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Game of Thrones *Tagged Book Spoilers, Please Read OP* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO

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I assume he meant the part where ASOS
Stannis offers to legitimize Jon as a Stark and name him Lord of Winterfell in exchange for declaring for Stannis and converting to the Red God, but Jon refuses.

But he may have been legitimized anyways by Robb.
pretty good episode. i liked how they didn't need to focus on all the characters, and ros' stupid ass wasn't naked, nor did the nudity scene feel so tacked on like usual.

so happy to see julius fucking caesar beyond the wall.

i had no qualms with any of the characterization this episode. they all played their part well.

could have done without the robb scene though. anyways bring on jaime and brienne.


Is that where we were initially introduced to that character in the book?

He appears in Harrenhal in ACok first but under different context. He's with the Brave Companions when they overtake Harrenhal. The entire Harrenhal story is all fucked up from what the books did.


He appears in Harrenhal in ACok first but under different context. He's with the Brave Companions when they overtake Harrenhal. The entire Harrenhal story is all fucked up from what the books did.

Ah yes, that's right. Wow. Almost forgot how much that part has been altered.


Catching up due to free HBO weekend and marathoned season 1... I'm miserable! This a probably more due to the marathon session, but I had to take a few days break after they captured Ned. This feels joyless and I'm told the first book is actually the lightest? Will carry on into S2, can't deny the production, visuals, dialogue, and acting.

Anyway, the point of my post is this sharp epiphany I had after ep 9: Robb and Jon are two different people.


Catching up due to free HBO weekend and marathoned season 1... I'm miserable! This a probably more due to the marathon session, but I had to take a few days break after they captured Ned. This feels joyless and I'm told the first book is actually the lightest? Will carry on into S2, can't deny the production, visuals, dialogue, and acting.

Anyway, the point of my post is this sharp epiphany I had after ep 9: Robb and Jon are two different people.

This isn't the show for you. (Series Spoiler)
It only gets darker and more fucked up from here. There is no joy to be had for anyone.
Catching up due to free HBO weekend and marathoned season 1... I'm miserable! This a probably more due to the marathon session, but I had to take a few days break after they captured Ned. This feels joyless and I'm told the first book is actually the lightest? Will carry on into S2, can't deny the production, visuals, dialogue, and acting.

Anyway, the point of my post is this sharp epiphany I had after ep 9: Robb and Jon are two different people.

With all due respect, your post didn't seem to have anything to do with the point you were allegedly trying to make.


This isn't the show for you. (Series Spoiler)
It only gets darker and more fucked up from here. There is no joy to be had for anyone.

I think that may be laying it on a little thick - there are definite moments of triumph and joy in the series, but
the overall tone dictates that every happy ending be nipped in the bud for something terrible to happen. The books delight in teasing you with closure only to slam the door in your face right before you get it.


By far the most interesting part of this episode is The Unsullied. I can't wait to see how much damage they're going to make.


smart for my boner. hottest girl on misfits (even more than alisha) and now the hottest girl in game of thrones even though i didn't recognize her anywhere in this episode....


pretty good episode. i liked how they didn't need to focus on all the characters, and ros' stupid ass wasn't naked, nor did the nudity scene feel so tacked on like usual.

so happy to see julius fucking caesar beyond the wall.

i had no qualms with any of the characterization this episode. they all played their part well.

could have done without the robb scene though. anyways bring on jaime and brienne.

Robb has to be a focal point of the season. That is about all anyone should want to know without spoilers.


I think that may be laying it on a little thick - there are definite moments of triumph and joy in the series, but
the overall tone dictates that every happy ending be nipped in the bud for something terrible to happen. The books delight in teasing you with closure only to slam the door in your face right before you get it.

The North Remembers was a glimmer of hope in the last book


Major Sos Spoilers..

Anyone who takes enjoyment of someone murdering a woman for lying is a sociopath. I'll be so glad if they change that because I thought it made Tyrion completely unlikable. It would be even worse in the TV show because TV show Shae is kind-hearted.

