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Game of Thrones *Tagged Book Spoilers, Please Read OP* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO

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I would bang a hot farmer!
I have to admit that when Thoros knocked the sword out of Arya's hand I couldn't help but think one thing, [ACoK/S2]
she should've been spending more time at Harrenhal practicing her sword play instead of having story time with uncle Tywin.


The only part of this season I'm really down on is the Night's Watch. Instead of ASOS
the harried, terrified, snow-covered, run-for-your-lives-don't-leave-the-light-or-we're-all-going-to-die flight from the battle at the Fist on the way to the Wall
, we have a group of Night's Watch casually strolling in the sunlight making jokes. There is no sense of urgency after the frightful way that Season 2 ended.

I agree with this. Sam being fat and unable to walk at the same pace as them is not the (ASOS)
same thing as them making a desperate retreat after a crushing loss to a horrifying undead army.
The one word to remember about that thread is to read the speculation. There's no reason to post in there about the show. Let them have their fun.
Agreed on this.
The way I saw it, it was like Robb knew they were dead and only told Catelyn they could be alive to give her hope.

Interesting thought, I'll keep that in mind going forward.


Thought it was an excellent, although jam-packed episode:
-first scene was excellent. Series spoilers
Scene is soaked in foreshadowing with Bran hearing Robb and Jon, and then his father in the trees. Delicious
-All of the scenes with that group were great, loved the introduction to the Reeds (Bran mentioning Howland Reed and him saving Ned's life was awesome at a book reader, hopefully they speak of that more later).
-Saw as many scenes with direwolves this episode as we probably did all of last season. Gotta love the production values finally hitting what this story deserves this season.
-Good introductions to new and returning characters this episode (with so many characters at this point, it almost felt like season premiere part B, which lead to another episode of a lot of set up, but I think looking at the season at a whole, this will be a good thing)
-Because it seems to be the scene of talk this episode, I liked the Cat scene talking about Jon.
-As mentioned in this thread, I didn't like the Tyrion/Shae scene. I understand the point of the scene, but it was not well-written and the actress that plays Shae was exploited as not good at acting in this scene. In a show that's steeped in excellent casting, she unfortunately stands out as being the exception to that at times.


Content roundup post incoming...


Series Spoilers including up to ADWD
I'm impressed they'd make that reference with bran and the crow so early. Also they've already started with Reek? Jesus they're going FAST
Meh, at this point what can I say? The show is the show, I doubt it will ever be anything other than a mediocrity. So many of these actors are giving it their all but they can't overcome the weak writing or the whole clip-show nature of episodes like this.

It was completely jarring watching this on my DVR after I finished the superb Shameless finale.
I liked this episode. I do have to admit it can be a bit difficult to watch with a non-book viewer because I really wanted to blurt out things on occasion.

Oh crap, that's totally Ramsay.


Agreed on this.

Interesting thought, I'll keep that in mind going forward.


Thought it was an excellent, although jam-packed episode:
-first scene was excellent. Series spoilers
Scene is soaked in foreshadowing with Bran hearing Robb and Jon, and then his father in the trees. Delicious
-All of the scenes with that group were great, loved the introduction to the Reeds (Bran mentioning Howland Reed and him saving Ned's life was awesome at a book reader, hopefully they speak of that more later).
-Saw as many scenes with direwolves this episode as we probably did all of last season. Gotta love the production values finally hitting what this story deserves this season.
-Good introductions to new and returning characters this episode (with so many characters at this point, it almost felt like season premiere part B, which lead to another episode of a lot of set up, but I think looking at the season at a whole, this will be a good thing)
-Because it seems to be the scene of talk this episode, I liked the Cat scene talking about Jon.
-As mentioned in this thread, I didn't like the Tyrion/Shae scene. I understand the point of the scene, but it was not well-written and the actress that plays Shae was exploited as not good at acting in this scene. In a show that's steeped in excellent casting, she unfortunately stands out as being the exception to that at times.

I meant to post this as well. Love seeing more of the direwolves. Hope they keep it up.


