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gamesindustry: Critics agree that Sony's PS5 transcends on-paper comparisons to Xbox


Are there any actual games other than Astro that actually utilize the DualSense tho? Like WD, AC, upcoming CoD or CP2077, any of the BC/patched PS4 titles? Demon Souls or Miles Morales maybe? Because whenever I read all the praise about DualSense all of it is based solely on that tiny tech demo and not what really matters, the games, not even the 1st party launch titles it seems...

It was. It was way more advanced than any modern TV with all the build-in AI, voice recognition etc., years ago, it was basically MS really wanted the XB1 to be the center of the living room, but that came at a cost, 100$ to be precise, hence it didn't took off and died pretty quickly, it just wasn't a crucial gaming-related feature, but I saw the concept, experienced it, and I kow where MS
You haven't read very much. I'm pretty sure all launch games use either haptics, adaptive triggers, or both. Ethomaz posted a lengthy list somewhere. Off the top of my head, all first parties will use both. NBA2k21 uses both. Godfall uses haptics, maybe triggers too. I think haptic feedback is pretty much baseline, as implementation is as easy as rumble. Exclusives will obviously lead the way with how extensively they use the features, but it's nice to see some multiplats like NBA2k21 making good use of the triggers, for example.
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Breaking, the REAL PS5 LOGO:


Series X has
More power
More storage space
1440p support
Archiving next gen games on external drive
Auto HDR for BC games
Quick resume
Significantly improved load times for BC games (better than PS5)

Yet I'm still more excited to buy a PS5 over a Series X. I hope Sony patch the some of the stuff Series X has such as VRR, archiving games to external drives, quick resume in the first 6 months atleast. But the reason I prefer PS5 over Series X is because of the first party lineup in the first year in comparison to Series X. I also am more excited about the controller even though it's most likely gimmicky. Also like activity cards taking you straight into a certain point in a game instantly.

You forgot Halo Infinite and the incredible XSX exclusive games in 2020 and 2021, oh wait, there is nothing...

The DualSense alone is so much more exciting than your whole list, and I'm not even talking about the PS5 exclusive games coming in 2020 and 2021.


Christ, this thread is a mess. Its epitome of console wars and fanboyism. Attacking John from DF is so out of place. I didnt know that DF coverage hurt people so badly to the point that they have to publicly attack John. Why can't you people just be normal and celebrate that we have 2 wonderful consoles, both with strenghts and weaknesses. Are you really so low that you have to attack somebody else because they chose the other console? Threads like these makes me want to avoid gaming forums.


As everyone noted .. both launch lineups suck... but playstation linueup does suck less.

slow clap...

Reminder that the xbox one had a better launch lineup than ps4.... ;)

love how they call that a bad launch lineup ... welcome to 2020 bitches lol
But PS5 has a better launch than both of those systems combined based on reviews.


The ps5 is going to wipe the floor with the Xbox sales wise. Why would I be “such a joy”? I don’t have an attachment to a company or a piece of plastic. I just hate fanboys spreading BS and FUD.

What FUD? Xbox Series X release tomorrow & PS5 release in a few days the people saying PS5 feel like the only next gen console right now are people who was sent both consoles & from playing the consoles they feel PS5 is better right now.

So far we don't even see anything coming in the next year or so that will change the tide in favor of Xbox Series X.
He's totally full of shit, they thrive on all of it, and they play up emotions that they're people with feelings to get another select group of people to feel bad for them and defend them.

Their entire business is built from inciting controversy and then crying about the result of it.
Did he play with your feelings? Poor baby...


Some are right to say Demon's Souls is a remake but...

It is a remake that very few players have the chance to play... most part of the Souls fanbase (that grew after Dark Souls) don't ever touched Demon's Souls.

Atlus only printed like 900k units of the game for US and never did a reprint... Sony sold about the same outside US and the game in terms of physical sales probably never crossed 2 million units.

Plus the game only got a Digital version for PS3 in 2013 when the PS4 was already the hot thing in the market and most where already moving to next-generation.

So it is a game that will do like a new game for most gamers and Souls fans.

I won't be surprise if that game is a hit with better sales than Bloodborne for example.
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Ask me about my Stream Deck
I mean Microsoft fans are going to have to put up with it until they have some actual next gen titles. Right now they are just shipping an Xbox One X part 2 without them. Yeah you can say they have the best whatever, but it's a last gen console until it gets some new games.


The ps5 is going to wipe the floor with the Xbox sales wise. Why would I be “such a joy”? I don’t have an attachment to a company or a piece of plastic. I just hate fanboys spreading BS and FUD.
It is not fanboys spreading anything but rater everybody that received the two consoles are saying only one is a next-gen experience.

