Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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I like this theory. Tommen may go against his mother to try and get his wife back, the Mountain, devoid of any true intellect kills him. Would be in keeping with cersei's inability to think ahead and also her ability to make the prophecy self fulfilling.

considering how Oberyn indirectly created this new mountain, it would be a post mortem revenge too for him! I like it.
"Winterfell is a large stronghold extending across many acres of territory, defended by two layers of strong stone granite walls. The outer walls are 80 feet tall and the inner are 100 feet tall, with a wide moat located between them."

Unless there was a mound of powerdery snow to stop their fall (and there wasn't because winterfell isn't atop an unspoiled mountain and the images show there was barely any snow on the ground), they're going to be a bit sore after they land.

Perhaps that's what it is in the books but on the show it's absolutely nowhere near 80 feet.

This is what an 80 foot jump is like. They absolutely would not survive it, and the height we saw from their pov on the show was nowhere near this high.

Looking at your avatar, whenever I see Grey Worms face now all I hear is his voice going "Missandei... good.. teacher.." I hate what they've done to his character with the pointless forced romance that has gone nowhere because of what little screen time it gets in a show where "a lot of screen time" per episode is about 5 minutes. He's supposed to be the greatest of the Unsullied, their leader, but now I just see him as a puppy dog in love who is pretty terrible at his job.
Perhaps that's what it is in the books but on the show it's absolutely nowhere near 80 feet.

This is what an 80 foot jump is like. They absolutely would not survive it, and the height we saw from their pov on the show was nowhere near this high.
It's hard to tell on the show because the lack of lighting combined with the snow on the ground removes all contours from the landscape and messes with depth perception. It looked like it could've been 80 feet to me... but then I think about when they threw off Ramsey's mistress. It only took a second and a bit for her to fall to the ground. If the ground inside the walls is the same height as the ground outside the walls, then the walls can't be 80 feet high.

Sorry for the book details (if they are in fact from the book and accurate). I just googled "height of winterfell walls" and got a neat little answer. I'm so used to using google to make unit conversions, perform basic calculations, or find certain definitions that I didn't consider where it would be getting the info from.

Here's a neat comparison:
The Tower of London is around 100 feet at each of its towers. The height of its walls looks similar to Winterfell's to me.
Brace for impact then :)
I'm not talking about season 3, that was incredible. Season
was one of the worst fuck ups in television history.
Clear indication Bruno Heller didn't have a fucking clue who his actual character was other than mysterious
Unless he pulls another
I'm not Red John plot twist, I stopped watching after s6


considering how Oberyn indirectly created this new mountain, it would be a post mortem revenge too for him! I like it.
Oberyn wouldn't want Tommen killed though. "We don't kill innocent children in Dorne" or something along those lines. He wanted revenge for the murder of his sister and her children, which Tommen (and Cersei) had nothing to do with.

This also adds an extra layer of fucked up to Myrcella's murder. I hope a painful death to Ellaria Sand and the sand snakes involved.
That's really lame that Stannis was killed off screen. All that he went through for nothing...

For real. His thread had been going strong since season 2 with it really coming into its own at the end of season 5 when he rode north of the wall with his full forces, ready to make his run for the throne. It slowly fell apart from there and the "is he/isn't he" way they went about his death made it feel even more unresolved. When you think of who the character is and how they built Stannis up, they really should've given him a more proper, memorable death.

Yes, they cut away with Ned too, but you saw him kneeling with his head bent downward and the sword coming straight down. Unless Ned can move at light speed or has a neck made of steel there was no way he was not dead. And yes, Syrio died off screen but he wasn't a main pillar of the show for 4+ seasons. With Stannis they didn't show him at all. Did Brienne just slash him and let him bleed out? Did she decapitate him? Who knows. All that time spent following Stannis and being invested in his character and he dies an off screen death. I'm not a gore fiend, but it would have been striking to see Brienne swing her sword thru his neck and into the bark of the tree, letting the head tumble between Stannis' legs and into a puddle of "kings blood".


Why isn't there a Star Wars RPG? And wouldn't James Bond make for a pretty good FPS?
Is it allowed to post news and speculation about the next season here like casting info and such?


