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GameSpot: Remember When PS3 Almost Lost the Console War?


Saying you missed out on games if you didnt have a 360 or PS3 seems like a reach to me. I actually preferred the Wii Library of exclusives in the end compared to Sony's. Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 are some of my favorite games ever. I could say you missed out on some amazing games if you didn't have a Wii. MP3, SMG 1 &2, Xenoblade, No More Heroes, Mario Strikers, Punch Out, Smash Brawl, Mario Kart Wii.

Not being a dick, but I really was upset with MArio Galaxy 1 and 2 lol.
I even put it in my top controversial gaming posts or whatever the thread is. I really didnt like them. I understand they were amazing, but after world, 64 and sunshine it really wasnt the same.
Odessy I love though. I much prefered the Wii U game library honestly But that might just be me.

Wonderful 101, Breath of the Wild. Splatoon, Mario Kart, Mario Maker. Beyonetta. Smash lol And Pikmin 3 ( probably my fav franchise after fireemblem and zelda )
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
It was still shitty, slow console with terrible controller, so I don't care who won and who does not. X360 all the way. Besides no other electronic device, which I ever had actually crack while getting warm or why getting cold. I hade Slim model. To be fair PS4 build quality is any less shitty, it just have shape which prevent this. But who the fuck design those buttons on that thing? And fans obviously. But to be fair PS4 have some of the best game I ever played, exluding TLoU 2.


The PlayStation 3 suffered from Sony's massive ego, and trying to be an over-the-top tech powerhouse, rather than a fun gaming system first and foremost. It was really the period where Sony was convinced that PS3 would succeed because it was a PlayStation. Thus, they could put whatever they wanted in it, release it whenever they wanted, target it at whoever they wanted, sell it for whatever they wanted, market it however they wanted, and release whatever games they wanted for it, and however many they wanted.

Once reality hit them like a hard brick, they had to completely 180 that arrogance and shift the PS3's image away from "The Big Scary, $600 console" to a much friendlier gaming-focused machine. The PS3 went from an over-the-top media center for hardcore tech heads, to a fun gaming system for everyone in just 3 years. That's a pretty impressive turn around in hindsight, especially as Microsoft got complacent with the 360's success that they tried to ram their own esoteric technology down everyone's throats (Kinect).
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Speaking as a PlayStation fan, I think Sony got some major hubris after their arrogance at launch.

I think that served them well coming into PS4.

On the cusp of a new gen and PS5, most of the higher-profile names at Sony seem to be gone and I wonder if the current execs have forgotten the lesson that PS3 taught them. I guess we'll see.
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In my view, PS3 did lost that generation. They kept it in stores for years after PS4 launched and did some tricky accounting to get a number above 360. They might have reached it all things considered (Xbox was missing in a number of regions like Japan), but it doesn't change the fact that they were playing catch up the whole time.


But in the end Sony won because of brand loyalty.

It didn't won because of brand loyalty, or they would have stormed out of the gate with PS2 players jumping on day one.

They only caught up in the second half of the generation when 360 exclusives slowed down and PS3 exclusives ramped up.

Out of all the reasons we talk about here on what's important for consoles it almost always comes down to two things - games and price.


In my view, PS3 did lost that generation. They kept it in stores for years after PS4 launched and did some tricky accounting to get a number above 360. They might have reached it all things considered (Xbox was missing in a number of regions like Japan), but it doesn't change the fact that they were playing catch up the whole time.

Then did the Atlanta Falcons beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl? Atlanta had a huge lead and New England spent the entire game catching up.

Sure The Patriots scored more points, but that's only because of some trickery by scoring while Atlanta wasn't playing as well in the second half.


Then did the Atlanta Falcons beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl? Atlanta had a huge lead and New England spent the entire game catching up.

Sure The Patriots scored more points, but that's only because of some trickery by scoring while Atlanta wasn't playing as well in the second half.
Is that baseball? I appreciate American culture, but not the sports part.


Gold Member
Plus Wii doesn’t count because
Notto disu shitto agen :messenger_expressionless:

Listen, it's been 8 years and you butthurt Sony stans were plenty vindicated by the WiiU's abysmal performance. Can we please stop with the ridiculous drive-by comments and the goalpost moving already? It's embarrassing, seriously.

PS3 did perfectly fine considering it cost an arm and a leg at release and multiplats often ran worse than on X360. It grew slower than usual for a PS, but it performed very well in the end.