If you want to blame... blame MS for that... not the fans, journalist or GAF lol
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You guys think MrFunSocks MrFunSocks is going to be okay? I'm picturing him standing in a room full of people enjoying shit like Demon's Souls and Miles Morales turning red in the face screaming "YOU DAMN FOOLS, IT'S THE SAME GAMES AS BEFORE WITH A NEW COAT OF PAINT" or some shit.

He's going to be ok, he puts people on his ignore list whenever he gets frustrated and can't troll them. I'm already on that list. :)
That's kind of contrary statement IMO - it might turn out to be an advantage, BUT - only in exclusives, a.k.a. games that cannot be compared elsewhere.... So you can build up any philosophy you want than cannot be verified, like we saw some people already tried with HFW - "You see! Told you, this game looks so damn good because the SSD loads all those high quality assets directly to the GPU, Cerny is a true genius and visionary!" - except it turned out it's a PS4 game and SSD has absolutely nothing to do with it.

I don't think it is.

There are two main hardware differentiators here (besides the controllers).

The Series X TF advantage, that I believe, will not be noticable for most, if not all gamers.

The PS5 SSD/IO advantage may end up being appreciable by most, if not all gamers, despite that advantage only coming in a handful of PS5 exclusives.

In other words, I'm significantly more optimistic in the PS5s unique advantage than the Series X advantage.


There is no but...it's a remake.
Quote the other part of the post lol
There is a big but.

People are trying to deny the game as a next-gen launch because it is a remake... the reality is it is a remake that most never played... even for the Souls fanbase it is the first time playing Demon's Souls.

The game is top requested and anticipated games from the past not just because its quality (imo the best Souls games released) but because most never played it.
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Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
This is simply the natural outcome. A projection people not blinded by fanboism should have seen coming.
We all know when its truly time to deliver one company stand above another.

Plus, any objective person can see that this was the only way it was going to turn out. Especially at launch. MS prides itself on the whole "no generations" thing. Hence, the XSX doesn't feel as next-gen. That's by design from MS.


PS5 "feels" like new-gen and XSX don't?

for me, the most impressive new UI feature is QuickResume, only possible in XSX.

If we are talking about loading times, wtf, PS5 has not crushed XSX. We are waiting for new-gen games comparisons
Series X has
More power
More storage space
1440p support
Archiving next gen games on external drive
Auto HDR for BC games
Quick resume
Significantly improved load times for BC games (better than PS5)

Yet I'm still more excited to buy a PS5 over a Series X. I hope Sony patch the some of the stuff Series X has such as VRR, archiving games to external drives, quick resume in the first 6 months atleast. But the reason I prefer PS5 over Series X is because of the first party lineup in the first year in comparison to Series X. I also am more excited about the controller even though it's most likely gimmicky. Also like activity cards taking you straight into a certain point in a game instantly.
Many of those things are coming:
Oh damn that's from Yoshida direct? DAAAAMMMMNNNNN :pie_roffles:

I mean, he's wrong; from what I've seen both systems have a great taste of next-gen to them at launch. Do prefer Sony's UI though and Dualsense looks like it'll have a lot of potential.

This almost has a classic SEGA/Nintendo level of marketing rivalry to it. Ah, the good ol' days (where I was just a toddler and therefore missed out on most of that mudslinging).
Oh damn that's from Yoshida direct? DAAAAMMMMNNNNN :pie_roffles:

I mean, he's wrong; from what I've seen both systems have a great taste of next-gen to them at launch. Do prefer Sony's UI though and Dualsense looks like it'll have a lot of potential.

This almost has a classic SEGA/Nintendo level of marketing rivalry to it. Ah, the good ol' days (where I was just a toddler and therefore missed out on most of that mudslinging).

It's actually from gamesindustrybiz. They writer made a summary of over a dozen reviews of the system. It's hurt one of the things that he found.


The title is quite clickbaity ("transcends" lol), but it's good that Sony is doing something new with the controller and actually has a nextgen game on release. And it's true that Series X feels more like an upgrade compared to PS5, even though they're both obviously nextgen.


Xbox shoulda been 14+ tf imo. Not enough power over PS5 to show a difference and people may play multi plays on PS5 for the controller and activity cards.


1440p, storing in external storage or quick resume can be added via firmware update, as VRR is very likely to come since it was supported. So regarding these advantages, PS5 can achieve them. And regarding quick resume in next gen games between shorter cold boot times and having the quick access to stages or game modes the time can be even shorter in PS5. Without it, even if it doesn't resume exactly in the some point it works with all the installed games instead of with the few last played ones son in average you may save more time in PS5 in next gen native games.

