With all these shows nowadays having a "spring" and "fall" seasons, I thought there was a chance.
Sweet, sweet summer child.With all these shows nowadays having a "spring" and "fall" seasons, I thought there was a chance.
I think they've made him a bit of a whiny bitch on the show.I peeked in to the no book thread and I was kinda surprised how much they seem to hate Sam over there.
Great plot episode IMO. Loved it.
Why do people see something spoilerish and quote it? Dude.
It looked fine.That shattering sword looked terrible too.
Are we absolutely sure thatis in the next episode?Red Wedding
Have they explained how they're handling AFFC/ADWD?
I assume that they're blending the two?
Really excited for thestuff from Feast.Maergery vs. Cersei
ASOSso why did sam leave the dagger? i don't remember this part clearly from the book
I thought the Dagger broke when he used it in the book.
It's WIGHT, silly HBO
It's WIGHT, silly HBO
I loved Tywin getting pissed that people were laughing at a Lannister.Tyrion wedding scene was awesome
I loved Tywin getting pissed that people were laughing at a Lannister.
Wights are the undead. Whites are the GOT name for the "others".
The AV Club's newbie review said:But still, this episode left me a little frustrated. I know that what were seeing is the first half of the third book, and Im more and more afraid that there isnt going to be quite as devastating a closing punch as there was in the last two seasons.
I'm gonna spoiler this and just leave this here:
Just sayin' is all.
^Ha! Just read that.
A part of me feels like that reviewer knows what's gonna happen and is just playing it up.
I really loved that cut to (ASOS)Joffrey having fun at Tyrion's wedding after Stannis says the names over the burning leeches. That really felt like one of those book reader trolls we've been seeing all season long
Also got chills when (ADWD)Stannis mentioned seeing a "great battle in the snow" in the flames. Loving all this winds of winter foreshadowing
ASOSI thought it was foreshadowing for the battle beyond The Wall, but it makes sense for the Battle of Winterfell, too.
Nah, he's been pretty steadfast with his spoiler-free nature.
Yeah same here. I was a bit disappointed that she knelt, but I know why they did it. Without access to her inner monologue, it'd just seem to be nasty for no reason and it'd come out of nowhere.I'm okay with the change, too, especially since Sansa not knealing was more justified in the book, imo.
And who knows how many people would forever hold a grudge on Sansa for not knealing for precious Tyrion.![]()
What is this referring to?Bullshit delivery of a very powerful moment
I didn't like that line much. I greatly preferred the book line, "Never? Why... That's why the gods made whores for men like me." It did convey his sense of resignation in a similar way, but the reference to the Night's Watch is just strange. We know Tyrion isn't gonna go celibate, lol.![]()
And so my watch begins
I thought so too, and after seeing [ASoS/ADwD]Good ep tonight
Where is [ASOS]Coldhands? Reading episode descriptions I thought we were getting him tonight. Maybe next season?
Bah. >:| Gendry's not really my style (he does have gorgeous eyes though) but come on, HBO, why so shy at showing us male nudity? Pfft. At least we didn't get that stupid lesbian scene...All of the female nudity, none of the male! Sounds fine
[ASOS]That is a bloody perfect promo. They're building it up like one of the big events will be the conquering of Casterly Rock...I think the RW is the event that Dan and Dave talk about being so excited to have the chance to depict on television. With that in mind, I reckon they'll pull it off wonderfully.![]()