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Gameplay wise, which era/generation of Assassin's Creed games you do prefer?

Which era/generation do you prefer for gameplay?

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Parody of actual AJUMP23
I liked the first one where you had to be pretty sneaky to get an assasination in without being seen.

I loved Black Flag. The sailing in that was so much fun.


Gold Member
Syndicate is the classic system at its finest. The grappling hook addition was very fun as well.

Also, Valhalla should not technically be categorized with the previous two. The combat and gear systems changed a lot. It's enjoyable.


I actually prefer the Origins/Odysey/Valhalla formula but I wish they’d cut out all of the typical Ubi bullshit from their game just to pad the hours.

Hey Blinkin

Black Flag is still my favorite Assassin's Creed experience, but I prefer the game play style of Valhalla.

Facing down rogue waves and battling legendary ships was great fun for me. It's also the last AC I actually had the desire to finish despite enjoying the game play improvements of each new game in the series.

I would love more AC like that with Valhalla style game play.


I'm a bit conflicted, I like many of them from the different eras for different reasons, but most importantly, I'm not sure what I exactly think about Black Flag anymore.

While I don't particularly want the loot based system in Odyssey, the freedom in that game was absolutely fantastic and it really improved on Black Flag on that point.
Black Flag used to be my favorite with 2, but even back then I was frustrated that you didn't have a total seamless freedom, most of the islands are fake and you can't land on them, and the big ones have loading transitions to get to them, so it's not particularly immersive either.
Once you are on these islands, the freedom is also quite limited because you have different boundaries everywhere, which is fine, not all games need to be 100% open I understand it, but I really wanted more exploration in this game, being able to explore some desert islands, jungles etc, it would really fit the theme and I think it was a bit lacking on that point.

Odyssey on the other hand... 100% total freedom. You can take your boat and go to ANY island you can see, even stuff super far in the ocean. You will never have any loading, everything is seamless, you can land everywhere, you can swim underwater everywhere, you can climb anything, any moutain, there's almost no limit, it's incredibly satisfying and enjoyable, and it reminded me of what I was dreaming for Black Flag before it came out.

The only negative for exploration in Odyssey that frustrated me is that for some reason they don't allow you to explore with the little boat, sometimes you have 2 islands really close to each other but you can't travel between each with the little boat, it will sink automatically, it's useless, so you have to go to the big one which makes it more tedious, especially since I don't see a reason for this limit.

So I guess the ideal would be a sequel to Black Flag, but with the same freedom as Odyssey. Big scale pirate game with immense freedom of exploration, but with less content bloat.
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Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Ac 2 was at its best but I liked everything until they turned it into dark souls lite. Syndicate was prob my fav stand alone game.


Unconfirmed Member
The Sands of Time era.

Has to be 2. It improved upon almost every aspect of the first and it's an enjoyable game, however, the next one already gave me franchise fatigue and it didn't get much better from there
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Writes a lot, says very little
Unity, no doubt, it had the best parkour, stealth mechanics in the entire series IMO.

Truth. I was really hype to get it around launch and never did. Got it years later and was surprised to see it wasn't as bad as people kept making it out to be

I hope it gets a remaster though to correct those issues, put in better frames, resolution etc. I love the setting of that title.

In terms of my favorite era of AC, hard to say. I like some in each and I didn't play Valhalla yet to really tell if I like ALL the light open world RPG ones, for all I know I just end up liking Origin and Odyssey a lot lol


I very much hope that the series goes back to its roots into a large urban environment without all the RPG mechanics with a smaller yet more focused scope.
Valhalla was such a drag that once I finally forced myself to finish it, I felt like I'm done with the series until they change it drastically again.
The RPG mechanics are also incredibly pointless... in Valhalla when I started the game at lv. 1 when I attacked a normal grunt enemy it took me 3 strikes with the axe to kill him. As I progressed and was at lv.100+ with end game gear and had upgraded my axe and gear to max level guess how many axe strikes it took me to kill a normal grunt enemy, 3 strikes with the axe. Amazing RPG mechanics.

The parkour animations were a little fucked up but it felt the best. But the combat sucked.