Why isn't there a Star Wars RPG? And wouldn't James Bond make for a pretty good FPS?
I really, really hope they don't end the show after 7 seasons like they stated before. I have no idea how they want to fit all the storylines into 2 more seasons unless they completely rush it like they already did with this season. They need AT LEAST 8 seasons to finish off everything properly.


I really, really hope they don't end the show after 7 seasons like they stated before. I have no idea how they want to fit all the storylines into 2 more seasons unless they completely rush it like they already did with this season. They need AT LEAST 8 seasons to finish off everything properly.
I strongly suspect they're doing 8 or 7.5. They explicitly hedge on 8 while saying "9 is not happening."


semen stains the mountaintops
If Sony can kickstarted Shenmu, HBO should be allowed to Kickstart season +6 so we can get more episodes.


I'm sure it'l be at least 2 hours long. So glad they're actually going to finish it through the tv series and not a movie though.

But if they did a movie, they wouldn't be confined to TV restrictions and pleasing sponsors so they can finally go R-rated if they want.

Oh wait. :D

I feel like I want to read the books so badly but don't want to confuse the storylines at this point since I know there's a few big differences. I guess I'll wait until after the series is over with when I'm sad that there's nothing else on like it. It'd be the one time where I wouldn't be mad if HBO did what a lot of other networks would do and make a prequel or something since I know it'd be amazing in this case. Imagine if they went back to the First Men or something. It'd be way too expensive with all that CGI I'd imagine.


That's what I was saying a few days ago, that Meli is unknowingly serving the God of Darkness because everything she predicted has brought death upon death to a lot of people, good people. She gave birth to a shadow demon ffs.

Yeah, I always found it weird that the lord of light would give birth to a shadow demon. On top of that, what Meli is doing technically qualifies as blood magic, and from Dany's story, blood magic is taboo in the rest of the world because of how dark it is.

It would make for an interesting showdown if the Many Faced God actually turns out to be the Seven and the Lord of Light actually turns out to be the Lord of Darkness.
Yeah, I always found it weird that the lord of light would give birth to a shadow demon. On top of that, what Meli is doing technically qualifies as blood magic, and from Dany's story, blood magic is taboo in the rest of the world because of how dark it is.

It would make for an interesting showdown if the Many Faced God actually turns out to be the Seven and the Lord of Light actually turns out to be the Lord of Darkness.

Meli says herself that there are only two Gods, the Lord of Light and the God of Death.


So I'm currently rewatching and I'm on S2 and I can't believe people rate this one as their lowest, it's soooo good.

Just wanted to point out this little foreshadowing.

Remember this lady?

Jorah approaches her looking for answers as to who stole the dragons and she says to him as she's painting some dude"This man must sail past old Valyria, all who travel close to the doom must have protection" to which he replies "I didn't come here for lessons".
yeah, Cersei's children must all die at this rate, who would kill Tommen though? Tyrells?

One was killed by Tyrells, one by Martells, the last one maybe a different house now. Maybe Cersei herself kills him...
It sounds as if Tommen's not eating, in a pretty serious way. I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility that he starves himself to death.


Tommen sounds like he's not eating, in a pretty serious way. I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility that he starves himself to death.

Tommen's reign will go down in history as being the most inconsequential ruling of Westeros during a time of extreme conflict that the world has ever known.


Yeah, I always found it weird that the lord of light would give birth to a shadow demon. On top of that, what Meli is doing technically qualifies as blood magic, and from Dany's story, blood magic is taboo in the rest of the world because of how dark it is.

There's a very logical answer to that. Melissandre gave birth to a shadow demon because shadow can only exist when there's light. So the shadows "serve" the light.


But shadows are still dark.

Up to who you believe

“A shadow is a thing of darkness.”
– Davos

“There are no shadows in the dark. Shadows are the servants of the light, the children of fire. The brightest flame casts the darkest shadows.”
– Melisandre


Neo Member
Up to who you believe

“A shadow is a thing of darkness.”
– Davos

“There are no shadows in the dark. Shadows are the servants of the light, the children of fire. The brightest flame casts the darkest shadows.”
– Melisandre

I like the fact that we don´t really know if she´s legit or not. Maybe we never will. And nothing from past seasons is really able to resolve this IMO, at least for now.
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