BIG ASOS SPOILERS"No, don't, don't cut my hair, Ned loves my hair. Then the steel was at her throat, and its bite was red and cold."
I think the scene lends itself perfectly to a cut to black, to be honest. Just picture BIG ASOS SPOILERSclawing her face in a fit of madness and rage, crying and/or laughing, with her face and fingers all bloody and then someone takes her by the hair and puts a knife on her throat. Then she says those words, and a "swish" sound is head as the screen cuts to black. Credits.
Do shadow babies live just long enough to stab people to death?
Hell yes.
Major SOS spoilersThere's no way they'll undercut the magnitude of the RW by allowing the episode to end on Arya and Sandor, IMO. I'll be shocked if it happens any other way.
Major ASOSThey've never done this, they always deliver their neatly packaged five minute intervals with each character, which is why I don't see it happening the way I envisage it.If they do it smart it won't undercut anything. The show would have to effortlessly transition from Arya's and Robb's POV back and forth, showcasing the madness inside RW and outside of it simultaneously.
I don't even know what this means exactly.Major ASOSThey've never done this, they always deliver their neatly packaged five minute intervals with each character, which is why I don't see it happening the way I envisage it.If they do it smart it won't undercut anything. The show would have to effortlessly transition from Arya's and Robb's POV back and forth, showcasing the madness inside RW and outside of it simultaneously.
I don't even know what this means exactly.For one, there hasn't been an event like RW on the show yet, but I don't see why they wouldn't so the RW and then have Arya and the Hound riding up outside as it is happening, as it happens in the book. Also, if we look at comparable events we can perhaps get an idea. Ned's execution is cutting from Ned's perspective to Arya's. Blackwater is juggling from Stannis to Tyrion to Cersei to Sansa to Joffrey to give us all facets of what's happening to everyone involved in that event. Of course normally they have a single scene with a character/group because in most cases everyone is in seperate locations dealing with seperate story. However they end the episode I have confidence it will be done for maximum emotional impact, and have nothing to do with some weird, imagined adherence to isolated characters because of "bland" editing.
Will (series)be this season?Catelyn's resurrection
I can totally imagine that being the last shot we see before the credits roll on season 3.
Yeah, because 99% of the story is that, so the show is like that out of necessity. Not because the filmmakers aren't capable of doing something else.Please, imagined adherence to isolated characters? That's what 99% of the show has been. Ugh, just, whatever. I actually stealth edited out my opinion on the direction of the show because I didn't want to deal with this but that guy just had to quote me.
Another thing (ASOS)
Why do some people think the RW is episode 8, while others think it's episode 9? The synopsis for 8 mentions a wedding. Is this not it? Is it Tyrion's wedding to Sansa?
I can see that being the end of season 4. This season being half the book I really have no clue what episode 10 will entail.
It's one thing to write that someone was hit in the head with an axe, and another to actually show it. When you have to do the later it's much harder to leave it open for interpretation.
It's one thing to write that someone was hit in the head with an axe, and another to actually show it. When you have to do the later it's much harder to leave it open for interpretation.
Is this a joke? I bet you that if one of Tywin's lords betrayed him and killed two of his valuable hostages, he wouldn't have hesitated at executing them. Also, Starks=good guys and Lannisters=bad guys is a pretty lame way to view the series, but I guess that's your choice.
Yeah when that happened I thought 'hmm, I wonder if he can do it in one swipe unlike theon.'And probably my favorite: Robb, in a scene that deliberately echoed Theon's execution of Rodrik last year, from the look (rain, courtyard) to the sound (same music) to the circumstances (forced execution to prove one's hardiness as a leader to one's subordinates).
Yeah when that happened I thought 'hmm, I wonder if he can do it in one swipe unlike theon.'
Yup asosThis is why I don't think Arya getting hit with the axe will get as much importance in the show as people might feel it deserves. In the book it was special because we're being told that Arya was "hit with an axe" right after we find out GRRM is more than happy to kill off more Starks.
Unless they do it dramatically like Arya's running and then turns around, and then it cuts to a shot of an axe swinging down and her screaming or something, I really doubt it'll be the final scene of episode 9, or a significant scene at all. And I hope they don't make it the final scene because the focus should be Robb and Cat. Put it in between their deaths if at all.
Tywin personally trodding around the place and ordering people killed and burned?
Tywin forcing his children to marry for political gain, while Rob marries out of love?
Cersei intruiging and backstabbing, even plotting to kill her brother?
Jamie attempting to kill innocent children.
And don't get me started on the mad king 2.
The Starks are saints in comparison.
Series:I think you'll find that the good/bad dichotomy becomes clearer as the shows goes on - as it's pretty clear that the Lannisters have no concern for honour when it comes to the red feast. The worst Stark you ever see is one that has been resurrected through dark magic - and she's really only vengeful.
bleh asosI really hope they don't bring unCat in until the end of season 4. In the book, you think Cat's dead for several hundred pages, and her being dead just becomes a fact, like Ned and Robert are dead. Her suddenly coming back was a huge WTFFFF moment.
Having her come back at the end of the next season, a whole season after she dies, would be huge.
ASOSWho wants to bet they have Stoneheart talk normal?
We were still going to call him Vargo Hoatbut when he became a Bolton man (and a Westerosi) George asked that we change his name, and we complied.
My second proudest moment as a writer on this show was when I walked on set and saw those dead baby props!
In terms of Loras
Its different, youre right. I feel like hes in mourning, hes depressed, and this encounter with Olyvar is him medicating his wounds, if you will.
I can't believe this season is half-way over already. My boyfriend is getting mad that we can't just start a new episode right after one ends (we watched the first two seasons on Blu-Ray as they came out)
Thanks!Random thoughts and musings on the ep, a little late! Been a busy couple days.
Not how I pictured him. I wonder if the show will make his character bigger than he is in the books.
Definitely not how I pictured him, but then as I thought about the Unsullied, it makes sense that he's pretty young, right?
@PerezJeremiah: Jamie Lannister’s scrotum just made it’s television debut! #hbo
Definitely not how I pictured him, but then as I thought about the Unsullied, it makes sense that he's pretty young, right?
I dunno I sorta like the idea of a young Obama leading the unsullied.
They all look tiny haha. I guess I just always imagined them as these ripped and lean warriors.
Were introduced to Gray Worm, played by
@MxSebastian: Barack Obama
@MercifulMalacai: .President Obama?!? (I would have voted for you if I had been old enough, rly!)
@Quizzicalbee: Is it just me, or does Grey Worm look like Barack Obama?
@DonaldJr: Wow they got Obama to play grey worm. Didnt know he was a fan.
Friend sends an e-mail saying how terrible and boring this past episode was. I thought it was one of the best this season, personally.
Friend sends an e-mail saying how terrible and boring this past episode was. I thought it was one of the best this season, personally.
Get new friends.