We also have to see the difference in next gen exclusive multis both in performance and loading times. Series X has a bigger theorical peak in some areas, PS5 has a lead in other ones (like GPU frequency, I/O, etc) so we still have to see if the supposed we can assume specs (which proportionally are smaller than in the previous gen) is really there of it's as big as we can understand from the specs. Specially now considering that with modern image reconstruction techniques it's more difficult to spot games that have been rescaled in their resolution. I think that beyond watching DF-like videos almost nobody will notice the differences.

Regarding Gamepass, we still have to see how PS Now is going to be this gen and how it's going to perform in PS5 and which type of games they add. I mean, we saw PSN now features crazy speeds and isn't superslow anymore. This, combined with the PS5 hardware decompression system, increased speed and reduced latency of wifi 6 and Bluetooth 5.1 and a potential improvement in their coded or resolution must mean that PS Now streaming will perform way better on PS5 than in PS4 and will potentially perform better than xCloud for consoles (due to the compression/wifi6/bt 5.1). And well, we know that even if doesn't feature day one AAA games it has a way bigger library. And well, now there's the PS Collection there on top of that.

I mean yes, Series X has a lead in several areas now. But some of them we still have if it's really the case because we have to see them on real world instead of in paper. And we also have to see if other ones aren't already solved via firmware update by Sony in a few weeks or months as it is the case of VRR support to name one.

I think that in a few weeks or months the list of things where Series X has a lead will be way shorter. And obviously they may be important for some people and for some other ones they will prefer MS exclusives/brand for many reasons like to keep their library, they may prefer the Gamepass approach or another thing like their Quick Resume approach, so I think many people will still prefer Series X.

But I think that in overall PS5 has more benefits and more importantly, I think they will be more important for the majority of players. Like the amount of big exclusives during the first or second year, how fast native games load and maybe some additional innovation if it ends being meaningful and properly supported by 3rd party games like the cards or the DualSense features instead of being a mimick that only ends being used by a couple of games. And well, this is beyond talking about having a bigger pool of previous gen players who want to keep their library etc.
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Gold Member
I'll enjoy them both. I'm glad EA play will give me another game to play in Jedi Fallen Order on the 10th. I'll download Forza Horizon 4, Gears 5, and Valhalla and try them all via quick resume. On the 12th I'll play Demon's and Spiderman. Off of work this week. Keep fighting fanboys. Your posts are funny. Maybe put that endless energy into something productive like the gym. 😘



Oh damn that's from Yoshida direct? DAAAAMMMMNNNNN :pie_roffles:

I mean, he's wrong; from what I've seen both systems have a great taste of next-gen to them at launch. Do prefer Sony's UI though and Dualsense looks like it'll have a lot of potential.

This almost has a classic SEGA/Nintendo level of marketing rivalry to it. Ah, the good ol' days (where I was just a toddler and therefore missed out on most of that mudslinging).

Actually is from gamebiz and it’s in fact the narrative that has come out of the reviews for both consoles.

Yes we know you also have your opinion. You’re entitled to one.


The said screenshot was a normal Sony's single character screenshot which I saw throughout the PS4 era. What's next-gen about it?
that’s not the point at all, star citizen looks amazing as it should having over a billion dollars thrown at it. (Hyperbole) it’s a ridiculous comparison.


Gold Member
Anyone notice that the dualsense isn't getting hyped up when it comes to Mile Morales? It got rave reviews when it came to Astrobot.

I just wonder if I should pull the trigger on Valhalla on Xbox One so that I can play it a little tonight or if the controller will actually make a good difference in 3rd party games...
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It's been obvious for a while that this could be the outcome of a generation-break Vs. a generation-less strategy.

The plot twist that I think most people weren't expecting was just how big of a differentiator the controller would be. Yes, we knew that the calls from GiantBomb and Co. of wanting the DualShock 4 to be the PS5 controller were dumb as shit, and yes we knew that tethering the new Xbox to 10 year old controller tech was a terrible idea. But I don't think anyone could have guessed that the DualSense -- and not the I/O SSD architecture -- would immediately make the Series X|S consoles look outdated.

The last time a controller had this kind of effect was the Wiimote and the claims of it being a 'magic wand'. But even then, the horsepower of both the 360 and PS3 still kept both consoles feeling like a new generation. This time, with both the PS5 and Series X being capable of 4K gaming with performance modes, the horsepower -- as crazy as it sounds -- has never been more irrelevant. So the 'twist' is that not only is the new generation being defined by the input device, but for Microsoft, the one thing that their new hardware can't do is the exact thing that will make their new hardware always feel old.

It's hilarious when you think about it. It's like there was a cake baking contest and one baker went all out with the ingredients and frosting and shit, and it turns out the fork would be the deciding factor.
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There’s an alternate universe where people are just excited to get their new consoles without taking shots at each other, point scoring and comparing dick size, and without media outlets fanning the flames of war. I like that universe.

Enjoy your new consoles, GAF. Fuck what anyone else is doing or saying.
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