It's kind of amazing that even 15 years later, the merit (or lack of it depending on your position) of the Cell processor will still bring up pages of new debate when brought up. At the very least, you couldn't deny their marketing. I wonder what we would have seen in a world where when developers did end up using it well, it wasn't just making up for the weaker RSX GPU, which even a year late missed out on unified shaders, unified memory, and didn't have high bandwidth eDRAM right on the ROPs like Xenos.


Gold Member
I remember seeing PC games at the time and being dissapointed because "PS3 games looked better, they 'popped more'" by pre-launch bullshots (specially those from FFvsXIII and Tekken)... Then I saw myself even more dissapointed when I played on an actual PS3 lmao.
It did lose that gen. It was a backwards console that didn't start picking up steam until the very end. Halo vs Killzone was such a joke. lol
Uncharted 2: Best paced game of all time. What an experience that game was for the time.

Agree with others. It lost that gen handily overall.
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Notto disu shitto agen :messenger_expressionless:

Listen, it's been 8 years and you butthurt Sony stans were plenty vindicated by the WiiU's abysmal performance. Can we please stop with the ridiculous drive-by comments and the goalpost moving already? It's embarrassing, seriously.

PS3 did perfectly fine considering it cost an arm and a leg at release and multiplats often ran worse than on X360. It grew slower than usual for a PS, but it performed very well in the end.

and still don’t get why anyone would call sony fan’s butthurt?
Playstation has ruled the console market since October of 2009.
We’ve all been pretty happy since 2009. I think its everyone else being butthurt and sensitive.

Was the Wii U competition against PS3 or PS4? or is that the Switch? Ive made my points about how I feel Nintendo is not in competition with anyone and have been doing there own thing.

Im a big Nintendo fan so its pretty funny people just calling me a Sony fanboy lol And how im a butthurt.

If you want to compare the sales of a £180 console that had the same specs as its predecessor, to a £499 console that was an actual next gen console you do that. Every other generation which had consoles competed that had similar price and specs. Just like the 360 and PS3.

Tbh I really dont care that much, its just my opinion on how I felt about the generation. If the guiness book of records says otherwise
I wouldnt argue. Id still state my facts about how I felt why that generation went the way it did
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There's still no telling if it or the 360 sold more. No argument to be made otherwise, it's completely unknown.

Think Xbox reported at 84 million.

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It seems like every couple of generations, a company gets cocky and thinks they have brand loyalty for life. Nintendo with the N64, Sony with the PS3, Microsoft with the Xbox One. Your brand loyalty only goes so far.

If Microsoft has an amazing system, more powerful hardware and a slew of first party games, everyone will happily switch back over to Xbox.
Sony was way too ambitious in their pursuit to premium tech, they lost their way in their quest for power. PS4 was them regaining their humility and be realistic in their tech goals at the same time empower game creators and consumers like how it was with PS2 and PS1 generation. Can't wait for PS5!
Also the rumble support was removed because Microsoft teamed up with Immersion to sue Sony and block them from using rumble in the ps3 controller right?


As someone who bought a PS3 wayyy before Xbox, I'm sorry, PS3 lost, there's no way other way to look at it.

Everyone seems to compare numbers, saying ok technically PS3 ended up selling a few million more than xbox. So what? If they came from absolute dominance to eeking out a minuscule advantage, that's still a loss in my books.

Also consider this small advantage was gained AFTER Microsoft had given up on the 360 and effectively moved on. MS gave up it prematurely and the content just stopped, I don't know why.

Lastly, gaining this advantage towards the end doesn't mean shit because Xbox had the thought leadership for part of the generation that mattered the most. They had the mindshare, the spotlight.

Sony didn't almost lose. They fucked up big time. Just like MS did this generation.


The absolute sales figures don't tell the whole story, at least for me. Sony has really made it difficult to launch the PS3 and almost got Microsoft to steal the butter from bread. And while Microsoft dropped everything that did the first XBox well, Sony has started to get software right. Therefore, the PS3 is clearly the winner for me. We wouldn't have all of Sony's games and great PS4 without everything that happened during PS3.


Gold Member
PS3 is the biggest comeback of all time in gaming. It finished the generation with the best games, many released in its last big year, and outlived the Wii by a large margin.
I would actually say that Final Fantasy XIV is the biggest comeback of all time in gaming.


I would actually say that Final Fantasy XIV is the biggest comeback of all time in gaming.

