhere else.
When he did this I totally thought he's about to freeze the ocean now and continue the slaughter.![]()
soo badass... bro has a built in crown lol
I seriously thought Jon was fucked. I thought the Walker was going to freeze the harbour and the undead would swamp his stuck boat.
Although I consider Jon to have plot armour GRRM has backhanded me once too often for me to 100%.
Nice episode. Dany is interesting again. It make you realise how boring her arc has been until Tyrion showed up.
She is still head-deep in her own "breaker of chains kool-aid".I have a problem with the "break the wheel" statement. She claims to be all about creating a better world but her comment implies she's going to march into Westeros and smash everything to shit. How the hell does she think that is going to inspire the people there after that?
She's going to be hated.
Saw it last night and holy shiit, what a great episode. The tension was real in those last 30 minutes or so. They also did an amazing job in establishing that wildling woman in such a short amount of time, although you could see her death coming from a mile away.
Yeah, when she sat her children into the boat and the cam zoom on her concerned face it was clear she's already dead.
It was a bit weird because a second earlier tyrion told her how violence isn't always the best approachI have a problem with the "break the wheel" statement. She claims to be all about creating a better world but her comment implies she's going to march into Westeros and smash everything to shit. How the hell does she think that is going to inspire the people there after that?
She's going to be hated.
But hey, we all know she's not going to end up Queen, right? Her entire purpose - whether she knows it or not - seems to be orientated around repelling the White Walkers (dragons and their fire being their Kryptonite).
I just took it as her being dramatic about how she wants to abolish the system in place where certain families rule and have power and instead instate one where all people--common or otherwise--are equal.I have a problem with the "break the wheel" statement. She claims to be all about creating a better world but her comment implies she's going to march into Westeros and smash everything to shit. How the hell does she think that is going to inspire the people there after that?