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Game of Thrones *Tagged Book Spoilers, Please Read OP* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO

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Regarding the Tyrion/Tywin scene scene

This is pretty much the moment Tyrion realizes that his entire family despises him through no fault of his own, and he will never get what is truly his by birthright. He can behave however he wishes and it will always be used against him. This is where Tyrion finally decides to turn the tides against his own family.
Good point. Also when Tywin was writing his letter (big asos spoilers)-
Anyone thinking he was setting up the Red Wedding??? I paused it to see what he was writing and it did not seem to be anything about it other than writing "ripe for the taking" hmm...

In the book he seemed to be and said something like, "Some wars are won with words." I wish they'd included that in there.


Didn't like the giant or blisters on Davos?

Oh right, the giant was awesome. Definitely thought they were going to cut that. Makes me believe that I shouldn't be pessimistic about them cutting a lot of the future supernatural stuff.

And as for Barristan's reveal since you guys are talking about it...

First off the manticore was kind of lame looking. Definitely could just have toned it down and based it off some real life dangerous looking insect. And, yeah I'm bummed about how flat the reveal felt. I was genuinely shocked when he revealed himself in the books. It felt to me like hey whatever it's Barristan whereas in the book it was like holy shit Daenarys now has killing machine Barristan on her side.


Good episode. Only real disappointment was doing so little with the opening battle. They didn't need to blow the budget there, but a little more than just a black screen would've been nice. Could've really opened up the season with a bang having a limited view during the night attack, sounds of men dying all over and a really creepy atmosphere without actually showing much.


In the book he seemed to be and said something like, "Some wars are won with words." I wish they'd included that in there.
Ya. ASoS
that was in Tyrion's chain of thoughts when he was at Tywin's meeting of the King's council and they were considering Balon Grey Joy's alliance offer. Tywin hesitated on taking him up on it, when everyone else was for it. That's when Tyrion knew something was up, but had no clue it was related to the RW.


Reminds me. I started the stream when it was already playing and Jon was walking to the wildling "city".

Did I miss anything?


Awesome episode. Took me a while to figure out who the dude at the end was, but when I did I had an "oh shit, it's that guy" moment. The giant was awesome. I didn't know giants were even in this universe til then. Dragons looked boss.


Awesome episode. Took me a while to figure out who the dude at the end was, but when I did I had an "oh shit, it's that guy" moment. The giant was awesome. I didn't know giants were even in this universe til then. Dragons looked boss.
Sorry, but are you in the correct thread?


Reminds me. I started the stream when it was already playing and Jon was walking to the wildling "city".

Did I miss anything?

There's a scene with Samwell. He's about to get killed and Ghost comes out of nowhere and fucks up the Wight. Then Mormont appears and burns it.


What, are non-book readers not allowed to visit this thread? I'm only popping in. I ain't gonna be highlighting any black bars tonight.
You greatly risk undermining your enjoyment of the show. Sometimes people mispost stuff before they spoiler it. IMO, this story is too awesome to risk that.
What, are non-book readers not allowed to visit this thread? I'm only popping in. I ain't gonna be highlighting any black bars tonight.
For your own good I would avoid any thread other than the safe one. People slip up or not-so-subtly reference things all the time.

This book is a roller coaster ride, I wouldn't want any of the story spoiled for me.


I wasn't a fan of the ending. I felt the introduction of barristan Selmy would be lost on most non-book readers.

Tywin/tyrion scene was my favorite.

And I believe they filmed the daenerys/unsullied scene in essauria, morocco. I've been to that place where she was scoping out the unsullied!


I wasn't a fan of the ending. I felt the introduction of barristan Selmy would be lost on most non-book readers.

I figured out who he was. Just took me a second. I mean, it has been a few years since S1. I imagine most people wouldn't know right off the bat unless they did a marathon through the whole show.


here's a quote from sepinwall's review:

On the other hand, Stannis and Davos were among the more disappointing parts of season 2, and they remained so here. The way Stannis has been presented to us so far — we don't meet him until after he's long been under Melisandre's spell — he's a very one-note character, and Davos' unblinking devotion to him just makes Davos seem naive.
Read more at http://www.hitfix.com/whats-alan-wa...ris-return-to-burning-man#sjBSImQJUhgtCP0d.99

I have to agree. I don't remember if in Season 2 they explained why Davos is such a loyal follower to Stannis and the things that Stannis did for Davos. Which is a shame because in the books, Davos is one of my favorite characters.


May contain jokes =>
here's a quote from sepinwall's review:

I have to agree. I don't remember if in Season 2 they explained why Davos is such a loyal follower to Stannis and the things that Stannis did for Davos. Which is a shame because in the books, Davos is one of my favorite characters.

Kind of similar to most backstory things on the show, they mention it but it's not reinforced all that strongly. But they definitely addressed the concept that Stannis allowed Davos as a smuggler a chance to live a noble life.
Hey all, does anybody know how long it takes for the episodes to pop up on HBO Go? I don't have an HBO subscription here at college, but I have an HBO Go account set up that's linked to my parents' HBO sub back home.

EDIT: Nevermind, someone answered in the other thread! Hopefully I'll be able to talk with y'all soon! Thanks!


Hey all, does anybody know how long it takes for the episodes to pop up on HBO Go? I don't have an HBO subscription here at college, but I have an HBO Go account set up that's linked to my parents' HBO sub back home.

Usually only a couple minutes. There were some technical issues today though. I couldn't watch it on HBO GO til 30 mins after it aired.


It was a pretty good first episode. I really enjoyed Dany's negotiation with the slavers and Tywin eviscerating Tyrion after asking him for Casterly Rock, two scenes lifted straight from the book. The new scene at the Flea Bottom orphanage was a good one as well.