Unity combat was slightly janky but it was also the most challenging because it didn't rely completely on riposte but finding openings and dodging gunfire. I died more in that game than all the other AC games combined. I'd argue it was one of the better combat mechanics if they just fine tuned it a little bit without making Arno too OP.
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Reseterror Resettler
The new guard. Valhalla may be a bit excessive, but I had a good time with Odyssey and I legit think Origins is a fantastic game, even outside of the Assassin's Creed confines. Origins, Ezio trilogy, and Black Flag are definitely the AC standouts.


Really liked the original (for its ambition and scope at the time) and the 2nd (for massive improvements on the original formula). Of the new ones I've only played Odyssey and really liked that too, although for very different reasons. Overall my vote goes to the Ezio trilogy, for me it was the perfect synthesis of what they could do at the time and how well they achieved it. Plus Ezio is so god damn lovable.


The latest 3, with origins being by far the best, mostly because of the location.

The combat is still pretty shitty but miles better than the perfect counter borefest that were the previous games.

Also i prefer the bootleg witcher 3 structure with loot of different rarity.


Unity should've said, but Syndicate? It was shit and weightless. Unity had the hardest combat system that only need to be a bit faster and more engaging.

Well, who cares, Ghost of Tsushima is the best Assassin's Creed game ever.


It's a tough one... I really liked AC2 era but it would feel dated now, especially the one-trick combat and the slowness of it all.

I'm going with Unity just for parcour and somewhat interesting combat. It's not perfect but going back it still holds up and the games actually get to stop before it gets boring after 30-40 hours.

Modern AC has ok combat but no interesting parcour, going for large open world instead which - to me - is a step in a wrong direction. Especially with 100+ hour of repetitiveness, I've had enough of it.
Played quite afew assassin creeds while in lockdown, thoght id give the franchise another chance since i stopped playing after black flag, personally i found unity and origins to be the best in the series, probably would of been revelations if i played it at the time, i found unity to be incredibly under rated but i never did any of the side missions because ubi through a ridiculous amount to that game, dlc was abit shite though


Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla, the last one was a bit disappointing in the end, i still enjoyed it though, the 3 open world games are my preferences,

I only played AC 2, Brotherhood and Revelations 2 years ago, so i don't have any memories from when they were new, they are still really good games though.


Ac2 was great. I tried to get back into the series with ac3 and got bored and then tried ac4 and the same thing. I think I'm over the series.


Black Flag was by far my favorite but only because of the ship battles. Take that out and nothing before Origins tickles my taint.


Yeah that was a common complaint from people who were bad

honestly, this stupid excuse should be a bannable offense on here. how the fuck can you be "bad" in a fighting system that's a fucking QTE?

guess what, the whole time I played the game I didn't die once... why? because it was a braindead shitshow


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
For Gameplay I voted Odyssey etc. since they have a lot of similarities of WRPGs and Cassandra and Bayek were such a great characters. I also really love AC2 and Brotherhood. Ezio is probably THE best character in all of video games and the dungeons and puzzles were quite compelling.


I haven't played them all, and its actually been a while since I played one. Had the most fun with Black Flag (pirates) and the colonial America one.
honestly, this stupid excuse should be a bannable offense on here. how the fuck can you be "bad" in a fighting system that's a fucking QTE?

guess what, the whole time I played the game I didn't die once... why? because it was a braindead shitshow
Your response is trash. The million threads about the combat in unity being too hard must just be in my imagination
I don't care what casuals think is hard combat. if you think Unity is hard you should try a career in Game Journalism I guess
How does it feel to be so awesome? Wow you certainly are the best. Must be lonely up there all by yourself.
Enough jokes.
Do you know how opinions work?
Let me fill you in. I can like something and you don't have to. You can like something and I don't have to. None of those things makes something bad.


E,io trilogy is peak Assassins Creed, but Black Flag iscgoat to me cause pirates. The new ones can go to hell. Bloated (even by AC standards) and with crappy rpg elementa forced in


How does it feel to be so awesome? Wow you certainly are the best. Must be lonely up there all by yourself.
Enough jokes.
Do you know how opinions work?
Let me fill you in. I can like something and you don't have to. You can like something and I don't have to. None of those things makes something bad.

you came here accusing me of being too bad to find the god awful combat in Unity good... I simply told you the game's combat is braindead ;)
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The parkour animations were a little fucked up but it felt the best. But the combat sucked.