It is, PS3 didn't come back from anything.
Microsoft surrendered victory of this gen the day they decided to pull the "online only, no used games" stunt.

PS3 by all means lost the gen and lost all the third party exclusives that mattered, which shows how utterly stupid was Microsoft's own mistake.
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Blood Borne

If anything, PlayStation 3 showed how strong the “PlayStation” brand really is.
Only PlayStation can launch a year late (15 months late in Europe), $600, worse ports, less robust online ecosystem compared to its main rival and a slew of other issues and yet still remain competitive sales-wise, even reaching second place.
If Nintendo or Xbox was in that position, they’ll be extinct by now.

The brand is too strong.
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I don't understand the logic of win/lose on these forums sometimes. Regardless of which faction you belong to, the facts are painstakingly obvious:

- Sales: PS3 finished in 2nd place; they didn't win, but they certainly didn't lose either. The Wii won and the Xbox 360 lost, as they came 3rd
- Software: Sony was the only publisher to consistently pump out high-quality exclusive content across the entire generation. As they have done, every generation. No surprises there.

Internally, Sony would consider the PS3 a loss, when compared to their other home consoles. Hopefully they've learned from their mistakes on that front.

If games is what this truly is about, then every Sony home console has won their respective generation, as they simply produce the most varied & best games (the data doesn't lie).

Nintendo are experimentalists; they try a lot of new things each generation - but much like Microsoft, they leave their systems to die/rely on 3rd party support from year 4 onwards.

EDIT: Like the comment above mine states
- The brand strength of PlayStation is simply unparalleled. No other gaming manufacturer would survive if they made the colossal errors that Crazy Ken & Co made back then. Maybe Nintendo...as they probably only need to release Mario, Zelda and Pokemon to make money...gotta have franchises to milk...
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I would actually say that Final Fantasy XIV is the biggest comeback of all time in gaming.
In therms of software I agree. But a console like PS3 is much more important for the industry than a single game. Never before or since an obvious looser ended up so well. In its final years PS3 was the best of its generation, in terms of games and even sales (Wii dropped in 2011).


I don't understand the logic of win/lose on these forums sometimes. Regardless of which faction you belong to, the facts are painstakingly obvious:

- Sales: PS3 finished in 2nd place; they didn't win, but they certainly didn't lose either. The Wii won and the Xbox 360 lost, as they came 3rd
- Software: Sony was the only publisher to consistently pump out high-quality exclusive content across the entire generation. As they have done, every generation. No surprises there.

Internally, Sony would consider the PS3 a loss, when compared to their other home consoles. Hopefully they've learned from their mistakes on that front.

If games is what this truly is about, then every Sony home console has won their respective generation, as they simply produce the most varied & best games (the data doesn't lie).

Nintendo are experimentalists; they try a lot of new things each generation - but much like Microsoft, they leave their systems to die/rely on 3rd party support from year 4 onwards.

EDIT: Like the comment above mine states
- The brand strength of PlayStation is simply unparalleled. No other gaming manufacturer would survive if they made the colossal errors that Crazy Ken & Co made back then. Maybe Nintendo...as they probably only need to release Mario, Zelda and Pokemon to make money...gotta have franchises to milk...
I'd say that normally the best console, with the best and most games, is also the best selling: Atari VCS, NES, Snes (this one a close victory), PS1, PS2 and PS4. The Wii is the only exception, being the worst dominant console of all time in my opinion.


That was really fun, thanks :) yep, i bought the ps3 slim...2010... Loved it.. but eventually sold it, couldn't really say why, i think i just got bored of the games i had and couldn't afford any of the big titles which would have reversed my experience.
Best gen ever in terms of console wars.

The 360 launched first and got the crown, then the ps3 and the wii arrived going after the 360 kingdom, at first MS stood their ground and unleashed amazing games, but eventually they got corrupted by the Wii success, that brought to the war an innovative tool that made everybody amazed, the problem was, that the mere copy made by MS proved to be a dumb thing and they insisted on it, while the ps3 got arrogant and sent their soldiers with an amazing tool, but... Too hard to use, so they failed hard at first.. However, they didn't quit and made everything they could to recover.

At the end: The Wii got it deserving first place, the Ps3 fought bravely and recuperated their honor and the 360, that had everything conquered, perished in disgrace.

Sounds like the Rome, Byzantium and Cathage rivalry but in console form. 😂😂


Wii won that gen. No doubt about it. Nintendo created something different, and at a low entry price. It managed to capture a huge crowd. A lot of people not interested in consoles suddenly had a Wii. It was more than just a console I guess. You had to have one.