Loved the new episode. Brienne and Jaime were great. Excellent scene with Sansa and the Tyrells. Really loved the stuff with Bran. Don't care how others feel about it, but I'm happy that Jojen and Meera are in because the Bran stuff is some of my favorite from the books. Good stuff all around and I'm happy to see the Hound.

Parts that I didn't like:

- I wish they were more graphic with the Theon scenes.
He should be missing skin. Missing teeth. Fingers. His first torture scene was pretty lousy except for that first part with the finger nail. I feel like you need to show this violence because it's what makes Ramsay and the Boltons such a menace... The scariest fuckers in the books.

- Again, I was happy to see the Hound and the Brotherhood actors were good but Arya's story has been handled so poorly so far. It doesn't feel like she's been through much. In the books your amazed what she has to survive through. In the show it feels comical.



Series Spoilers including up to ADWD
I'm impressed they'd make that reference with bran and the crow so early. Also they've already started with Reek? Jesus they're going FAST

Theon was tortured throughout SoS, and Ramsay was introduced during CoK. Everything about his story is progressing just as fast as it did in the books, chronologically.

Really enjoyed the episode. I liked how Brienne wiped the floor with the exhausted, shackled Jaime. The swords moved a little slow but I guess that's what real sword fights looked like. Queen of Thorns was great and I really like the new scenes with Margaery.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Interesting thought, I'll keep that in mind going forward.
Or you can read the actual note. Spoilers?

To Robb of the house Stark, the King in the North,
Dark tidings. Arrived at Winterfell late. Theon Greyjoy and (??) Ironmen have put the castle to the torch and fled, leaving no survivors of either Bran or Rickon. Have ordered a search of the surrounding area. Awaiting orders.
Ramsay Snow, son of Roose of the house Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort.


Content Roundup: Dark Wings, Dark Words

Reviews and Recaps:
AV Club review (for book readers)
AV Club review (for non-book readers)
Sepinwall (Hitflix) review
IGN Review
Huff Post recap
WiC.net recap (book spoilers)
Rolling Stone recap
Wall Street Journal recap
Hollywood Reporter recap
Grantland recap

HBO Content:
Inside the Episode: Dark Wings, Dark Words (will update with Youtube link)
"Walk of Punishment" Preview (Please Spoiler Tag any Preview Discussion)

I will update this post will more content tomorrow, as well as add it to the episodes section in the OP.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
So I thought Jaime was supposed to be a bad ass swordsmen... Was that fight the same in the book?
More or less. She has the advantage and Jaime realizes he's outmatched.

[...] ... until, breathless, he stepped back and let the point of the sword fall to the ground, giving her a moment of respite. “Not half bad,” he acknowledged. “For a wench.”
She took a slow deep breath, her eyes watching him warily. “I would not hurt you, Kingslayer.”
“As if you could.” He whirled the blade back up above his head and flew at her again, chains rattling.
Jaime could not have said how long he pressed the attack. it might have been minutes or it might have been hours; time slept when swords woke. He drove her away from his cousin’s corpse, drove her across the road, drove her into the trees. She stumbled once on a root she never saw, and for a moment he thought she was done, but she went to one knee instead of falling, and never lost a beat. Her sword leapt up to block a downcut that would have opened her from shoulder to groin, and then she cut at him, again and again, fighting her way back to her feet stroke by stroke.
The dance went on. He pinned her against an oak, cursed as she slipped away, followed her through a shallow brook half-choked with fallen leaves. Steel rang, steel sang, steel screamed and sparked and scraped, and the woman started grunting like a sow at every crash, yet somehow he could not reach her. It was as if she had an iron cage around her that stopped every blow.
“Not bad at all,” he said when he paused for a second to catch his breath, circling to her right.
“For a wench?”
“For a squire, say. A green one.” He laughed a ragged, breathless laugh. “Come on, come on, my sweetling, the music’s still playing. Might I have this dance, my lady?”
Grunting, she came at him, blade whirling, and suddenly it was Jaime struggling to keep steel from skin. One of her slashes raked across his brow, and blood ran down into his right eye. The Others take her, and Riverrun as well! His skills had gone to rust and rot in that bloody dungeon, and the chains were no great help either. His eye closed, his shoulders were going numb from the jarring they’d taken, and his wrists ached from the weight of chains, manacles, and sword. His longsword grew heavier with every blow, and Jaime knew he was not swinging it as quickly as he’d done earlier, nor raising it as high.
She is stronger than I am.
The realization chilled him.
Robert had been stronger than him, to be sure. The White Bull Gerold Hightower as well, in his heyday, and Ser Arthur Dayne. Amongst the living, Greatjon Umber was stronger, Strongboar of Crakehall most likely, both Cleganes for a certainty. The Mountain’s strength was like nothing human. It did not matter. With speed and skill, Jaime could beat them all. But this was a woman. A huge cow of a woman, to be sure, but even so ... by rights, she should be the one wearing down.
Instead she forced him back into the brook again, shouting, “Yield! Throw down the sword!”