I felt combat to be very engaging and satisfaying, while it was a little bit button mashing, I considered it a nice evolution from previous installments, but I can understand why some people don't find it good too.

I agree with you about parkour feeling the best indeed, in fact I consider parkour in Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla even though a little bit better in some departments, a little bit worse in global. (just a little bit).


I've not played one properly since Unity, I was quite burned out on the formula by the time Syndicate came out and I played never played Origins due to the combat system. Odyssey I tried for 10-12 hours and I found aspects of it fun but the gear system/stealth was now burbo tufts after how much fun I had stealthing and slicing in Unity.

I wanted to replay Unity recently but its far too hard to run with MSAA on at 4K and achieve 60fps, this is on a 1080 but I believe even a 2080 ti wouldn't be able to do it, the game is extremely crusty so it really needs the MSAA to look good at 4K. I still think the facial animations are some of the best nearly 10 years on, Valhalla is an embarrassment in this regard, for the most part anyway. The dynamic time of day system makes them look so shit so much of the time, the best ones are the big story ones or where the event happens at a specific time of day and it jumps to that time.


Voted for Black Flag because that one is my favorite game in the franchise but I think all the games in the franchise have issues.

Modern has the best melee combat but I don't like the traversal (too automatic) and at least in Odyssey the stealth sucks (even making a stealth build I'd often encounter enemies I couldn't kill with a backstab...what?)
Classic has better traversal and I like the stealth better but melee combat sucks and it relied a bit too much on things like tailing missions and repetitive "activity" based design.

Black Flag shares many of the issues of "classic" AC but overcomes them by focusing on the ship which was awesome.


Gold Member
Decided I'm going to buy the Ezio Collection as soon as it's on sale again. I grabbed Rogue Remastered (on sale for $9 on the Xbox store).

I'll play through most of them again probably later this year, and I can see my favorites changing. Haven't played any of the Ezio entries since around launch.


Syndicate is by far the best Ass Creed game. Best setting, great protagonists, decent story and great gameplay. Only 2 comes close.

The RPG Ass Creed games have overall been meh. Such a shame how it’s turned out.
AC1 is the best, apart from having to watch a ton of boring cutscenes everytime you boot into the game. The climbing was the best, and the missions are actually challenging (as far as I can remember). 2 was also good. I liked 3 for the most part. Controversially I didn't like black flag that much, but it was probably series burnout.
AC1 had actual challenging assassination missions, where you had to scout out your target and their movements. It also had tougher combat from what I remember. The psp spinoff Bloodlines (which probably no one here played) was also really good for a psp AC Game. It also started off with a cool premise for the animus and the astergo parts with Desmond were good story wise.

AC2 though is my all time fav. It was such a large game and Ezio had character, desmond they fleshed out too. He was relatable. The game itself always felt like you were progressing somewhere. Between the different locations and building your village/castle in Montigerno.

Haven't played brotherhood or revelations yet. I own them on steam and switch. Working on replaying ac2 on switch now.

AC 4 was fun but not a ac game. I hated the Abstergo current time crap. After they got rid of Desmond that had to go.
Now all current time/abstergo sections are just some lesbian no personality zoomer and her handler for a few minutes.. basically blocking you from the main game. They are there just to be there. Its been the same bland no name zoomer for the last 4+ games, ever since syndicate or unity i think. Black flag just had generic corporation and skipped most of real world stuff.

At least Desmond had some personality and Niles was an asshole you loved to hate.

Best protagonist was Ezio, followed by Altier(ac1) and Bayek(ac origins). The others were lacking in unique personality, The unity guy, Arlo (i don't even remember his name) was like carbon copy of Ezio in both looks and personality.

The worst character was the Aya, who betrays Bayek over vengenance and power, that she really doesn't even portray right. You never feel any emotion from her for Bayek or her son. I personally couldn't stand her.

Vahalla had the blandest characters. The female version (and most women in that game) look like skinny dudes. It really takes me out of it. Woke take over of ubisoft complete. Her voice is manly, her face is manly and her body is manly. They didn't have this problem before twitter people blasted them. sucsk as this era could of had some really jaw dropping, kick ass babes, but not what we get .
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