As much as I like the show, the OST hasn't really been that memorable IMO. I even think the opening track is just OK.
It's provocative, though. It gets the people going.
As much as I like the show, the OST hasn't really been that memorable IMO. I even think the opening track is just OK.
As much as I like the show, the OST hasn't really been that memorable IMO.
I don't think many people really wanted it to be a 1:1 adaptation, especially since they're trying to do over a thousand pages of story in just ten episodes.
But if they did and are upset by the changes made to ease the story along or amplify the drama, I have nothing but respect for them. They're entitled to that.
I stopped watching the opening after my multiple viewings of the BR set. I think I blame the kids and their rendition.It's not the best, is it? The good thing about the show is that it doesn't really rely too much on the music. It's almost a good thing that you rarely notice it. I think a soundtrack that's too "good" (read: melodic) could be distracting and work against the feel of the show.
The opening theme is okay. I like it fine. It at least has a distinct (and memorable) melody, in a place where you do want one. Even when using DVR, I watch the opening, to get me in the frame of mind for the show.
It wasn't reasonable or logical to expect that, IMO, especially not considering the medium or source material. It's almost never done. Don't know why anyone would come into this with that expectation.
And we have the closest adaptation on screen of any other book-to-TV series.
Fans lament how different True Blood, Gossip Girl, Good Christian Bitches, Dexter and "Legend of the Seeker" are from their counterparts.
angry nerds will be angry nerds. it's inevitable.
Rawr rawr purple eyes rawr.
Rawr rawr purple eyes rawr.
Would contacts have been so hard? :-/ know they tried, but they were not able to do the purple eyes for the Targaryens. You can do colored contact lenses, but thats difficult for the actors and doesnt always look right anyway. I have some great fans, but some of them get a little obsessive about things like that and are going to go crazy. But Ive worked in Hollywood too long to worry about things like that. Ive been on the other side of the process.
Would contacts have been so hard? :-/
There is obviously noBromance continues.chain trap, or Tyrion would have ordered the rings by now.
So no chain towers=no Bronn being away. It'll be him that saves Tyrion.
Poderick will probably be killed off, the cast is too big already with more characters still coming in.
The only time I think that Dinklage has been a bit over the top was at the beginning of his exchange with Joffery just as they get to safety. He seems like the situation is so dire but the problem is the riot was just atrocious due to shitty extras and the stupid body parts getting ripped apart.
As a reader of the book, the episodes that change from the book the most actually entertain me more. Anything new makes me feel like I'm experiencing it for the first time again. Anything old is merely gauged on how accurate it is from the book.
Would contacts have been so hard? :-/
The acting in the last episode was atrocious. Espcially from that guy who took over winterfell(sorry, i suck at the names) And even the king's hand's acting was horrible.
For whoever wants it.
WhatThe only time I think that Dinklage has been a bit over the top was at the beginning of his exchange with Joffery just as they get to safety. He seems like the situation is so dire but the problem is the riot was just atrocious due to shitty extras and the stupid body parts getting ripped apart.
Hardcore fans tend to feel like they exclusively own whatever franchise or original work they're invested in. When new people enter the fray due to an adaptation, the old fans get even more protective, and often seem more interested in what's different than what's good. I notice how many of the hugest fans of the books almost never compliment the show's technical aspects, acting, locations, etc. Any analysis is almost firmly based on who does or doesn't look like their mental picture from the novels, and how some change didn't work, was unnecessary, and various budget complaints that are beyond naive.
Shooting on-location in Iceland = met with a shrug at most
Dany doesn't show a glimpse of her dragons in opening Qarth scene = omg worst scene ever why didn't she show her dragons lol CGI budget
I've been listening the LotR soundtrack today at work and I keep imaging how incredible it would be if Howard Shore composed some music for Game of Thrones. Anyone else with me?
What the hell am I reading
No matter what you think about the soundtrack, I think we can all agree that Stannis has the best theme.
You know something's going to go down when this plays.