A slick stone turned under Jaime’s foot. As he felt himself falling, he twisted the mischance into a diving lunge. His point scraped past her parry and bit into her upper thigh. A red flower blossomed, and Jaime had an instant to savor the sight of her blood before his knee slammed into a rock. The pain was blinding. Brienne splashed into him and kicked away his sword. “YIELD!”
Jaime drove his shoulder into her legs, bringing her down on top of him. They rolled, kicking and punching until finally she was sitting astride him. He managed to jerk her dagger from its sheath, but before he could plunge it into her belly she caught his wrist and slammed his hands back on a rock so hard he thought she’d wrenched an arm from its socket. Her other hand spread across his face. “Yield!” She shoved his head down, held it under, pulled it up. “Yield!” Jaime spit water into her face. A shove, a splash, and he was under again, kicking uselessly, fighting to breathe. Up again. “Yield, or I’ll drown you!”
“And break your oath?” he snarled. “Like me?”
She let him go, and he went down with a splash.
And the woods rang with coarse laughter.
Brienne lurched to her feet. She was all mud and blood below the waist, her clothing askew, her face red. She looks as if they caught us fucking instead of fighting. Jaime crawled over the rocks to shallow water, wiping the blood from his eye with his chained hands. Armed men lined both sides of the brook. Small wonder, we were making enough noise to wake a dragon. “Well met, friends,” he called to them amiably. “My pardons if I disturbed you. You caught me chastising my wife.”
“Seemed to me she was doing the chastising.”
So yeah, he gets a good hit or two but she basically dominates during the whole fight. Of course, Jaime does have the excuse of being rusty and partially manacled, but he's supposed to be losing this fight, that's how it happened. That's one of the rare things this episode got right, to be honest...

Though I wish they had kept the "wench" lines. :(

I can't believe this thread isn't blowing up over the [not-in-ASoS-or-any-other-book]
made up motivation for Cat feeling guilt over praying for Jon's death
. Unless it was in the books and I don't remember it?
Made up. More of D&D's atrocious fanfiction, I assume. Complete garbage, and once again fostering blame and guilt on Catelyn for no reason.

So they're staying close in areas where it doesn't matter and not staying close in areas where it does. It's really not a problem with time, it's a problem with writing.
Agreed completely. With the rest of your post as well.

We didn't really need to see Tyrion and Shae this episode. Time would have been better spent on Arya or making a longer Jaime/Brienne fight.
Indeed but Dinklage is the star, and an episode without Tyrion probably wouldn't go over well. Sad but true.
Or you can read the actual note. Spoilers?

To Robb of the house Stark, the King in the North,
Dark tidings. Arrived at Winterfell late. Theon Greyjoy and (??) Ironmen have put the castle to the torch and fled, leaving no survivors of either Bran or Rickon. Have ordered a search of the surrounding area. Awaiting orders.
Ramsay Snow, son of Roose of the house Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort.


Yeah I just saw that, thanks.


Holy shit what an episode

The Queen of Thorns is perfect casting, as are the Reeds. QoT is a total cunt, I love it and Jojen's stick up his ass is spot on.

The extra scenes from not in the book were great. I loved Cat's confession, brought a lot of depth to her character and soothes some complaints over her being an ass towards Jon for no reason at all. I swear I felt a tear tingling when she delivered the last line. Fuck.

