AFFC is an amazing novel. Just because it doesn't have all of the "fan favourite" characters, does not make it as bad as people like to say it is.. . What? In what world could you possibly think that??
AFFC is an amazing novel. Just because it doesn't have all of the "fan favourite" characters, does not make it as bad as people like to say it is.. . What? In what world could you possibly think that??
ADWDYeah, the material in the North was great. Jon could have used one or two less chapters, but his chapter where he kills Janos Slynt is probably my favorite in the series. Theon's chapters were altogether the best storyline in the book. Davos's chapters were pretty good, but his story ended way too soon.
The Essos stuff was all around pretty bad though. Outside one or two moments, Dany's chapters were dreadful. Tyrion's chapters were frustrating. Just nothing to good going on out there.
Warms my heart to see all this Feast love.![]()
Anyone keen to revisit Feast, check this out:
Feast and Dance, merged into one mega book! Don't do it as a first time reader-- highly recommended for a reread. There are tons of thematic parallels between the two novels that really jump out at you reading it this way.
Affc/adwdDany, Cersei and Jon, all three new to ruling. The Martells/Manderlys both revealed to be plotting secret vengeance. Tyrion/Brienne both traveling through different lands. Etc.
I thought AFFC was great. Liked it better than ADWD as well.
I don't see how anyone wouldn't. ADWD is a terrible book. It's perhaps the most disappointing book I've ever read.
So what was the tv viewers reactions to the latest ep? I was too busy/drunk to care.
Jamie is awesome, too much Theon torture, andOona's butt.
AFFC is an amazing novel. Just because it doesn't have all of the "fan favourite" characters, does not make it as bad as people like to say it is.
Edit: Am looking at the Essos map now, apparently there is a Mereen city that is a sister city to Yunkai and Astapor that also does slavery. Don't tell me she'll try and attack and free this place too. And just above them is the Dothraki Sea. I have a feeling she'll try to get revenge on the guys that cut the head of one of her servants she sent out for help. I bet those Dothraki will shit their pants when the Khaleesi returns, with 3 huge dragons, 8000+ unsullied warriors, etc.
Although that'd be dumb. We've been hearing forever, how she doesn't have the money for ships, doesn't have the soldiers to retake Westeros. And now that she's given it all, she wants to go on some other crusade. I have a feeling we won't see Daenarys in Westeros until the very end when her dragons probably fight the white walkers or something. And I get it, but it sucks. I've been waiting to see Joffrey, Stannis, and Tywin shit their pants when she's in front of them with dragons. I want to see the sigil of House Targaeryan fly somewhere in Westeros soon.
I'm going to have to spoiler this comment from the non-book thread. [Series]
That poor, sweet innocent.
I'm going to have to spoiler this comment from the non-book thread. [Series]
That poor, sweet innocent.
Quick question that came up when I watched ep7 with a fellow book reader [ASOS]In the book, wasn't Robb also supposed to marry a Frey along with Edmure? In the show it seems he's just tagging along and rather enjoying Edmure's misery, his sections don't quite have the same feel of impending doom they had.
Also, Oona's butt was great.
Warms my heart to see all this Feast love.![]()
Anyone keen to revisit Feast, check this out:
In regards to AFFCI feel like Brienne and Sam's stories could have been greatly abbreviated. Especially Sam's. But I hate Sam.
Quick question that came up when I watched ep7 with a fellow book reader [ASOS]In the book, wasn't Robb also supposed to marry a Frey along with Edmure? In the show it seems he's just tagging along and rather enjoying Edmure's misery, his sections don't quite have the same feel of impending doom they had.
But dude, AFFC/ADWDhow would we get the fat pink mast then! I agree with Brienne though, her first few chapters are a total drag. Though they are still not as useless as half the chapters of Daenerys or Quentyn
In regards to AFFCI feel like Brienne and Sam's stories could have been greatly abbreviated. Especially Sam's. But I hate Sam.
Guess it had to stop somewhere =/ Hopefully it will go back to picking up steam when the plot building starts paying off.- Via TVbtN, ratings are down this week to 4.8M viewers and a 2.4 in the 18-49 demo for the first airing
But [ADWD]Quentyn's are worth it JUST because of the stupidity in believing he, of all people, could tame a dragon and his delayed reaction at being burned alive: "oh". Agreed with Daenerys' chapters though. They seem to drag... on and on. (terrible pun intended).
This thread is ridiculous already. Well, onto another spoiler bar.
[ADWD]Quentyn's final chapter is fine, but he would had been just as fine with only the final one, as a one-off. The previous two were a waste and his POV in general just feels like a by-product of GRRM trying to cut the Meereeneeseesee Knoot. I can't remember a single thing about his previous chapters except that well, he was sailing to Meereen, right?
Brienne's chapter at Duskendale is still the worst, WORST thing about the series. It took me 5 tries and half a year to get through her trudging around Duskendale for no reason with nothing happening in which was I believe one of the longest, if not even THE longest chapter of the series. It was painful.
Overall trajectory, which is great, is more important than the week-by-week ups and downs. Also, HBO is more interested in overall numbers across all platforms and airings rather than just the first airing, though it is a decent barometer as to how ratings are moving along.Guess it had to stop somewhere =/ Hopefully it will go back to picking up steam when the plot building starts paying off.
Guess it had to stop somewhere =/ Hopefully it will go back to picking up steam when the plot building starts paying off.
- Via TVbtN, ratings are down this week to 4.8M viewers and a 2.4 in the 18-49 demo for the first airing
I think we can discuss this here more properly. The other thread had a link saying that they were aiming for seven seasons. Do you think it's possible? They could snip a shitload of material from food descriptions and travel monologues - maybe move some of the starting scenes from AFFC/ADWD to S4 end, but I think it would still end up being an ugly crunch that would leave some or all plotlines to be very rushed.
GRRM: Ratings Killer
GRRM: Ratings Killer
Well it was Mother's Day. I'd expect a drop.
I think we can discuss this here more properly. The other thread had a link saying that they were aiming for seven seasons. Do you think it's possible? They could snip a shitload of material from food descriptions and travel monologues - maybe move some of the starting scenes from AFFC/ADWD to S4 end, but I think it would still end up being an ugly crunch that would leave some or all plotlines to be very rushed.
I feel like it is 2 weeks in a row w/ weaker endings. Unfortunately, next week will probably go down too. The question is will next week have an ending that will bring everyone back in time for week 9.Well it was Mother's Day. I'd expect a drop.
I think we can discuss this here more properly. The other thread had a link saying that they were aiming for seven seasons. Do you think it's possible? They could snip a shitload of material from food descriptions and travel monologues - maybe move some of the starting scenes from AFFC/ADWD to S4 end, but I think it would still end up being an ugly crunch that would leave some or all plotlines to be very rushed.
It's doable, but if they can't adequately do ACOK in 1 season, I fear for the future if they tried to wrap things up in 7 seasons.