You know nothing.And naked Ygritte was gross.
Personally I like Aiden Gillen and I thought he was great as Carcetti, but I don't care much for his portrayal of Littlefinger. I don't know if the fault's in the actor or the showrunners though... but people forget that Littlefinger is such a good schemer because he's good at appearing harmless, friendly and unambitious. TV-Littlefinger is kind of a mustache-twirling villain that just screams "look at me, I'm a schemer hatching plots lololol". Kind of annoying.
I think it's a bit on the showrunners mainly because they're potrayal of LF like you said, is a bit heavy on the mustache twirling. Then they add stuff like the brothel scene in s2 and they almost go out of their way to show him as a bastard.
Aww, but I liked Patchface. I don't miss him from the show, but he was creepy and weird and fun all at once.So does adorable little Shireen singing that song mean no Patchface on TV? That would be so awesome. One of my least favourite things in the books.
I was wondering why she was "mumbling" in between each verse and then I finally caught it.
Dude... what. [series]I'm not even sure if I'd classify him as a villain, honestly. He's a social climber that jumps social ladders, an opportunist, and a schemer.
Y'all are having a really dumb argument right now.
And naked Ygritte was gross.
On a side note, dat ass.
I loved the episode, but the way (series)they've set the table for the red wedding is a bit silly. I almost feel like making one of those memes for Robb Stark now. "Gets told he shouldn't cross Walder Frey, crosses Walder Frey. Gets told he will lose half his army if he kills Rickard Karstark. Kills Rickard Karstark, loses half his army. This show doesn't really have time to explain why Robb Stark went from an undefeated commander to the dumbest military strategist in history.
I think you misspelled "glorious."
Dude... what. [series]When social climbers go as far as multiple murder and starting wars to get what they want, how can you argue they aren't villains?
I wish after Tormund stared down Jon he just let loose a big "HAAAR!" and said something to the effect that he was just fucking with Jon. That's what I love about Tormund in the books- he is kind of crazy and could totally kill you if you got on his bad side, but he likes Jon and kind of likes messing with him.Why is Tormund so...lacking of mirth? He's so serious.
SeriesTywin is a dick of a character. Cersei is actually more similar to him than any of his children, she's just incredibly stupid. She's a cutthroat without the intelligence behind it. Tyrion actually has a moral compass and Tywin hates him for what he is because of the consequences of him being born. Jaime is what he hangs his hat on, but only because Tywin feels that Jaime has effectively lived up to the Lannister name and what is expected of them.
SeriesTywin thinks Jamie is a fuckup too, ever since he joined the Kingsguard. Now without a hand? Tywin realizes all his children are no good to him, in his eyes at least.
I don't know how spoilery that really is, I am just playing it safe.
Ygritte looked like a bag of bones and she had the boob droop. Compared to Margaery, Dany? Rough man. Really rough.
Seriously. Some people are too used to seeing silicone, I guess...Dany's body (as of the last time we saw it...a couple years ago) was ridiculous, but Rose Leslie is still fit. Her boobs didn't sag any more than they should for being real. someone provide the lyrics for the song at the end?
TV Tywin is the best character. He's so menacing.
How did Shereen getthe grey scale
How did Shereen getthe grey scale
It's (series)just an infection that can be caught, as far as anyone knows.
oh god i laughed pretty hard, someone on another website posted how they can't wait to see [ASOS]Robb take casterly rock in the next few episodes
It could happen man. Just look at how they changed Tormund. Obviously if they can make THAT big a change, they can make others. I mean, Tormund is just such a jolly fellow.
That eagle dude is the same guy from the Office (UK) right?
Poor choice of words. What I was getting at is ASOSASOSthe whole point of the red wedding is that is comes out of nowhere