Margaery and Joff was cool, she's playing him like a fiddle. Girl knows her politics.

Dat warging, greenseeing, and other crowd pleasing moments like Anguy being the resident bad ass archer and Brienne vs. Jamie. Fight seemed a bit slow, but hey, I guess that's what realistic swordfighting looks like. [ASOS]
Was totally expecting Thoros to light up his sword, keeping in line with the supernatural subtext in the episode

Robb [ASOS]
his demise is totally being telegraphed, what with the "You lost the war" line from Karstark. They all know he royally fucked up by marrying that succubus.

Loooooooled at all the fat and gay jokes. Writers are pricks. Loved how the Sam thing escalated with Mormont getting involved lol.

Regarding Theon, [ASOS]
HOLY SHIT ITS RAMSAY!!!! He seems like he's gonna severely fuck with Theon's head. LET THE DOGS LOOSE

I have to agree with whoever said couldn't stop thinking Arya might've seemed more of a threat if she had actually practiced her swordfighting skills instead of spending all that time with uncle Tywin. Nice to see Gendry call her out on her hitlist bullshit.

What a packed episode. Lots of info dump, but it's necessary, and when done with such quality, I don't mind at all.

Shae needs to get bent, though. Jealous hags are the worst


I thought this episode was one of the worst in the series, only saved by Olenna and the BWB. The original writing was, once again, bad fan fiction level. And there was way too much of it.
And to think that I really liked what they added in the first season...

Also, after Vikings, I'd expect better fighting choreography.


I thought this episode was one of the worst in the series, only saved by Olenna and the BWB. The original writing was, once again, bad fan fiction level. And there was way too much of it.
And to think that I really liked what they added in the first season...

Also, after Vikings, I'd expect better fighting choreography.

How's the fighting in Vikings? Is it more kinetic and fast paced?


I'm okay with the fighting looking bad during Brienne vs Jaime because you can expect it with the condition Jaime is in especially given the shackles and Brienne being tired and all... I did imagine something more intense from my imagination though wille reading the book.


Also ASOS+

I love simon, this is gonna make it hard for me to hate his character.


I liked last week's episode more but I didn't think this was bad.

- With the exception of Shae, who was at her all time worst. I've sometimes felt that people have overstated her lack of acting chops but this scene was pretty painful.
- Catelyn scene was good. I recall some reviewer saying it was "character assassination," but clearly that person don't know our Cat.
- I was impressed by Jojen's actor. He has a strong presence and he's probably better than the book version that I had in my head. Meera not so much, but she wasn't really given a chance yet. We'll see.
- *Series spoilers*
Can't wait for Ramsey to reveal himself.
- Thoros isn't at all what I imagined him as but I liked what the show was doing regardless.
- Diana Rigg nailed it. Hope she gets a few more quality scenes.
- Surprise MVP of season 3 so far: Margaery Tyrell! Natalie Dormer is doing an excellent job. I wasn't expecting to enjoy Margaery scenes very much but she's brought life to the character.


Definitely a great episode, nice flow, transition from scene to scene, thematic coherence. Better than last week's.


How's the fighting in Vikings? Is it more kinetic and fast paced?

I haven't seen the latest episode (and I have to admit the first fight outside of the prologue was kind of lame), but yes. Very much so.
Fast paced, brutal (without the need to show any gore) and, most importantly, they don't waste motions.


Or you can read the actual note. Spoilers?

To Robb of the house Stark, the King in the North,
Dark tidings. Arrived at Winterfell late. Theon Greyjoy and (??) Ironmen have put the castle to the torch and fled, leaving no survivors of either Bran or Rickon. Have ordered a search of the surrounding area. Awaiting orders.
Ramsay Snow, son of Roose of the house Bolton, Lord of the Dreadfort.


House Bolton already lying to Robb and not telling him they have Theon? That's a pretty big clue for things to come lol.


Poor Theon my ass. That little fucker deserves every single demeaning thing that happens to him.

Oh you sweet fucking summer child.

