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Game of Thrones *Tagged Book Spoilers, Please Read OP* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO

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I was listening to the OtakuAssemble review. He had a big problem with the direction Tywin and Tyrion's relationship went, as in reverse. I think this was the other huge failure with the interactions between Tywin and Ayra. It totally misleads non readers as the the person Tywin is and his potential for embracing what Tyrion is. I can definitely appreciate how watching this episode non readers perceive the relationship as going backwards even though it was never going forwards.

That's stupid. Tywin's interactions with Arya would have no bearing on his relationship with Tyrion, and I'm not sure why someone would think it would.


I was thinking about that.

She could possibly punish him for holding out on his knowledge of Jorah's betrayal.

Hmmm ... that would work [ASOS]
Jorah could say something to Dany that causes suspicion in Barristan, who then tells Dany the truth about him in order to save her. Dany, angry, makes them both do the infiltration stuff.


I'm pretty sure thats going to happen. the whole dany stuff in the books is a huge mess and would be even worse on tv. and now that she got her unsullied in the first episode of sesason 3, I am sure we will see a lot of new tv-exclusive content for dany in the next seasons.

What I was thinking was along these lines. (ADwD spoilers)

Dany marries Daario in season 4. Yuck, I know, but if Dany is going to Dorne, Hizdahr zo Loraq will be out of the picture, and Dany needs to be married before Quentyn enters the picture.

Dany dismisses Jorah as a traitor, like in the book.

The whole subplot of Arianne Martell trying to crown Myrcella is dumped entirely, along with Aerys Oakheart and Darkstar.

Dany and her army sail for Dorne at the beginning of season 5.

Varys and Tyrion sail to Pentos after Tyrion escapes the Black Cells and murders Tywin. They are greeted by Illyrio Mopatis, who has hired an army of sellswords, the Golden Company. Among the sellswords is the young warrior Griff and Jorah Mormont. TV viewers will assume Varys and Illyrio and the Golden Company intend to support Dany.

Tyrion begins to get suspicious that Griff is more than a simple sellsword. They run into some trouble on their voyage (pirates maybe), and when Griff is placed in danger, some of the others show an unusual level of concern for his welfare. Tyrion saves his life.

Dany arrives in Sunspear asking for Doran Martell's support. Griff also goes to Dorne, revealing his undyed platinum hair and claiming to be Aegon VI. Both groups encamp around Sunspear, but aren't in open conflict, both hoping to secure an alliance with Dorne.

Dany's dragons are becoming massive and uncontrollable and are confined to the dungeons of Sunspear, but not before Drogon escapes.

Quentyn Martell attempts to woo Dany away from Daario, but she is unimpressed and unreceptive.

Jorah kidnaps Tyrion and escapes Aegon's camp, hoping by bringing him to Dany he can return to her good graces.

At a melee, Drogon returns, kills both knights and eats them. Soldiers attack Drogon, but Dany tames him with a whip and flies off and disappears.

Quentyn sees that he has lost and Aegon will seal an alliance with his father by marrying his sister Arianne. In a desperate attempt to reverse the situation he sneaks into the dungeons and attempts to tame a dragon like Dany, wins a Darwin Award and gets himself roasted for his trouble. The dragons escape.

They could tie about three or four different plot threads together in a single setting by doing something like this IMO.


That's stupid. Tywin's interactions with Arya would have no bearing on his relationship with Tyrion, and I'm not sure why someone would think it would.
It made him come off as, for lack of a better word "nicer, than he actually is. Reading the books I always saw Tywin as person who has already made all the decisions about who he was and how he would approach the world, making his personality throughout the story static. The mature and rational of version Joffery with better parenting and a full life of experience. However, his time with Arya feels like he's been given some "nice" treatment. Painted that way, it is logical to assume the small amount of warmth Tywin extended Arya could at least be expected for a son who risked so much for the family. Does that make more sense?




