How did HBO plug it? I'm glad though.
This is from the 4chan leaker, all we know
ASOS Spoiler
How did HBO plug it? I'm glad though.
This is from the 4chan leaker, all we know
ASOS Spoiler
How did HBO plug it? I'm glad though.
I think I'm almost as curious about the promo for episode 9 as I am episode 8 tonight. [ASoS]Will they end up spoiling it in the preview? Or do they just go total misdirection? Like, I remember last year they hyped up Blackwater with their own little promos of the battle. Especially with the week off this year, do they do anything like that? I hope they just play it off like any other episode. Then again did they do anything out of the ordinary with the episode 9 promo for season 1?
That's good to know. Especially with the end of the season coming up.
Whoa, what? That sucks. I went to that same expo in Toronto, and there was a waiting line, but you had all the time you wanted once you'd get in. Were there just too many people there, or what?Also, I went to the expoGood to see the stuff, but you only got 20 minutes to look at stuff. When the 20 minutes were over, they'd announce it over intercom and force you to leave. Luckily, we were waiting in the line for the throne so they couldn't make us leave!
Probably? It would have to be lol.
Spoilers dropped on 4chan /tv/ apparently.
Series/Leak/description of a scene this weekRoose goes to the Dreadfort and has a scene with Ramsay!! :-D
I hope this is fake, or that Theon is a captive at a fort near the Twins. Can't say I like the idea of Roose Bolton travelling from Harrenhall to the Dreadfort and then to the Twins within two episodes. On the other hand, I really like the idea of Ramsay showing Theon the aftermatch of the Red Wedding.
Some of the other "spoilers" are way worse. I really hope they aren't true.
Tywin and Shae have sex but it's "tastefully done." It's intercut during the Tyrion/Sansa wedding. Tywin and Shae are doing it doggstyle.
Coldhands is confirmed to be Waymar Royce
No Sam the Slayer this episode.
Balon falls off a bridge and dies. He has a funeral after the leeches scene and Asha is there.
Roose stops at the Dreadfort to meet Ramsay
Lysa is in next week's episode.
Bath scene between Missandei and Emilia but no nudity.
Cersei does not tell the story behind Rains of Castamere. Cersei's quote is her talking about the sack of King's Landing.
Some of the other "spoilers" are way worse. I really hope they aren't true.
Bath scene between Missandei and Emilia but no nudity.
Some of the other "spoilers" are way worse. I really hope they aren't true.
Bath scene between Missandei and Emilia but no nudity.
Well, that put my mind at ease. Those spoilers are too rediculous to be true.
no way those spoilers are real. please no.
ASOSwhat will HBO do when the show viewers realize that ep9 means shit is about to go down? i guess there is no way that joffrey dies in ep9 next season though, it'd have to be a lot earlier in the season
Whoa, what? That sucks. I went to that same expo in Toronto, and there was a waiting line, but you had all the time you wanted once you'd get in. Were there just too many people there, or what?
Although I have to say, the locale of the expo was muuuuch cooler in yours than the one in Toronto (which was at the Toronto stock exchange or something, lol booooring). Is that some sort of old church or castle? Looks badass.
I just finished reading ASOS, so I guess this is now my home for the show for the next few weeks
I wanted to take a break from reading the series, but how can I stop now with that ending in ASOS?! God dammit![]()
Some of the other "spoilers" are way worse. I really hope they aren't true.
Bath scene between Missandei and Emilia but no nudity.
I mean come on that list was ridiculous.
Some of the other "spoilers" are way worse. I really hope they aren't true.
Tywin and Shae have sex but it's "tastefully done." It's intercut during the Tyrion/Sansa wedding. Tywin and Shae are doing it doggstyle.
Coldhands is confirmed to be Waymar Royce
ASOSPurple wedding will probably be on the second or third episode. Episode 8 is Red Viper vs. Mountain. My guess is that Ep. 9 next season will be the epic defense of the northern side of the wall. CGI-fest full of Mamoths and Giants (and the Turtle!). Ep. 10 will be Jon being elected Lord Commander+Tyrion Escaping and realizing Tywin doesn't shit gold+ Littlefinger shoving Lysa to her doom.
Those 2 alone make me think those "spoilers" are horseshit. At least I hope so.
[ASoS MAJOR spoilers /Show speculation]Why the hell would they bring back Waymar Royce as Coldhands? Seriously? Nobody would have any clue who that was.
Make sure you read AFFC and ADWD in the order here:
It's such a better experience.
This sounds confusingBut I guess it does make sense to have it read chronologically.
Also possibly a MAJOR spoiler for Episode 10 / ASOS
Michelle Fairley is in episode 10. hum...
Eh, I would recommend reading AFFC and then ADWD for your first time. Just know that some characters won't appear at all in AFFC.
This sounds confusingBut I guess it does make sense to have it read chronologically.
Possible spoiler? My cable guide saysMance Rayder will be in tonight's episode. I never pay attention to these things so I don't know if it's accurate, but hopefully it's true. Also Steelshanks, Tormund, Beric.
Also possibly a MAJOR spoiler for Episode 10 / ASOS
Michelle Fairley is in episode 10. hum...
Eh, I would recommend reading AFFC and then ADWD for your first time. Just know that some characters won't appear at all in AFFC.
Yeah, some things confuse me already enough, I'll stick to how they are presented![]()
Wow, what a POS comment to make. I'm sure you're a real looker, yourself.Maysie looking worse and worse
She's 16 years old, what do you expect?Arya's too big! What the fuck is happening?![]()
Wow, what a POS comment to make. I'm sure you're a real looker, yourself.
She's 16 years old, what do you expect?