I love Iwan, but I am VERY VERY concerned ASOS+
they are not going to do enough with Ramsay to show how much of a despicable human being he his. He's worse than Joffrey by a large, massive margin.

The reeds were fucking perfect. Hyped up, not let down at all.
Episode had some great moments and some cringe worthy moments. I definitely liked the Reed introduction although I do wonder how a non-book reader might feel about it. They come out of nowhere and don't really explain anything, why they want to join Bran, where they're going, etc. And stuff that peeks my interest (like Jojen mentioning how his father feels about Ned) might feel like boring or useless info at this point for a new viewer, dunno.

I also really liked the introduction of Thoros and company. I imagine some folks might complain that Arya's story is being given the Gimli Comedic Relief treatment, but it worked in this episode imo. I'm currently re-reading ASOS and Arya's early chapters have quite a few moments of light humor, thanks to the great Hot Pie of course. I'm guessing they didn't mention Beric because the episode threw enough new characters/names at folks for one night.

Sansa's scene with Margery and Olena was great. I had feared the writers might try too hard to come up with some witty Dowager Countess-esque dialogue but it seemed pretty in line with what's in the books.

Then there's the stuff that didn't work at all to me: Shae continues to just be a bad experiment, an almost criminal retcon of Catelyn, another meh Mance Rayder scene, and some pretty bad acting from Afie Allen; I'm guessing if a screw was going through your foot you'd be a little more...in pain than that.

Overall it wasn't a bad episode and I'm glad it didn't try to shoehorn every character in. Also I continue to be amazed at how boring the writers have made Rob. His story is told off page in the book, and so far I'm not sure they've created a single scene of compelling television for him or "Talisa."
Why are they constantly screwing the Jon Snow story? This is the time where he should be getting the most focus, the majority of the first two episodes should have been about the fear and dread of the cold north, the desperate escape from the white walkers and showing the true scale of the army marching on the wall. As usual they have done a mediocre job of these scenes, today they showed about 20 people walking down a path. Nobody, anywhere, is ever convinced that an army walks in single file lol

Also the Jaime scene was butchered. That was supposed to be an epic battle where he nearly pushes her to the brink of killing him before they are captured. In this they just showed a mediocre duel for fun. They should have been rolling in the dirt, a battle of skill that becomes a messy fight and Jaime is overwhelmed.


Oh you sweet fucking summer child.

I love Iwan, but I am VERY VERY concerned ASOS+
they are not going to do enough with Ramsay to show how much of a despicable human being he his. He's worse than Joffrey by a large, massive margin.

The reeds were fucking perfect. Hyped up, not let down at all.

Looks like we might get a nice hunting scene with Ramsay's bitches next. Hopefully things keep getting worse and worse from there lol.

Also, I'm quite sad about no Goat. :( I mean I knew it wasn't happening obviously since last season, but I'm still bummed. These Boltons that captured Jamie and Brienne just don't feel right.
Episode had some great moments and some cringe worthy moments. I definitely liked the Reed introduction although I do wonder how a non-book reader might feel about it. They come out of nowhere and don't really explain anything, why they want to join Bran, where they're going, etc. And stuff that peeks my interest (like Jojen mentioning how his father feels about Ned) might feel like boring or useless info at this point for a new viewer, dunno.

I also really liked the introduction of Thoros and company. I imagine some folks might complain that Arya's story is being given the Gimli Comedic Relief treatment, but it worked in this episode imo. I'm currently re-reading ASOS and Arya's early chapters have quite a few moments of light humor, thanks to the great Hot Pie of course. I'm guessing they didn't mention Beric because the episode threw enough new characters/names at folks for one night.

Sansa's scene with Margery and Olena was great. I had feared the writers might try too hard to come up with some witty Dowager Countess-esque dialogue but it seemed pretty in line with what's in the books.

Then there's the stuff that didn't work at all to me: Shae continues to just be a bad experiment, an almost criminal retcon of Catelyn, another meh Mance Rayder scene, and some pretty bad acting from Afie Allen; I'm guessing if a screw was going through your foot you'd be a little more...in pain than that.