Yeah, that makes absolutely no sense. First off, he wasn't sweet to Arya. Came off as sten just not a total jerk. And Tyrion is considered to be a man not a boy servant so he would not be treated as warmly by Tywin even if there was a small chance of him not hating Tyrion. Tywin also had Tyrion moved out of the Hand of the king's tower and into some dump hidden somewhere. That says it all.
Awesome fucking opening episode, as expected from this Godly series. Washed the shitty taste of the Walking dead finale.

I feel so bad for Tyrion. His dad's verbal smackdown was brutal. If I was him I'd want to painfully massacre my entire disgusting family. Starting with Cersei, then Joffrey. Loved Joffrey in his little prissy chariot, like the pussy bitch that he is.

Also, I couldn't care less how closely this follows the books anymore. The people behind the show have proven they know what they're doing, and how to create a good story. I've read most of the books, and so much of it was just torture to trudge through and can be changed or discarded. Not everything works onscreen.


It made him come off as, for lack of a better word "nicer, than he actually is. Reading the books I always saw Tywin as person who has already made all the decisions about who he was and how he would approach the world, making his personality throughout the story static. The mature and rational of version Joffery with better parenting. However, his time with Arya feels like he's been given some "nice" treatment. Painted that way, it is logical to assume the small amount of warmth Tywin extended Arya could at least be expected for a son who risked so much for the family. Does that make more sense?

If anything this should show someone the irrational nature of Tywin's disdain for Tyrion. He very well could be considered a hard man with a hidden soft spot as the show portrays. But he hates Tyrion for deep, personal reasons, which last night's episode shows.


I'm just trying to explain why non book readers are probably going to share the view of Larry Williams regarding what they perceive to be wrongly happening in Tywin and Tyrion's relationship.


I'm just trying to explain why non book readers are probably going to share the view of Larry Williams regarding what they perceive to be wrongly happening in Tywin and Tyrion's relationship.

I understand. I'm just saying that I don't think the portrayal of Tywin in season 2 is somehow in conflict with the Tywin we saw last night.


What I was thinking was along these lines.

They could tie about three or four different plot threads together in a single setting by doing something like this IMO.

I really like these ideas. [series]
It's basically FFC and DWD simplified ... which is exactly what this series needs. Dany's story really needs to be edited, and the Myrcella situation also uninterested me, so I would be happy with those cut out/shortened.
But I think it's a bit difficult to really say how they should film FFC and DWD without knowing what happens in the next books. There might be things that are cut that end up being crucial to the story (though the show has already changed some things ...)


Also relating to the Astapor scenes (ASOS)
Did they make it clear that Daenarys could understand what Kraznys was saying? Or is that being saved 'til next time?

Seems like they didn't hint at it with respect to her expressions, though of course they might pull it out as a gotcha moment later on, which would be kind of bad ass

Also Dinkage's pause and then 'whatever, old man' nod were great (as others have stated).
I found some of Larry Williams comments about the episode to be even dumber than usual for this episode. Especially when he started talking about how it was bad that they were "showing" things about characters rather than just telling. What the hell? I used to really enjoy watching his reviews but he can say some pretty ridiculous shit sometimes


It made him come off as, for lack of a better word "nicer, than he actually is. Reading the books I always saw Tywin as person who has already made all the decisions about who he was and how he would approach the world, making his personality throughout the story static. The mature and rational of version Joffery with better parenting and a full life of experience. However, his time with Arya feels like he's been given some "nice" treatment. Painted that way, it is logical to assume the small amount of warmth Tywin extended Arya could at least be expected for a son who risked so much for the family. Does that make more sense?

I disagree with this. Joffrey and Tywin couldn't be more different.

