And the music that played as the unsullied marched out of the city got my blood a pumpin
It was really good. It was a reworking of the closing theme from season 1, when you first see the dragons. Great choice to expand it for Dany getting an army.
When they used the "dracarys" moment in S2, I was annoyed, because... you know. I was also greatly annoyed at the stupid dragon theft plot and "where are mah dragons!!!" nonsense. Now I see I was right:
[ASoS]"How lame would it be though, for this guy to give her all the Unsullied and then Dany just says that chant and has the Slaver burned?"
"Nobody with half a brain believes that Dany is going to give away one of her babies. Also, using them to burn the slave trader would be a bit trite."
So, by planting the idea that Dany would never ever part with a dragon at any cost, and spoiling the wonderful "dracarys" moment too early, it appears they will turn one of Dany's best scenes into a trite and predictable one. Way to go, showrunners. :\
She was my fav. But Daenerys freed theis arya anyone elses favorite character? to me, her storyline and that of danaryous (sic lol) stormborn are the coolest and most exciting. tyrion is a close 2nd.
It was really good. It was a reworking of the closing theme from season 1, when you first see the dragons. Great choice to expand it for Dany getting an army.
She was my fav. But Daenerys freed the fucking slaves in fucking style so she took the top spot.
Her name is Daenerys Targaryen, Dany Stormborn, Mother of Dragons, Khalessi of the Dorthraki, Freer of Slaves, True Heir of the Seven Kingdoms, Princess of Dragonstone, Girl with Blonde Hair, Queen of the Andels and the Iron Throne, Queen across the Sea
God LORD, how many friekin names does she have?
Or Kelly C.
I'll never tell.I haven't seen teh 4th episode yet. does she burn them with the dragon she offered in trade?
How do those unlsullied know not to kill Barristan Selmy or Jorah Mormont?
That would have been funny.
Looking forward to watching this. All the talk of cool Daenerys is good to see, even if it's predictable where her story arc is going. My housemates fucking loathe her character, and I'm personally not fond of Emilia Clarke's acting. I haven't read the books, but I get the feeling the essence of what her character is supposed to be (abused, and burdened with a sense of commitment and expectation of her bloodline) isn't communicated very well in the series.
Have G.R.R.M. or HBO ever expressed interest in a prequel series? I'd kill for a live-action version ofRobert vs. Rhaegar.
I think this is the first episode where I was legitimately impressed with her acting. I thought she was decent in season 1, but I thought she was pretty weak in season 2. She was fucking great in this episode though.
I'd totally be down for thatDunk and Eggggg.
Have G.R.R.M. or HBO ever expressed interest in a prequel series? I'd kill for a live-action version ofRobert vs. Rhaegar.
Kinda interesting how... (Littlefinger related)
I really hate the idea of marrying Loras to Sansa. The whole irony of her character is that she's always paired with people who are the reversal of her preconceptions of royalty and knighthood (Joffrey, Sandor). Loras is pretty much her dream guy. Oh well.
you guys need to quit tagging asos spoilers as series or all :\
How do those unlsullied know not to kill Barristan Selmy or Jorah Mormont?
That would have been funny.
Makes so much sense that it will never happen. Like a Halo movie.
However, if GRRM doesn't get his ass in gear and finish the last two books, HBO may not have a choice except to do a prequel season or two. (wishful thinking)
yeah wth I was waiting for the 'she speaks valyrian?!?!' comedy moment.If there was one negative to that final scene, it's the the slave master didn't quite nail the "shit my pants" moment.
Now I see you were wrong.
The show also fails to establish that often just how big the armies in Westeros are. 8000 unmounted troops aren't that much in the grand scheme of things.
Tyrells in general were boss as fuck this episode. Just planting seeds and making moves.
Oh no, I meant my family's reaction to the event itself. They didn't handle what happened during that scene very well. Lots of yelling, some tears. The way they presented the event was good.
Anyone else that read the books disappointed at (asos)The prospect of Sansa marrying Loras? I always considered the prospect of Willas to be a slap in the face to Sansa and sort of the factors to her leaving with Dontos. I guess they are playing up the idea that when he joins the Kings Guard, she'll have no other choice...
Anyone else that read the books disappointed at (asos)The prospect of Sansa marrying Loras? I always considered the prospect of Willas to be a slap in the face to Sansa and one of the factors to her leaving with Dontos. I guess they are playing up the idea that when he joins the Kings Guard, she'll have no other choice but to head out with littlefinger...
Man, you guys are negative. I feel pretty confident that that scene will be awesome to witness, predictable or not.
Hes got a freaky golem expression there.shitty tumblr-quality GIF but still...
yeah, Boy!
I always imagined it like this.Have G.R.R.M. or HBO ever expressed interest in a prequel series? I'd kill for a live-action version ofRobert vs. Rhaegar.
Hes got a freaky golem expression there.
I always imagined it like this.
Prequel spoiler?
Hes got a freaky golem expression there.
I always imagined it like this.
Prequel spoiler?