But as quickly as the Wii had risen up, it fell off a cliff just as hard something like 4 or 5 years down the line. I think a huge chunk of that crowd Nintendo managed to reach went to tablets and mobile gaming. The Wii ultimately sold only about 10 million units more than the PS3.

This all was Sony's luck. Because as we remember both Sony and MS wanted a slice of what Nintendo managed to grab. MS went all in with Kinect, and Sony took a more cautious approach with its Move. Kinect and Move came out when the Wii was just past its prime. Kinect had a great start due to some ridiculous marketing but I think it didn't manage to expand the 360 userbase as much as they hoped. MS lost touch with the core audience that made the 360 a success to begin with. Meanwhile Sony doubled down on core games. And up to 2013 they kept on releasing games like The Last of Us. I think the PS3 saw an excellent final phase, it was clearly the console of choice during that period and it paved the way for the PS4. MS at the same time didn't have much to show for the 360 and to make matters worse they decided to force feed Kinect with their next-generation system. Everyone with half a brain knew the motion controls hype was done for by then.

The PS3 era is a period Sony probably doesn't really want to look back at. The company was in utter shambles. They lost a shit ton of marketshare and an amount of money they were never going to recuperate. The PS3 launch probably would've killed a lot of companies that weren't Sony.
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I love the "in my head it lost" comments. That's not the way it works, you don't chose who wins. PS3 sold more that's a fact.

In my head i'm the president but nobody cares.

PS3 had a difficult start for sure, but in the end it had by far the better games and that's what matters.

On the technical side, latest games were really impressive and superior to x360 games, so the Cell was ultimately vindicated.
Wii won that gen. No doubt about it. Nintendo created something different, and at a low entry price. It managed to capture a huge crowd. A lot of people not interested in consoles suddenly had a Wii. It was more than just a console I guess. You had to have one.

But as quickly as the Wii had risen up, it fell off a cliff just as hard something like 4 or 5 years down the line. I think a huge chunk of that crowd Nintendo managed to reach went to tablets and mobile gaming. The Wii ultimately sold only about 10 million units more than the PS3.

This all was Sony's luck. Because as we remember both Sony and MS wanted a slice of what Nintendo managed to grab. MS went all in with Kinect, and Sony took a more cautious approach with its Move. Kinect and Move came out when the Wii was just past its prime. Kinect had a great start due to some ridiculous marketing but I think it didn't manage to expand the 360 userbase as much as they hoped. MS lost touch with the core audience that made the 360 a success to begin with. Meanwhile Sony doubled down on core games. And up to 2013 they kept on releasing games like The Last of Us. I think the PS3 saw an excellent final phase, it was clearly the console of choice during that period and it paved the way for the PS4. MS at the same time didn't have much to show for the 360 and to make matters worse they decided to force feed Kinect with their next-generation system. Everyone with half a brain knew the motion controls hype was done for by then.
The Move also ended up helping Sony in developing the PSVR. Sure, by the time PSVR came out, the Move was horribly outdated as a VR control scheme. But it was functional and cheap, and something PSVR need to get out the door at an affordable price. And PSVR became the best selling VR headset. Move would be retired for PSVR2, but it did its job in playing its part in the VR future.


The Move also ended up helping Sony in developing the PSVR. Sure, by the time PSVR came out, the Move was horribly outdated as a VR control scheme. But it was functional and cheap, and something PSVR need to get out the door at an affordable price. And PSVR became the best selling VR headset. Move would be retired for PSVR2, but it did its job in playing its part in the VR future.

I feel it just happened to work as VR controllers turn out to be kind of similar. I'd rather had Sony creating unique PS VR controllers that looked less like those damn dildos. Its funny because I gave my PS3 Moves away just when the PS4 came out. And now they fetch ridiculous prices.


Sony had the best commercials. I never did own a PS3, but that sure didn’t keep me from wanting one thanks to these badass ads:

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ChatGPT 0.001
Backwards compatibility allows players to come back to classic games, I admit having a chance to replay MGS4, Uncharted 2 etc is very appealing.


One of the green rats
It did loose. In all the main individual markets.
but I loved it! Still pull it out from time to time to play RR7 from time to time.


Lost half their PS2 user base tons of former third party exclusives and Wii beat them on hardware.
Thank god they did take a beating because they doubled down on their own exclusives and made the PS4 what it is today.
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