What the hell.
Zombie invasion out of nowhere.
Jon Snow should've been killed three times in that fight.
Bit over the top really.
Sam is the Slayer Westeros needs.Sam deserves death. His innocent ass looking face annoys me.
Melisandre does a reverse shadow and sucks Jon into her womb?
I know that people feel that anyone can die at any time in this show but it seems like Dany, Jon, Tyrion, and the rest of the Stark kids seems like they're invincible. The only exception might be Arya since the very virtue of being an assassin puts her in harms way too often.
I agree with dany and jon having plot armor, the others not so much.
According to Martin, it was passed down to Tommen. Though last time we saw it on the show...
Well fuck...
Why would Olly have any reason to kill Sam? Just to fuck over Jon?
That'd be pretty stupid on his part.
I agree with dany and jon having plot armor, the others not so much.
They have it until the final season. Then it's a fair game, at least I hope it is with DannyI agree with dany and jon having plot armor, the others not so much.
The WW guy still made the effort of evading attacks.
Jon had so much plot armor though, WW grabs him from behind and even uses the blunt end of his weapon...
Yeah, stuff like that always bothers me. The villain could have stabbed him right in the back, but instead toys around with him as if he's playing and having fun. That could be okay as long as you've setup a villain to be like that, but so far, they've made these White Walkers out to be all about business to where it seems like they would just kill as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
I don't think you can kill off Jon Snow. If you think back about everyone else who was killed, there was a story arc to take their place and it didn't really negate what had took place to that time.
As of now, you kill of Jon.. it really made almost everything going on for the last 4 seasons at the wall pointless. There's not another really compelling character to take Jon's place in that setting.
It'd be for shock value, but then what? Then zero fucks would be given when the wall went down.
To put it more perspective, killing Jon is akin to killing Danys. It doesn't set something else up, it just finishes a storyline and made all that took place to that point pretty much irrelevant.
Yeah, stuff like that always bothers me. The villain could have stabbed him right in the back, but instead toys around with him as if he's playing and having fun. That could be okay as long as you've setup a villain to be like that, but so far, they've made these White Walkers out to be all about business to where it seems like they would just kill as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
Yeah, stuff like that always bothers me. The villain could have stabbed him right in the back, but instead toys around with him as if he's playing and having fun. That could be okay as long as you've setup a villain to be like that, but so far, they've made these White Walkers out to be all about business to where it seems like they would just kill as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
You're assuming the White Walkers want Jon dead. We don't know what their ultimate plan is yet.Yeah, stuff like that always bothers me. The villain could have stabbed him right in the back, but instead toys around with him as if he's playing and having fun. That could be okay as long as you've setup a villain to be like that, but so far, they've made these White Walkers out to be all about business to where it seems like they would just kill as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
Really hope we get to learn a lot about their lore. They are smart enough to form battle plans etc. so they must have some sort of society? And all are old white-haired dudes. Maybe some ancient Targaryens kings à la LotR
Imo the biggest reason why Dany has plot armor is that if she were to die now, aaaaaaall the time spent on building her story for five seasons would've been for nothing, as it never connected with the rest of the world in any even remotely significant way.
so now that Jon this season has ascended to king badass of the good guys (lord commander, killed a WW) how do they frustrate all viewers and kill him off?
olly food poison?
ramsay archery practice?
another crow stabs him in the back?
Drogo eats him?
Melisandre does a reverse shadow and sucks Jon into her womb?
Wun Wun steps on him by accident?
I think he was trying with him. As far as either were aware the only thing that kill the whitewalker was the Dragon glass that he was keeping him away from. I mean the white walker king was within valerian steel arrow range when he did his 'come at me crow' move. They are rightfully a bit cocky considering they hold nearly all the cards.Yeah, stuff like that always bothers me. The villain could have stabbed him right in the back, but instead toys around with him as if he's playing and having fun. That could be okay as long as you've setup a villain to be like that, but so far, they've made these White Walkers out to be all about business to where it seems like they would just kill as quickly and as efficiently as possible.
Would someone be able to give me a quick rundown of the evidence for Jon being of Targaeryen descent? First I'm hearing of that theory (though my reading about the show is restricted to this thread alone). Haven't read the books but cobbled this bit from my murky memory, would be keen to know what I'm missing (from just the show itself of course):
1) Several characters remark that Ned fathering a bastard is highly uncharacteristic.