The problem with Tywin and Tyrion is that Tywin sent his son to control Joffrey and Cersei with a pretty powerful position as Hand of the King. Now the way he treated him in season 3 made it look like he wouldn't trust Tyrion to take care of the pipes system in Casterly Rock.
Anyone else worried that they're going to chicken out with (ASOS)
Shae, Tywin, and Tyrion? They seem to be wanting her to be a fairly sympathetic character, especially with how closer she is getting to Sansa. I wonder if they will change her death?
I was kind of confused with Robb at Harrenhal. Does he visit Harrenhal in the books? And who are the dead guys again? I should have really watched the last episode of S2...

Generally I think they should show more battles to let people know that there is a war waging against the Lannisters. I don't think the term War of the Five Kings has even been mentioned in the series.
Robb does not visit Harrenhal in the book. The dead guys appeared to be mostly Stark men, it would appear that The Mountain killed his Stark prisoners prior to leaving Harrenhal.
Lots of potential here.

"What I told your son is true...
The WiiU is weaker than the Xbox 360"



-Season 3 critics spot
-Anatomy of a scene: Dany meets The Unsullied

Content Roundup for Sunday's episode is now linked in the OP.


Anyone else worried that they're going to chicken out with (ASOS)
Shae, Tywin, and Tyrion? They seem to be wanting her to be a fairly sympathetic character, especially with how closer she is getting to Sansa. I wonder if they will change her death?

I wouldn't call it chickening out but ASOS
Shae indeed is a completely different character in the show


Anyone else worried that they're going to chicken out with (ASOS)
Shae, Tywin, and Tyrion? They seem to be wanting her to be a fairly sympathetic character, especially with how closer she is getting to Sansa. I wonder if they will change her death?

No this is going to be the perfect set-up, Tywin being the dick he is and Shae being the 'loving' whore. When Tyrion gets double crossed by everyone it's going to justify him killing them both when he walks in finding her in bed and his dad on the can...

'I was Hand of the king once, but then I took a crossbow-bolt to stomach'
I found some of Larry Williams comments about the episode to be even dumber than usual for this episode. Especially when he started talking about how it was bad that they were "showing" things about characters rather than just telling. What the hell? I used to really enjoy watching his reviews but he can say some pretty ridiculous shit sometimes

His whole review was pretty dumb if you ask me. I don't know how you can hate the Tywin/Tyrion scene but he managed it.


Anyone else worried that they're going to chicken out with (ASOS)
Shae, Tywin, and Tyrion? They seem to be wanting her to be a fairly sympathetic character, especially with how closer she is getting to Sansa. I wonder if they will change her death?

I was worried about this last night after watching the episode but yeah, as others have said, I don't think they'll change her death, too much. After Sansa leaves with LF, Shae will lose her position, and as such will feel no reason not to betray both Sansa and Tyrion in order to get the riches and husband Cersei promises her.


I found some of Larry Williams comments about the episode to be even dumber than usual for this episode. Especially when he started talking about how it was bad that they were "showing" things about characters rather than just telling. What the hell? I used to really enjoy watching his reviews but he can say some pretty ridiculous shit sometimes

Seems like he expected Robb to march on Kings Landing in Episode 1. He repeated that nothing happens over and over and I wondered if it's not just irrational expectations


Everybody talking about (MAJOR ASoS spoilers)
Zombie Cat
being the season cliffhanger,are you forgetting that this season is only half of the book? If anything, I think the cliffhanger is going to be
the Red Wedding itself. We won't even get the satisfaction of watching Joffrey choke to death on his wedding night until season 4.


May contain jokes =>
I found some of Larry Williams comments about the episode to be even dumber than usual for this episode. Especially when he started talking about how it was bad that they were "showing" things about characters rather than just telling. What the hell? I used to really enjoy watching his reviews but he can say some pretty ridiculous shit sometimes

I used to watch Larry's reviews regularly but they've been pretty bad for a while now in my opinion. In the Season 3 Preview video he did he was going on about being disappointed that there were few new characters this season, which is hardly accurate at all. Then his main criticism of the Season 3 premiere seemed to be that it didn't establish the story arcs for the season... "except for Tyrion, Jon, and Dany."

