Roose's voice is great.
It really is.
Roose's voice is great.
It's pretty typical that Canada runs a minute or two ahead. I think we get different HBO promos before the episode. This week didn't start until 2-3 minutes after the hour.Why are you guys behind? I noticed a few of you are. America is like a minute or 2 off?
I'm in Canada btw.
It was a pretty rough episode and they end on down notes often, so I didn't mind the inversion this week.So am I the only one that thinks the episode should have ended on that epic littlefinger speech rather than the cheesy make out sesh.
asos:ASOSNot sure why they introduced the dragonglass dagger and didn't have it used in the same episode.
I guess.It was a pretty rough episode and they end on down notes often, so I didn't mind the inversion this week.
Also, damn... GOD DAMN @ the torture shit on Theon's finger. Fuck that shit guys!
So only 4 of them made it to the top of the wall?
I'm more convinced now that the skirmish at Castle Black is going to be skipped for total focus on the battle at the wall. I think Jon and Summer will kill everyone at Queenscrown.
Also, damn... GOD DAMN @ the torture shit on Theon's finger. Fuck that shit guys!
No, he means [ASoS]Do you mean the ASOSbattle at Castle Black where Stannis comes in? There is no way they would leave that out of the show given how many story arcs pass through it. I doubt it will be this season either way, though.
Do you mean the ASOSbattle at Castle Black where Stannis comes in? There is no way they would leave that out of the show given how many story arcs pass through it. I doubt it will be this season either way, though.
Book readers who have read up through ADWD,with regards to Arya's storyline, did we just get spoiled on possible Arya stuff that hasn't been put to paper yet? When Melisandre tells her she will kill a brown, blue and green-eyed person, I don't remember anything like that being said in the books. You could definitely make a case for it being her eventual end point for the series but I don't recall anything so blatant being said.
Also, Cersei has green eyes, The going has brown, I believe... Who has blue on her list? Ilyn?
Book readers who have read up through ADWD,with regards to Arya's storyline, did we just get spoiled on possible Arya stuff that hasn't been put to paper yet? When Melisandre tells her she will kill a brown, blue and green-eyed person, I don't remember anything like that being said in the books. You could definitely make a case for it being her eventual end point for the series but I don't recall anything so blatant being said.
Also, Cersei has green eyes, The Hound has brown, I believe... Who has blue on her list? Ilyn?
That's true. I don't think we need a "fuck you, viewers" moment at the end of every episode. I didn't mind it for a change.That shit was tough to watch. Fuck.
I feel like they needed the Jon/Ygritte scene at the end after all the nasty stuff earlier in the episode.
Book readers who have read up through ADWD,with regards to Arya's storyline, did we just get spoiled on possible Arya stuff that hasn't been put to paper yet? When Melisandre tells her she will kill a brown, blue and green-eyed person, I don't remember anything like that being said in the books. You could definitely make a case for it being her eventual end point for the series but I don't recall anything so blatant being said.
Also, Cersei has green eyes, The Hound has brown, I believe... Who has blue on her list? Ilyn?
No, I'm talking the small fight with Castle Black and the raiders Jon was with then they crossed the wall. He escapes at Queenscrown, gets to Castle Black in time to warn them of the attack and they fend it off. The big battle at the wall, where Stannis arrives at the end, is shortly after that.
I'm thinking that first small battle will just be skipped entirely, and Jon and Summer will just kill everyone at Queenscrown, and that Jon rides to the Wall in time to warn everyone of Mance's attack
Did she say kill? I figured that meant she would wear many faces
Was that the girl Joffery was suppose to marry?
No.Was that the girl Joffery was suppose to marry?
Did she say kill? I figured that meant she would wear many faces
Was that the girl Joffery was suppose to marry?
Can we just follow Lady Olenna for a full episode? She's the bestest.
Can we just follow Lady Olenna for a full episode? She's the bestest.
I know.pic spoilers
hoooylylylek shit whaaat
and holy crap sansa looks GIGANTIC in the pic with her and Shae.
I know.
And, uh, to be creepy GAF here,Sansa in that corset. Yum.
No, I'm talking the small fight with Castle Black and the raiders Jon was with then they crossed the wall. He escapes at Queenscrown, gets to Castle Black in time to warn them of the attack and they fend it off. The big battle at the wall, where Stannis arrives at the end, is shortly after that.
I'm thinking that first small battle will just be skipped entirely, and Jon and Summer will just kill everyone at Queenscrown, and that Jon rides to the Wall in time to warn everyone of Mance's attack
episode spoilers jicI love how non book readers seem to be like "... who was that at the end?" but book readers are all "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS FINAAAAAALLLLY!"
I'm so happy she's getting more time in the show than she did in the books. She really deserves a lot of screen time.
-Pyromaniac- said:Sansa looked COMICALLY TALL during that scene.
Read the books, who we talking about here?
She's going to (ASOS)look riiiiiiidiculous next to Tyrion.
ADWDADWDWell I think she's going to kill lots of folks...don't know that it referred to anyone specific. In the books she's already killed 4 or 5 people. What was more interesting to me was the "we will meet again." Arya and Melisandre are a LONG ways away in ADWD.
Wow was that a lot to take in. This seems like the episode where they just said fuck it and started to deviate from the books; Most notably (that I can remember) is (all series)Mel meeting Thoros/Beric. I'm not sure where they're going with that. I guess we can also assume that Gendry is taking the place of Edric, though I'm not sure what the point of him being captured right now is. I guess Littlefinger is going to take Sansa to the boat himself now since there's no one left to play Littlefinger's patsy; I thought that was the whole point of Ros, but maybe they heard the outcries for Ros to get taken off the show and changed their minds. Who knows.
ADWDEntire Series SPOILERSThat's what I thought she said too. Could have been mistaken but I thought she was talking about Arya becoming a Faceless Man.
Thats what I thought at first until she said the thing about"shutting them forever"
On that point...Actual TV show spoilers for later episodes! And also sorta book (ASOS)I think I read somewhere they are actually bringing back Sir Dontos to play the role he had in the book
Oh haha I thought they were talking about a preview or the boat in the bay.Well, it's all out in the open now.Ros.
A final pic to end the night (copy image link for best viewing)
them salty tears
Er, is saying what Valar Dohaeris means a spoiler? I'll delete it from the other thread if that's the case.
Internet will implodeASOSDamn if people are that salty about Ros, what are they gonna do after Episode 9?