Oh wow, that's some amazing oversimplifying the matter. Shae seemed to be one person to accept Tyrion, "My Giant of Lannister" and whatnot. She seemed to love thim and to deeply cared for him. Then when the tables have turned she falsely testified against him and did his father. The same father that was always rambling about Tyrion's affinity for whores. Yet he found her, laying there naked with Hand's chain around her neck.

It doesn't matter she was a woman, it's not about the gender, it's about the character. Tywin's death is far more satisfying, and yet that doesn't make one a sociopath? Tyrion killed him because his father didn't appreciate him and lied to him - is this already a worthy offense?

Entire RW happened because marriage vows were broken. Betrayal is serious business. Especially in this case, where Tyrion was betrayed by one single person he trusted.


This thread's title really needs to change. Lets reverse the titles or something. I think that would make more sense. This is getting annoying, and I get why people are getting confused.
Everything about the wildling camp was made completely boring from the Giants to everyone in Mance's tent. Also I hope Margery and Cersi's relationship over the show simply revolves around them pointing out how ridiculous their costume design is. Other than that it was okay minus some really dumb writing "Just come directly to me if you need more supplies" for example, because somebody who looks like a beggar is clearly going to be admitted into the red keep and taken directly to the queen. It just feels a lot like season 2 where whenever they deviate from the books it's for the worse, whereas in season 1 some of the extra scenes actually improved the show.


Major SoS spoilers

Oh wow, that's some amazing oversimplifying the matter. Shae seemed to be one person to accept Tyrion, "My Giant of Lannister" and whatnot. She seemed to love thim and to deeply cared for him. Then when the tables have turned she falsely testified against him and did his father. The same father that was always rambling about Tyrion's affinity for whores. Yet he found her, laying there naked with Hand's chain around her neck.
Yep, Tywin is a scary man. He can make people do things they don't want to do. Being scared of him and doing what he wants you to do means you should be killed?

It doesn't matter she was a woman, it's not about the gender, it's about the character. Tywin's death is far more satisfying, and yet that doesn't make one a sociopath? Tyrion killed him because his father didn't appreciate him and lied to him - is this already a worthy offense?
He killed him because of Tysha, something that actually does deserve death. Not merely because he didn't appreciate him or lied.


I assume he meant the part where ASOS
Stannis offers to legitimize Jon as a Stark and name him Lord of Winterfell in exchange for declaring for Stannis and converting to the Red God, but Jon refuses.

Yeah, that's the part I'm talking about. "You shall rise again as Jon Stark, The Lord of Winterfell" gave me chills. I'm glad Ghost showed up in the end and reminded him of Weirwoods and the Old Gods, though.


Other than that it was okay minus some really dumb writing "Just come directly to me if you need more supplies" for example, because somebody who looks like a beggar is clearly going to be admitted into the red keep and taken directly to the queen. It just feels a lot like season 2 where whenever they deviate from the books it's for the worse, whereas in season 1 some of the extra scenes actually improved the show.

That's not dumb writing so much as a dumb interpretation of the scene. The beggar you were talking about was a septa, and "directly" doesn't necessarily mean "Walk into my bedchambers and ask me face to face", but to send word to her.


That's not dumb writing so much as a dumb interpretation of the scene. The beggar you were talking about was a septa, and "directly" doesn't necessarily mean "Walk into my bedchambers and ask me face to face", but to send word to her.

And they came from the High Septon. The Septa could go there to catch her.
That's not dumb writing so much as a dumb interpretation of the scene. The beggar you were talking about was a septa, and "directly" doesn't necessarily mean "Walk into my bedchambers and ask me face to face", but to send word to her.

I'll give it another watch tonight when I'm much less drunk. I was just soured on the whole episode after the portrayal of everyone the Wildling camp given I really liked that scene in the books. Tormund lost his joviality, Rattleshirt his savagery, and Mance was just a dull old man.


