The biggest tragedy of this show. I hope they take great pains to redeem themselves of Arya's story this season, because they need to fix a shitload of shit about her story arc to remedy what they destroyed.
A lot of this thread has become about how (series)the so called audience will not be able to handle Shae's death at the hands of Tyrion because apparently she is to sympathetic of a character on the show, how then do you think they are gong to accept Arya's transformation into a cold blooded killer? At this point in the books, she has killed a stable boy, killed several people in the attack of the nights watch caravan, was savagely treated while held at Harrenhal, orchestrated the death of 2 specific individuals thanks to jaqen, and killed several of the guards herself on the way out of Harrenhal... in the show she kills the stable boy and orchestrates the death of 2 individuals and of course gets face time with the man leading the charge against her Brother... at this point does she at all seem like the beaten but matured beyond her years little girl from the books? Could she possibly be capable of cold blooded murder at this point?
They will soften Arya's arc, just as they are softening Tyrion's.
Worst thing I've read this morning. I'm happy about the direction D&D are headed with this sub-plot; they're only heightening the ambiguity and devastation of the act when it comes.
You will be disappointed. They've already blatantly foreshadowed how it will be changed.