2) Ned's line from S1: "You may not have my name, but you have my blood" is kind of jumping out at me now as a possible indicator (could have said "..but you are my son" or something along those lines.
3) Melisandre taking an interest with royal blood being her jam.
4) Makes sense that Lyanna would become pregnant while Rhaegar's prisoner (unsure how long that was).
What am I missing? Definitely within Ned's character to fall on the sword so to speak to protect Jon's identity at the cost of his own honor.
I've also had this nagging feeling after Ramsay was legitimized by Roose. Why wouldn't Ned have done the same for Jon? Figured at first it was due to Cat's unwillingness to accept him but thinking about it now, perhaps it's because Ned knows Jon isn't his son and would rightfully be a Targaeryen anyway?
You're assuming the White Walkers want Jon dead. We don't know what their ultimate plan is yet.
What am I missing? Definitely within Ned's character to fall on the sword so to speak to protect Jon's identity at the cost of his own honor.
I've also had this nagging feeling after Ramsay was legitimized by Roose. Why wouldn't Ned have done the same for Jon? Figured at first it was due to Cat's unwillingness to accept him but thinking about it now, perhaps it's because Ned knows Jon isn't his son and would rightfully be a Targaeryen anyway?
I thought he was going to freeze it.Anyone think the head honcho Walker was going to part the sea Moses style when he raised his arms?
HBO nerf pls.I thought he was going to freeze the water, but then I realized that this would make him OP.
EDIT: ^ We think alike.
the nights watch targaeryan guy talking about another taergaryan relative to Sam and the totally conspicuous cut to Jon interrupting them.
Forget which episode, but both littlefinger and selmy talked about Rhaegar and about how the tales of him were exaggerated. From the sounds of it, he loved Lyanna and was a kind man. Not the type of person to kidnap and rape a woman. So if he's not the type of person to kidnap and rape Lyanna, then she must of come willingly, and they could of conceived during that time.
Robert Baratheon wasn't a good or smart man. I could easily of seen him getting jealous and/or jumping to the conclusion that she was kidnapped.
Off-topic: The Sand Snakes' surnames looks to be Sand, am I right in thinking this is the bastard name for those born in Dorne? Anyone know what the others might be? Snow, Sand, seeing a pattern but don't think they've brought up other kingdoms.
from the wiki, which focuses on the show, but will spoiler just in case:
link to map of regions by name:Flowers: The Reach
Hill: The Westerlands
Pyke: Iron Islands
Rivers: The Riverlands
Sand: Dorne
Snow: The North
Stone: The Vale of Arryn
Storm: The Stormlands
Waters: The Crownlands
So yeah.. I'm open to the idea of WW army wanting JS alive.. But fuckin why? So the light freaks don't get to him? or they know that a blood vial from JS will give them +100000x resistance to fire? probably not what is in GRRMs mind but interesting angle to me nonetheless.
Yep, that scene was poorly done. Zoomed out and the boat looked like 2 meters from the shore. Said "wtf" out loud. Good for them that zombies don't use bows.
Rest of the action was good besides some obvious cuts in the scenes.
I'm hoping Jon Snow really has a Targaryen blood in him.. how fuckin awesome can that be. If I were to write the end game of this show it will be Dany and her army + dragons vs. Jon Stark-Targaryens northern army + white walkers.
I'm not sure the white-walkers want JS dead either. Looking back, it was kinda weird that the mini boss WW Jon faced hit him with the butt of his sword. (Thenn dude got implaed the moment he was open for attack.) He could have easily stabbed our boy Jon right there. Then jon recovered and threw punches, but the WW threw him to the ground instead of using the sword.. like wtf. how many chance would you give JS to kill you... then the WW swung his sword to JS (after JS got his longclaw back), I think the WW did it expecting that it will shatter the longclaw. (You gotta first disarm the person you want to capture) But it didnt and you can tell the WW was surprised the longclaw stood the swing so JS parried him like a baws.
So yeah.. I'm open to the idea of WW army wanting JS alive.. But fuckin why? So the light freaks don't get to him? or they know that a blood vial from JS will give them +100000x resistance to fire? probably not what is in GRRMs mind but interesting angle to me nonetheless.
I think that was just choreography intended to prolong the fight. I don't think you can read too much into that either way. I suppose it's possible conceptually though. Can the White Walkers turn adults like they can babies?
Is there anyone alive that we know about that could confirm Jon's true bloodline?
Benjen might know if he's still alive, anyone else?