Non-book reader thread:

I bit my lip at the "waddle" line. That whole talk by Tywin was among the meanest things I've ever seen someone say on TV. If Tywin ends up not being betrayed and destroyed by Tyrion I'll be so fucking pissed.

edit: end of ASoS
He has a bit to wait, but he won't be pissed in the end :D


Margery in the last episode is what I pictured her as, her few episodes in season 2 shower her way more conniving and mean than I ever thought of her.


Margery in the last episode is what I pictured her as, her few episodes in season 2 shower her way more conniving and mean than I ever thought of her.

you think she did that for charity? I dont think she gives a damn about these kids, she wants to be the queen. she will be a major player of the game of thrones.


One thing that really irked me was Stannis throwing Davos in a cell. Why do they change something small like that.

What's wrong with sticking to the original way, have Melisandre intercept him before he ever gets to Stannis, and she throws him in a cell? Just for Stannis screen time in the first ep?


Margery in the last episode is what I pictured her as, her few episodes in season 2 shower her way more conniving and mean than I ever thought of her.

She's pretty conniving and mean in the books, though. Her only wish is to gain power, she doesn't give a shit about the public or the people around her (except for her own family it seems).


One thing that really irked me was Stannis throwing Davos in a cell. Why do they change something small like that.

What's wrong with sticking to the original way, have Melisandre intercept him before he ever gets to Stannis, and she throws him in a cell? Just for Stannis screen time in the first ep?

It would probably require casting an Axell Florent, which might require discussing more of Stannis' court, none of which have been introduced or discussed on the show.

Also regarding Margaery.
What have we seen in the books that would lead us to believe she doesn't legitimately care about the well being of those who would be her subjects?


It would probably require casting an Axell Florent, which might require discussing more of Stannis' court, none of which have been introduced or discussed on the show.

Yeah, a lot of the small changes like that seem to be an effort to continue using the actors that viewers know (and let's face it - have already been cast and paid their salaries), rather than introducing more secondary/tertiary characters, which makes sense.

Also regarding Margaery.
What have we seen in the books that would lead us to believe she doesn't legitimately care about the well being of those who would be her subjects?

I think Margaery in the books as well as the show, was always set up as an intentional contrast/foil to Cersei. In season 2, Tyrion rightly tells Cersei that she is losing the populace. Cersei scoffs and makes clear that she doesn't care what they think. Margaery is set up to reflect an opposing character who, while just as ambitious as Cersei, sees the value in a happy public, and will go to some lengths to gain the support of the common people.
One thing that really irked me was Stannis throwing Davos in a cell. Why do they change something small like that.

What's wrong with sticking to the original way, have Melisandre intercept him before he ever gets to Stannis, and she throws him in a cell? Just for Stannis screen time in the first ep?

Though Stannis being there made it a little odd I did like how Mel instigated Davos to attack her by bringing up what she whispered to his son


The Margaery scenes are basically the show's way of telling us how in love the small folk are with the Tyrells. Showing how dire a state (in terms of food) King's Landing was in, was done badly done in the show last season, in my opinion.
I'll give it another watch tonight when I'm much less drunk. I was just soured on the whole episode after the portrayal of everyone the Wildling camp given I really liked that scene in the books. Tormund lost his joviality, Rattleshirt his savagery, and Mance was just a dull old man.
I would imagine Tormund will be funny next time, now that Jon is a member of the team. Still I would have preferred him to embrace Jon after that Mance scene. Speaking of which overall the entire scene was weak, and must have been disappointing for new viewers given how much he has been hyped.

I'll have to see more Mance before I get truly disappointed though; I hope this isn't another Halfhand situation. Overall I fell like the scene suffered from briefness more than anything. It would have been interesting to see Mance talking strategy or even discuss the white walkers. Basically do something memorable in your introductory scene.

The dinner scene also needed more time IMO. I would have liked to see the dinner actually start, for Cersei to drink, and really set up how starkly different the two queens are.


Great premeire. One change from the book pissed me off though.

They changed

A) Mance telling Jon he's seen him before and that he was at the feast in Winterfell


B) Jon telling Mance that he crossed over because he wasn't able to sit with his brothers during the feast. "Did you see where they put the bastard?" I'm pretty upset they changed that.
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