Everybody talking about (MAJOR ASoS spoilers)
Zombie Cat
being the season cliffhanger,are you forgetting that this season is only half of the book? If anything, I think the cliffhanger is going to be
the Red Wedding itself. We won't even get the satisfaction of watching Joffrey choke to death on his wedding night until season 4.

No, we're aware of that. Regardless, Cat's actual resurrection takes place not long after the Red Wedding, not at the end of the book, which is when she hangs Merrett Frey. The Red Wedding will be episode 9, not the cliffhanger. So it's a very reasonable and likely expectation that the cliffhanger will be seeing Beric resurrect Cat.


Anyone else worried that they're going to chicken out with (ASOS)
Shae, Tywin, and Tyrion? They seem to be wanting her to be a fairly sympathetic character, especially with how closer she is getting to Sansa. I wonder if they will change her death?

TV Shae and Book Shae at this point only share the name, I doubt it goes down like the books. If anything I could see them killing her and prompting his revenge against Tywin. "I warned you about what would happen to your whores!"
TV Shae and Book Shae at this point only share the name, I doubt it goes down like the books. If anything I could see them killing her and prompting his revenge against Tywin. "I warned you about what would happen to your whores!"

This is kinda what I see happening, as it gives plenty of motivation, (ASOS)
though it won't have the "holy sh tyrion cold blooded" effect that the book had. As others noted, with Sansa leaving, though, it could really change things around.

I was worried about how the would make Tywin into the monster that he is in the book, after he was so likable in S2 (praise be to Dance), but they're handling that well, it seems.


No, we're aware of that. Regardless, Cat's actual resurrection takes place not long after the Red Wedding, not at the end of the book, which is when she hangs Merrett Frey. The Red Wedding will be episode 9, not the cliffhanger. So it's a very reasonable and likely expectation that the cliffhanger will be seeing Beric resurrect Cat.

I think it would be way too soon to resurrect Cat as the season cliffhanger. Keep in mind that the Red Wedding takes place in episode 9. To have Cat come back immediately afterward would kill it, imo. The strength of that moment in the book was the fact that it was so unexpected, and it took quite a while to get there. I had already discarded Cat (and Robb) as players in the story when Lady Stoneheart showed up. They has already joined the ranks of Ned and Drogo. I feel like it would take away from the Red Wedding's power if they moved Stoneheart up.


May contain jokes =>
I think it would be way too soon to resurrect Cat as the season cliffhanger. Keep in mind that the Red Wedding takes place in episode 9. To have Cat come back immediately afterward would kill it, imo. The strength of that moment in the book was the fact that it was so unexpected, and it took quite a while to get there. I had already discarded Cat (and Robb) as players in the story when Lady Stoneheart showed up. They has already joined the ranks of Ned and Drogo. I feel like it would take away from the Red Wedding's power if they moved Stoneheart up.

Like I said, Cat is actually resurrected quite soon after the wedding. What was it, 3 days in the book? I get your point about the reveal being more effective since it is a long time later. I agree it would be ideal to put the reveal at the end of the ASOS arc. However, I think they need to give some sort of positive twist on that storyline in this season. The book has that with Joffrey dying and Cat's resurrection at the end. They have to have something to keep people from committing suicide or whatever. It's a byproduct of splitting the season, but I would almost guarantee you that this season ends with Cat's resurrection.


SOS Spoilers
Was Stoneheart a name given to Cat in the SOS epilogue? I'm not familiar with that term; I assume it was introduced later in AFFC or ADWD. Guess I should get on with reading those.


I put some thoughts together, and piece together some of the fun imagery from the episode:


I know some liked my thoughts last year, hope more do this time around!

Totally spoiler free; for these recaps, I always live purely in the world of the show.

I really enjoyed reading this this, especially the analysis of the shots/dialogue; didn't even notice we got shots of Tyrion, Cersei, and Joffrey all behind bars. Hopefully you keep doing this!