Something just occured to me... They killed Amory Lorch with a fucking feather. Wasn't he killed byin the book? I guess Tywin being there fucks everything up. Those chapters in the book were my favorites. I think only the Sansa and Tyrion chapters could possibly compare. So many cool things that likely won't happen now...a bearFUCKGregor amputating Varrgo bit by bit... Or how the hell are they going to explain Jaime getting his stump or Brienne fighting the bearThis change was so stupid. I'm open to stuff like more Littlefinger or more Robb but this Harrenhal stuff has been mishandled.
Something just occured to me... They killed Amory Lorch with a fucking feather. Wasn't he killed byin the book? I guess Tywin being there fucks everything up. Those chapters in the book were my favorites. I think only the Sansa and Tyrion chapters could possibly compare. So many cool things that likely won't happen now...a bearFUCKGregor amputating Varrgo bit by bit... Or how the hell are they going to explain Jaime getting his stump or Brienne fighting the bearThis change was so stupid. I'm open to stuff like more Littlefinger or more Robb but this Harrenhal stuff has been mishandled.
Theon has the most memorable music in this series short of the theme song. I can't really remember any other tracks from this series.
Don't see what the Amory Lorch change has to do with the latter issues.
obviously the bear scene could've been cool, but everything meaningful involving Vargo could still happen just as it did in the books, more or less. even the brienne bear fight could still happen though it would be much less exciting. Of course Vargo and the bloody mummers may not get the proper build up in a condensed time frame, but it's hard to judge as of yet.
The Harrenhal changes are the least problematic of the changes they've made for the show. The change with Ygritte's introduction and the changes to Dany's story are the only ones that don't fit and don't make sense. I'm still giving them time to find a place to take those plots where they make sense though..
The Harrenhal changes are the least problematic of the changes they've made for the show. The change with Ygritte's introduction and the changes to Dany's story are the only ones that don't fit and don't make sense. I'm still giving them time to find a place to take those plots where they make sense though..
Speculating here, but I get the sense in the next episode, Jon will wake up and find Ygritte has escaped. He didn't exactly bind her tightly.
It's still a silly change, makes Jon look weak and indecisive, makes Qhorin seem cruel and stupid. For what benefit? A poorly done action scene where Jon chases Ygritte down and ties her up? Like I said I'm still giving them the benefit of the doubt on those changes, but they just seem iffy at this point.
What change? Besides Jon chasing after her it happened exactly as it did in the book. I'm not following you.
[ACoK]What change? Besides Jon chasing after her it happened exactly as it did in the book. I'm not following you.
in the book he let her go willingly, he made a decision and took the consequences for his decision, he didn't swing and pull his swing at the last minute and bash his sword up against a rock then have a stupid chase/fight with her. Also because we haven't seen the follow up scene with Qhorin yet, it just makes him and the other rangers look stupid cause they ran off and left the new guy to do the execution, as opposed to Qhorin knowing he wouldn't kill her
It just makes everyone involves seem illogical if not just stupid.
But I don't get why book purists would be making this complaint? The book was always very sparing on actual action and battle scenes, it almost always felt like a TV show because it seemed to work around the battles for a large partI really don't get the point of budget complaints this far into the series; people should get it by now that this isn't LOTR. I feel like many book purists don't give the show any credit, and instead focus on what isn't being shown. Having dragons flying around in every Dany scene, or direwolves chilling in every Bran/Robb/Jon scene, or turning every battle into a massive action piece etc costs money and ultimately doesn't make the show better. I'd rather have that money spent increasing the scale of important things, like making the climax of this season more epic - and luckily the creators agree.
The books are unfilmable in a direct 1:1 ratio. We knew there would be budget issues from the get go, even with HBO. While I understand complaining when something looks legit bad (like say, Dany's wedding or the Hand's tourney), complaining that Harenhel is "not big enough" and things along those lines make no sense.
That's it? He still made a decision not to kill her, it was just shown visually rather than spoken. Plus it shows that he struggled with the decision because he understood the consequences. And the second part will happen next episode I'm sure.
We are through the looking glass, people.
We are through the looking glass, people.