Overall it wasn't a bad episode and I'm glad it didn't try to shoehorn every character in. Also I continue to be amazed at how boring the writers have made Rob. His story is told off page in the book, and so far I'm not sure they've created a single scene of compelling television for him or "Talisa."
The show writers and directors have shown a severe inability to respond to criticism of the show, they haven't addressed any faults since th e beginning. Namely poor fight choreography, inability to really evoke the emotions of different scenes and the insistence of using Shae and Ros, neither of whom can act. The problem is they are trying to appeal wayyyyyyyy too much to the Tudors medieval spin on soap opera drama - who is sleeping with who, whose relationship is in stife!? In order to get that True Blood crowd. Rather than focusing on the things the books did. Sadly we are going to see another season of mediocre fighting and static direction in the season that needs it the most
Enjoyed tonight's episode more than the premiere.

I know, that's why I watched it on YouTube.

Preview for next week.

cheers for posting this.

Yeah the Cat stuff didn't bother me at all. Depending on how they handled the aging up from the books she was either a teenager or in her early twenties at the time. Considering all the other stuff going on in her life then, and the way she acted towards Jon in the first season, it made sense.

I never thought about it like that.

Watching the encore, and I'm seeing the Joffrey/Marg bedroom scene and when he says he "considered making Renley's perversion punishable by death" I like how there's just a flicker of reaction in her eyes before she plays along as she probably thinks of Loras.

Yeah I loved that. Great that she's able to convey that with so little.
I'd agree that Jon's story has been bad thus far. People have been waiting to see the wildlings and King Beyond the Wall for awhile yet we have two episodes of pretty much nothing.

I'll also agree the show has very meh fight choreography. One of the many areas where Spartacus is better.

I realize the show isn't the book, but in this regard...the idea that Catelyn feels any guilt or shame in regard to how she treated Jon is ridiculous to me. She has always viewed him as a threat to her children, I can't imagine her ever wanting to have him legitimized, even briefly. Nor can I imagine her feeling guilty about hating him. She above all else wants to protect her children, and part of that involves keeping Jon at a distance.

On another note I'm baffled why they changed what Robb and Catelyn learn about Winterfell. Just seems like a waste. Even Larry picked up on how jumbled up it is.
I just can't get over how bad they are ruining Arya.

Why have the training with Syrio if she clearly learned nothing at all? She's a bumbling fool waving a sword around with nothing behind it. She just stumbles upon one event after another as though she has no agency whatsoever. Doesn't know where she's going. The way she gets disarmed makes it look like she was barely holding the sword in the first place. Didn't practice at Harrenhal. Her kills are all pretty much mistakes at this point.

Feels bad, man :(

Also, that swordfight was anticlimactic as fuck. :(

In better news, Queen of Thorns was perfect this episode, and Margaery is great considering how much they have to expand with her. Liked the Reeds even if their intro was a little weird. Loved the Bran stuff overall, and a lot of the foreshadowing in this episode.

Regarding the Joffrey scene (series)
Is that THE crossbow, you guys?

There was no need for a Tyrion scene really at all this episode, but I guess you have to shove your award-winning actor in every episode.

The Theon stuff is great but confusing. I know I was confused in the books by the whole Theon thing as well as the (series)
stuff because I think I was reading way too quickly by that point.


I just can't get over how bad they are ruining Arya.

Why have the training with Syrio if she clearly learned nothing at all? She's a bumbling fool waving a sword around with nothing behind it. She just stumbles upon one event after another as though she has no agency whatsoever. Doesn't know where she's going. The way she gets disarmed makes it look like she was barely holding the sword in the first place. Didn't practice at Harrenhal. Her kills are all pretty much mistakes at this point.