Like I said, Cat is actually resurrected quite soon after the wedding. What was it, 3 days in the book? I get your point about the reveal being more effective since it is a long time later. I agree it would be ideal to put the reveal at the end of the ASOS arc. However, I think they need to give some sort of positive twist on that storyline in this season. The book has that with Joffrey dying and Cat's resurrection at the end. They have to have something to keep people from committing suicide or whatever. It's a byproduct of splitting the season, but I would almost guarantee you that this season ends with Cat's resurrection.

Well, I don't know if you'd call Lady Stoneheart positive, but that's beside the point. I dunno, I'd hate it if they'd do that. I mean, season 1 didn't really have a positive twist, did it. Well, there were the dragons, I guess they could be seen as positive...
But what about Jon returning to the Nights Watch? I just really don't want them to kill the moment and power of the Red Wedding.


May contain jokes =>
Well, I don't know if you'd call Lady Stoneheart positive, but that's beside the point. I dunno, I'd hate it if they'd do that. I mean, season 1 didn't really have a positive twist, did it. Well, there were the dragons, I guess they could be seen as positive...
But what about Jon returning to the Nights Watch? I just really don't want them to kill the moment and power of the Red Wedding.

She isn't positive, but when you first see her in the Book 3 epilogue, most people have a positive reaction. It's not until later that you realize how twisted she is now. Really I just don't see how having Cat be resurrected in Episode 10 is going to devalue the Red Wedding in Episode 9.


TV Shae and Book Shae at this point only share the name, I doubt it goes down like the books. If anything I could see them killing her and prompting his revenge against Tywin. "I warned you about what would happen to your whores!"

I wouldn't be against that. Though I could equally see TV Shae taking up with the old man once she realises that without Tyrion she's effectively back to square one.

Personally I think they've done a good job with TV shae (despite early misgivings) providing her with a bit more dimension than the book version (who was rather flat imo). Plus the books hangs a lot on Tyrion's disastrous 'marriage' to the whore in his youth which still preoccupies him, but of course is only brought up the once in season one.


Well, I don't know if you'd call Lady Stoneheart positive, but that's beside the point. I dunno, I'd hate it if they'd do that. I mean, season 1 didn't really have a positive twist, did it. Well, there were the dragons, I guess they could be seen as positive...
But what about Jon returning to the Nights Watch? I just really don't want them to kill the moment and power of the Red Wedding.

I'd definitely call the dragons a huge positive - popular sentiment toward Dany is/always was enormous; any positives for her are a positive for the audience toward the show for sure. And yeah, they'll definitely have to introduce some similar positive for episode 10 this year. You can't end on such serious tragedy, IMO; putting in something triumphant, or better still, a seed that holds promise, like the dragons, is an awesome way to remind people that all hope isn't lost. Zombie Cat Stark or Joff's death should accomplish this handily. Joff's death is more closure though; Cat on the other hand, is the 'seed of promise' I referred to earlier; a hope for retribution.

I really enjoyed reading this this, especially the analysis of the shots/dialogue; didn't even notice we got shots of Tyrion, Cersei, and Joffrey all behind bars. Hopefully you keep doing this!

Thanks! That's the plan :)


there have been a few great exposition shots for some locations in this episode. I really love that and I hope they manage to keep them for the rest of the season. its something that really shows the scope of the story and there were too few of them in the past seasons, especially the first one.

[giant non-tagged spoiler that just ruined ADWD for me]

and how great is charles dance? that man is incredible, the scene with tyrion reminded me how grateful I was for his scenes in harrenhal in season 2 (williams was fantastic, too, there) I really hope they make him just as present in this season.

Wow. Get out of here with your lack of spoiler tags.

EDIT: I'm a pleb. Sorry.
Anyone else worried that they're going to chicken out with (ASOS)
Shae, Tywin, and Tyrion? They seem to be wanting her to be a fairly sympathetic character, especially with how closer she is getting to Sansa. I wonder if they will change her death?

