I'm not sure how you can defend
- Running off to KL, leaving her kids alone, just to deliver a message to her husband
- Capturing Tyrion and dragging him to the Eyrie (not Winterfell, wtf?)
- Trusting the slimy Littlefinger
- Leaving Jamie go
As being good decisions. She's just a frustrated, jealous, superstitious god botherer who doesn't bother to stop and think for a second before doing stuff with huge implications. Catelyn Tully sucks.
Sigh. I, and others, have already explained all of that. It's like talking to a brick wall, I guess.
1. Robb Stark
2. Joer Mormont
3. Gendry
4. Renly
5. Jon Snow
Ewww Renly doesn't belong there.
Also, did you mean Jorah? Jeor is the Old Bear. xD Not that there's anything wrong with being into grandfathers, but... yeah.

1. Jaime Lannister
2. Jaqen H'ghar
3. Ned Stark
It is known.
That's what this is for.
Would be redundant to do another thread.
I agree though, it's kind of annoying having so many threads. =/
This thread is about the book series, not the show. I was thinking that we should have the no-book-spoiler thread, and a TV thread for book readers, where we can discuss the book stuff more freely. Is there any non-reader who actually hangs out in this thread?
(I'm not trying to justify my lack of tags, by the way, this was completely my mistake and it won't happen again I swear ^^. I just wish it weren't necessary to use the tags here.)
As strange as it might sound, some of us here have read the 3rd book but not all of them. That particular spoiler was for book 3, but who knows?
That is indeed strange! What are you waiting for! Read them!
... Ok, that makes sense. Thanks.