The one thing that I was really struck by was just how good the show looked. Compare the lighting, ambiance, and set design of the Tywin/Tyrion scene to any scene inside of Ned's chambers back in season 1. The improvement is incredible. Same with the dinner scene between the Tyrells, Joffrey, and Cersei. This show just looks beautiful now.
Yes, this struck me as well. This was a magnificent looking episode. That Tyrion screencap above is just gorgeous, as is most of the Dany stuff. Giant looked pretty damn convincing as well. I was surprised at how well he meshed into the crowd, didn't feel out of place at all. Some very impressive work here.
I liked the episode, aside from the Barristan reveal. The entire mystery angle of this was easier in the books though, so I understand the path they chose. The books constantly remind you why he's such a big deal, whereas the show only briefly touches upon that, in the first season no less. The only way this is going to have some impact on show only people, is when they've recently marathoned the 2 seasons, so the memory of him is still pretty fresh.
The Tywin/Tyrion scene was killer. As was most of the Dany material. Guy playing Kraznys was terrific, great scenes. Stannis looked different... for the better actually. When he saw Davos was back, and he didn't even flinch? Coming pretty close to how I picture him.
It's good that they left some characters out, allows for more breathing room.