Kind of seems like the whole point in my opinion...

They want the viewer to feel sympathy for Shae so when she betrays Tyrion it hurts that much more and makes Tyrion's revenge that much more enjoyable


Regarding Cat;

I think the best way to do it is have the season 3 epilogue as follows;
Cat's corpse being dragged out of the river by Thoros of Myr accomponied with the line;
'Mayhaps the fish will revenge the wolf'

(or something similar)


Nothing in that guy's post is actually a spoiler for ADWD. He should have spoilered it or something but it's more misleading than anything.

It fucking better be.

Non-tagged, non-spoiler spoilers have ruined too much of ASOIAF for me over the last year, I don't know why I keep coming back to this thread.


May contain jokes =>
It fucking better be.

Non-tagged, non-spoiler spoilers have ruined too much of ASOIAF for me over the last year, I don't know why I keep coming back to this thread.

If you've read through AFFC then it's nothing you don't already know. Promise: AFFC
He's just talking about the fact that Bronn kind of dicks over Tyrion and becomes a less prominent character in Kings Landing after Tyrion's trial and disappearance.


I'd definitely call the dragons a huge positive - popular sentiment toward Dany is/always was enormous; any positives for her are a positive for the audience toward the show for sure. And yeah, they'll definitely have to introduce some similar positive for episode 10 this year. You can't end on such serious tragedy, IMO; putting in something triumphant, or better still, a seed that holds promise, like the dragons, is an awesome way to remind people that all hope isn't lost. Zombie Cat Stark or Joff's death should accomplish this handily. Joff's death is more closure though; Cat on the other hand, is the 'seed of promise' I referred to earlier; a hope for retribution.

Thanks! That's the plan :)

IMO it's less about it being positive and more the fact that SOS
it's really awkward to have an audience think a character is dead for a whole offseason and presumably part of the next. It is also trickier to tell the story of how the resurrection happened on TV, if you introduce her as late as she is introduced in the book then you either have to flashback or use some awful heavy handed expositional dialogue to explain it. It's not like the books where you have the contextual clues from Arya's wolf dreams to hint that something is coming, and when it does come, it's in the epilogue, you don't have to wait for a whole year for it to happen. I actually think Arya's wolf dreams can be a good way to end the season if you don't want to go all the way and introduce Lady Stoneheart in full, you just introduce the knowledge that Beric and the Red priest can revive people, then have Nymeria find Cat's body in the river and drags it to shore in Arya's dream and is scared off by Beric's group coming, then fade to black
Probably the most suspenseful way to end the season.
I found some of Larry Williams comments about the episode to be even dumber than usual for this episode. Especially when he started talking about how it was bad that they were "showing" things about characters rather than just telling. What the hell? I used to really enjoy watching his reviews but he can say some pretty ridiculous shit sometimes

I'm fine with criticisms but that review...wow. Continuity errors? It's pretty obvious each story being told in an episode isn't happening at the exact same time that other stories are; that goes for nearly every other television show too, except for say...Lost, when everyone was in the same area. One episode isn't one day.

I agree it was a slow episode that mainly set the stage, even if multiple stories didn't seem to have a clear start; for instance what would a new viewer suppose is the arc of Tyrion's story this season, whereas last season it was clear (Hand Of the King). Still, overall I don't see how that's a problem; it's safe to say the show will reveal Tyrion's "role" by the next episode, same with other characters.


Regarding Cat;

I think the best way to do it is have the season 3 epilogue as follows;
Cat's corpse being dragged out of the river by Thoros of Myr accomponied with the line;
'Mayhaps the fish will revenge the wolf'

(or something similar)
I still think that scene should be
in arya's wolf dreams. There is way more emotional impact in Arya/Nymeria finding the body at first than Thoros.


Thought the episode was alright. I feel that I end up enjoying all the made up scenes more than the scenes from the book. The Mance reveal was a lot worse than in the book.
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