Feels bad, man :(

Yea she didn't even get into her water dancer stance, arya in the books would literally always mention it. The smallest of nitpicks I know. However, I do see why they did the scene as to show hey Arya isn't going to be some badass warrior like Brienne anytime soon she is too small and scrawny for that.

entire series
They do need to start building up her vengeful streak and show how she kills people without brute force and swordfighting, using things like daggers and backstabs. With the condensing of so many of her chapters already and the introduction of the hound they are going to have a lot of time in her story to input these elements. Whether they do so is yet to be seen but they are running out of time to make her transition into cold blooded assassin believable and compelling. The RW will probably put her over the edge but she has one chapter after the RW what are they going to do with her for all of season 4?
I'd imagine a grown man wouldn't have any problem knocking a sword out the hand of even a well trained child swordsman. I'll give them a pass on that, but i do agree Arya's story has been poorly handled. I liked her in tonight's episode though. If anyone got mishandled tonight it was Jon. Two episodes of nothing thus far, and Mance has yet to impress or make an impression. He's been mentioned since season one, I'm baffled they didn't give him a memorable introduction.
I'd imagine a grown man wouldn't have any problem knocking a sword out the hand of even a well trained child swordsman. I'll give them a pass on that, but i do agree Arya's story has been poorly handled. I liked her in tonight's episode though. If anyone got mishandled tonight it was Jon. Two episodes of nothing thus far, and Mance has yet to impress or make an impression. He's been mentioned since season one, I'm baffled they didn't give him a memorable introduction.

The key thing is the way she's portrayed. That scene (and everything leading up to it) makes it seem as though she has learned absolutely nothing this entire time, that's she's just a dumb kid who has made absolutely no progress. Her character is pretty much the same as it was in the first season.
I haven't seen the latest episode (and I have to admit the first fight outside of the prologue was kind of lame), but yes. Very much so.
Fast paced, brutal (without the need to show any gore) and, most importantly, they don't waste motions.

the fighting in Vikings and Spartacus wipes the floor with game of thrones. much better choreography and much more fluid.

i think vikings is the best out of all these "sword and shield" programs right now too. like damn, history channel surprised big time.

this episode of GOT was aiight. I liked the brotherhood a lot but they're mishandling arya and jon pretty badly, and that tyrion and shae (the worst actress on the program) scene was totally unnecessary.

highlights for me were brotherhood and jaime.
LOL came in here and people are talking about Vikings.

Yep. Another +1 for Vikings. Its pretty damn good so far and GoT fans should definitely check it out. If only it were on HBO for some hot shield maiden action...

Back to GoT though, this episode was good. I really need to rewatch last season's finale because I couldn't remember what the hell was going on in half of the character's arcs. Not hard to follow though, just need a refresher. Also, hoping next weeks ep starts right where we left off.
I'd imagine a grown man wouldn't have any problem knocking a sword out the hand of even a well trained child swordsman. I'll give them a pass on that, but i do agree Arya's story has been poorly handled. I liked her in tonight's episode though. If anyone got mishandled tonight it was Jon. Two episodes of nothing thus far, and Mance has yet to impress or make an impression. He's been mentioned since season one, I'm baffled they didn't give him a memorable introduction.
It's been a consistent problem, the North seems to lack scale and quality direction. Perhaps it has something to do with being so far off location. Do all the directors go out to Iceland (or wherever its being shot)? Or is it just one director shooting all the sequences at once? Being so cold they might not have time to get different takes and such?

Sotha Sil

Loved this episode, except for what they're doing with Mance. He's one smooth dude in the books, much more than a rough warrior; it should show.


Loved this episode, except for what they're doing with Mance. He's one smooth dude in the books, much more than a rough warrior; it should show.

That's probably the biggest problem I have with the show: they treat characters as tools rather than...well, actual characters.
The story is not likely to change (or, possibly, worsen) if Mance is not a bard or Vargo doesn't have a lisp or whatever.
They need a character to capture Jaime and a character to be the king beyond the wall, that's all. They fit their role, the story progresses.

But everything feels so...soulless. Empty. In my opinion it's stuff like that that enriches the world, much more than scale or budget.


Made up. More of D&D's atrocious fanfiction, I assume. Complete garbage, and once again fostering blame and guilt on Catelyn for no reason.

Hah, no reason? ASOS
That scene did a pretty good job showing that Cat feels a lot of guilt over what happens to her family, something you get on the books by reading her thoughts, which is impossible to copy and paste to a TV show.
Honestly you sound like you should wait for the ASOIF page by page adaption, Game of Thrones is clearly not going to do it for you.
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