OTOH, the show's handling of the battle at the Fist of the First Men was a copout, and the manticore attack lacked tension. It didn't feel to me like Dany's life was in any danger, and I think I would have been terribly confused by it if I hadn't read the book.


here's a quote from sepinwall's review:

I have to agree. I don't remember if in Season 2 they explained why Davos is such a loyal follower to Stannis and the things that Stannis did for Davos. Which is a shame because in the books, Davos is one of my favorite characters.
I don't mind. I really don't know what else they could do w/ out taking more time from other story lines than they have. I mean, if they're gonna mess something up a little bit due to lack of resources to this point, it might as well be the Stannis/Davos/Mel part of the story.


Damn, that was a good episode. Solid performances all around, and it flowed pretty nicely. Very few fillery scenes too.
I will say I agree to an extent about the Davos/Barristan complaints. As a book reader I know all about those characters, but it's true that they were sort of glossed over to a degree in previous seasons. But I feel like they had enough scenes that people who payed attention will remember them and know who they are. Did they get another actor for Barristan? He looked different.
here's a quote from sepinwall's review:

I have to agree. I don't remember if in Season 2 they explained why Davos is such a loyal follower to Stannis and the things that Stannis did for Davos. Which is a shame because in the books, Davos is one of my favorite characters.

That was the one part of Sepinwall's review I felt was off. I think season 2 did a pretty good job of explaining Davos's loyalty. He was nothing but a smuggler before he met Stannis, after that he had land and a home. In season 2 he does talk about how he owes everything to Stannis.

edit: But it may be different for Sepinwall as I don't think he's read the books, where we get Davos's point of view to really reinforce this, and in the show it's just a few lines.


but man, that tywin/tyrion scene was brilliant.

It's going to be sad when Tywin dies because charles dance is perfect in this role.


It was a pretty good first episode. I really enjoyed Dany's negotiation with the slavers and Tywin eviscerating Tyrion after asking him for Casterly Rock, two scenes lifted straight from the book. The new scene at the Flea Bottom orphanage was a good on as well.

OTOH, the show's handling of the battle at the Fist of the First Men was a copout, and the manticore attack lacked tension. It didn't feel to me like Dany's life was in any danger, and I think I would have been terribly confused by it if I hadn't read the book.

Just for the sake of people understanding, I think they could have used something that looked a bit more like a scorpion or a spider. I think most people probably inferred that it was deadly though.


Awesome episode. I think they hit on just about every interaction. Show is really standing on its own now.


Stannis is a one-note character, and the show's depiction of him is faithful. I have been disappointed with how a few characters have been depicted, top of the list being Qhorin Halfhand, but Stannis is perfect. He's not supposed to be likable. That's the whole point. He's got the best claim but can't win support because he's such a dick.
Stannis is a one-note character, and the show's depiction of him is faithful. There are a few characters I've been disappointed with their depiction on the show, top of the list being Qhorin Halfhand, but Stannis is perfect. He's not supposed to be likable. That's the whole point. He's got the best claim but can't win support because he's such a dick.

Yeah, I think the Stannis/Davos/Melisandre stuff has been great. Casting and characterization have been spot on.

edit: I also liked how they gave Kit a chance to do something aside from look sullen and get yelled at. He still got yelled at (sort of) but he didn't just sit there and look sad and/or confused this time.
Stannis is a one-note character, and the show's depiction of him is faithful. There are a few characters I've been disappointed with their depiction on the show, top of the list being Qhorin Halfhand, but Stannis is perfect. He's not supposed to be likable. That's the whole point. He's got the best claim but can't win support because he's such a dick.

You're right but I like him so much more in the books. No idea why. Haha.


:O :O :O fuuuuu guess I need to buy hbo for a few months...

Tell your cable/sat company that you're dropping them for one of the "free hbo for X amount of months for new subscribers" deals that all the companies generally run. That's how we got HBO for free.

Edit: This advice assumes you're in the US. I don't know if it applies anywhere else.

Edit 2: To clarify, you don't actually drop your current provider; you just threaten them.


Well, now they have Roose in Harrenhaal where he belongs and they've introduced Qyburn... Wonder how many book readers missed his super low key introduction.

The Selmy reveal was meh.

I really missed the "did you see where they sat the bastard" exchange with Mance. I liked Jon using the bitterness he has about being a bastard to his advantage. Not a big deal, but it was a better line in the book.

The giant looked like he was wearing a bad rubber Halloween mask.
Stannis is a one-note character, and the show's depiction of him is faithful. I have been disappointed with how a few characters have been depicted, top of the list being Qhorin Halfhand, but Stannis is perfect. He's not supposed to be likable. That's the whole point. He's got the best claim but can't win support because he's such a dick.

He evolves as a character though, it'll be interesting to see how the show handles that
Well, now they have Roose in Harrenhaal where he belongs and they've introduced Qyburn... Wonder how many book readers missed his super low key introduction.

The Selmy reveal was meh.

I really missed the "did you see where they sat the bastard" exchange with Mance. I liked Jon using the bitterness he has about being a bastard to his advantage. Not a big deal, but it was a better line in the book.

The giant looked like he was wearing a bad rubber Halloween mask.

:-O Caught the character intro but Roose/Harrenhal didn't click for me. Good catch.


Yeah, I think the Stannis/Davos/Melisandre stuff has been great. Casting and characterization have been spot on.

edit: I also liked how they gave Kit a chance to do something aside from look sullen and get yelled at. He still got yelled at (sort of) but he didn't just sit there and look sad and/or confused this time.
I have to agree here. That group was cast perfectly, depicted well, and even have some small deviations that I liked over the book. If I complain about the show vs the book I steer clear of that group. Makes me hopeful for what's to come with that storyline.
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